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<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">1920×1080</a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank">1280×1024</a></p>
<p style="text-align: c
function myFunction() {
var myActiveSpreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var myActiveSheet = myActiveSpreadSheet.getSheets()[0];
var url = myActiveSheet.getRange(1,1).getValue();
var image = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
to: '',
subject: 'image',
body: 'image',
pragma solidity ^0.4.13; //solidityのバージョン指定
contract Methoco {
address owner; //contractのイニシエータであるowner(Hashアドレスにて同定)を宣言
uint public akushuken; // 公開される握手券を宣言
uint constant price = 1 ether; //ブロックチェーンでやり取りされる単位(価格)を1 etherと定義
mapping (address => uint) public fans; //握手券を購入するファン(アドレス)をマッピング
function Methoco(){
pragma solidity ^0.4.13; //solidityのバージョン指定
/* オーナーの定義 */
contract owned {
address public owner;
function owned() {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner {
shigahi / methocoin.sol
Last active September 14, 2017 07:11
Metho Coin code
pragma solidity ^0.4.16;
import "./SafeMath.sol";
contract MTC {
using SafeMath for uint256; //uint256変数にはSafeMathを適用する。
string public constant symbol = "MTC";
shigahi / what-is-object.js
Last active September 24, 2017 17:24
explanation for object
var BerlinOffice = { // varは変数(variable)を作るときに使う。BerlinOfficeオブジェクトを作る。オブジェクトは {} でひとかたまり。
"company" : "Classmethod Europe Berlin Office", // {} の中で xxx : yyy という塊を作り、複数作る場合は , で区切る。
"city" : "Berlin", // この塊をプロパティと呼び、左 xxx はプロパティのname(名前)、右 yyy はvalue(値)。
"employee" : 10 // 値を "" で囲むと文字列となり、囲まないと変数や数値として扱われる。
}; //プログラムの改行は ; を使う。
console.log(; // cityプロパティを指定してコンソール出力、プロパティの値である Berlin が表示される。
console.log(BerlinOffice.employee + 1); // 数値には四則演算子が使える。この場合 employee の値 10 + 1 = 11 が表示される。
console.log(; // .length は文字列にあらかじめ用意されているプロパティ。文字数である32が表示される。
console.log(; // .toLowerCase() はメソッドというオブジェクト内の関数。companyの文字列を全部小文字にする。
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<a href="" target="_blank">【重要】Live Dwango Reader/LDR Pocketサービス終了のお知らせ</a>
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var ldrHeader = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); // ページから divタグの配列を取得して変数に定義。
ldrHeader[0].style = ""; // 配列の先頭が該当するお知らせヘッダーなので 0 で指定し、そのstyleプロパティを空にする。
ldrHeader[0].innerHTML = ""; // 同様に<div></div>に囲まれた部分を innerHTML プロパティで取得して空にする。
So on May 26th at 2am, three club executives at the club Vanity in Roppongi were arrested. About 50 cops showed up and arrested them. And they were charged with violating The Entertainment Business Law. And Entertainment Business Law is that basically you can’t dance after 1am, but they had registered as a restaurant, so they were kind of exploiting a loophole, but the cops decided that they were gonna... they weren’t gonna let that fly so they showed up arrested these executives. They were going ‘til 5am, right?
Yeah, it’s really strange that they have this signs in there saying, no dancing, but you know everyone is dancing and it’s kind of what do you... what constitutes as dancing? Like, is bobbing your head dancing?
So do the cops show up and see if people were dancing first or did they just assume that people were dancing?
I wonder why Vanity and not some of these other establishments?
I mean you can go to karaoke or you know, there’s other things to do.
so i made twenty six two am three club executives the club vanity and bundy were arrested about that did. Cops showed up and arrested them and they were charged with violating the entertainment business law and the entertainment business law is that basically you can't dance after one a m but they had registered as a restaurant so they were kind of exploiting a loophole the cops decided that they were gonna they weren't gonna let that lie so they they showed up and arrested. These is a executives they were. They were going till five a.
yes it's really strange that they they have this science and they're saying no dancing. But you know everyone's dancing you know and it's kind of what do you what constitutes is dancing like is bobbing your head dancing?
the cops show up and see if people were dancing first or did it just assume that people were dancing ?
i wonder why vanity and some of these other establishments
i mean you go cut ok that others are munitions in there.