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Zuzana Arnoldová shosanna

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shosanna / gist:5176645
Created March 16, 2013 14:33
New conditionality and the case of Honduras
New conditionality and the case of Honduras
Zuzana Dostalova
Poverty reduction and social exclusion
Gothenburg University
Development aid has gone through a deep changes during the last decades. What have started as “Structural Adjustment programmes” (SAP) were later on during the 1990s translated into more inclusive and human “Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers” (PRSP). Major difference between thesee programmes launched by the Bretton Woods institutions (BWI) lies in the conditionalities. In SAP, the conditions were mainly tight with neo-liberal economical politics and with the notion of economi growth. There has been a delusion, that deregulation will lead to economic growth which will then lead to poverty reduction. As we have seen in the past, that was not the case for many countries, especially in Africa.
The so called “post-developmentalist” era of PRSP introduce a whole new type of conditions. The focus is not anymore on growth but more likely on a partnership and cooperation. Poor countries can a
shosanna / gist:5176646
Created March 16, 2013 14:34
New conditionality and the case of Honduras
New conditionality and the case of Honduras
Zuzana Dostalova
Poverty reduction and social exclusion
Gothenburg University
Development aid has gone through a deep changes during the last decades. What have started as “Structural Adjustment programmes” (SAP) were later on during the 1990s translated into more inclusive and human “Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers” (PRSP). Major difference between thesee programmes launched by the Bretton Woods institutions (BWI) lies in the conditionalities. In SAP, the conditions were mainly tight with neo-liberal economical politics and with the notion of economi growth. There has been a delusion, that deregulation will lead to economic growth which will then lead to poverty reduction. As we have seen in the past, that was not the case for many countries, especially in Africa.
The so called “post-developmentalist” era of PRSP introduce a whole new type of conditions. The focus is not anymore on growth but more likely on a partnership and cooperation. Poor countries can a
New conditionality and the case of Honduras
Zuzana Dostalova
Poverty reduction and social exclusion
Gothenburg University
Development aid has gone through a deep changes during the last decades. What have started as “Structural Adjustment programmes” (SAP) were later on during the 1990s translated into more inclusive and human “Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers” (PRSP). Major difference between thesee programmes launched by the Bretton Woods institutions (BWI) lies in the conditionalities. In SAP, the conditions were mainly tight with neo-liberal economical politics and with the notion of economi growth. There has been a delusion, that deregulation will lead to economic growth which will then lead to poverty reduction. As we have seen in the past, that was not the case for many countries, especially in Africa.
The so called “post-developmentalist” era of PRSP introduce a whole new type of conditions. The focus is not anymore on growth but more likely on a partnership and cooperation. Poor countries can a
score = 0
questions.each do |question|
invalid_answer = true
while invalid_answer
puts question["text"]
question["answers"].each_with_index do |answer, index|
values = ["a","b","c","d"]
questions = [
{"text" => "Hlavni mesto San Marina?",
"answers" => ["Torino", "San Marino", "Vatikan", "Terst"],
"correct" => 1},
{"text" => "Kdy byl upalen mistr Jan Hus?",
"answers" => ["6.7.1415", "6.6.1414", "6.8.1415", "5.7.1415"],
"correct" => 0},
{"text" => "Respektovani jineho presvedceni, jinych nazoru je:",
questions = [{"text" => "Hlavni mesto San Marina?","answers" => ["Torino", "San Marino", "Vatikan", "Terst"], "correct" => 1},{"text" => "Kdy byl upalen mistr Jan Hus?", "answers" => ["6.7.1415", "6.6.1414", "6.8.1415", "5.7.1415"],"correct" => 0},{"text" => "Respektovani jineho presvedceni, jinych nazoru je:", "answers" => ["Ochota", "Tolerance", "Ucta", "Duvera"], "correct" => 1}, {"text" => "Telefoni cislo na Hasice je?", "answers" => ["150", "155", "156", "158"], "correct" => 0}, {"text" => "Ktere z nasledujicich slov patri do spisovne cestiny?", "answers" => ["sprtat", "vyhecovat", "unyly", "cimra"], "correct" => 2}, {"text" => "Ktery z nasledujicich jazyku pouziva AZBUKU?", "answers" => ["Bulharstina", "Litevstina", "Rectina", "Rumunstina"], "correct" => 0}, {"text" => "Ktere z nasledujicich slov cteme stejne jako piseme?", "answers" => ["Dialog", "Exhalace", "Pointa", "Atase"], "correct" => 3}, {"text" => "Jak se jmenoval vlastnim jmenem V.I.Lenin?", "answers" => ["Putin", "Rasputin", "Uljanov", "Onegi
shosanna /
Last active January 3, 2016 11:09
Rozcestnik dnešního doučování s odkazy


Napište program, který vypíše čísla od 1 do 30, ale pro násobky 3 vypíše dané číslo a ktomu řetězec fizz, pro násobky 5 dané číslo a k tomu řetězec buzz, pro násobky obojího dané číslo a řetězec fizzbuzz.

Výstup by měl vypadat následovně:

3 fizz
shosanna / task.rb
Created January 17, 2014 13:02
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :description, :tag_ids
validates_presence_of :title, :description
has_many :solutions, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, through: :solutions
has_many :taggings
has_many :tags, through: :taggings
class SolutionsController < AuthenticatedController
before_filter :require_admin, only: :index
def index
@solutions = Solution.scoped
def create
solution =[:solution])