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majid mohamadi shutdown57

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am shutdown57 on github.
  • I am shutdown57 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 8EE5 9B2F 3879 D683 565E DA82 1133 0A2F 932B 297F

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shutdown57 / .vimrc
Created December 10, 2017 22:42
my vimrc file
:colorscheme molokai " Set colorScheme
:set number " Display line numbers on the left side
:set ls=2 " This makes Vim show a status line even when only one window is shown
:filetype plugin on " This line enables loading the plugin files for specific file types
:set tabstop=4 " Set tabstop to tell vim how many columns a tab counts for. Linux kernel code expects each tab to be eight columns wide.
:set expandtab " When expandtab is set, hitting Tab in insert mode will produce the appropriate number of spaces.
:set softtabstop=4 " Set softtabstop to control how many columns vim uses when you hit Tab in insert mode. If softtabstop is less than tabstop and expandtab is not set, vim will use a combination of tabs and spaces to make up the desired spacing. If softtabstop equals tabstop and expandtab is not set, vim will always use tabs. When expandtab is set, vim will always use the appropriate number of spaces.
:set shiftwidth=4 " Set shiftwidth to control how many columns text is indented with the reindent operatio
shutdown57 / db.xml
Last active February 26, 2018 19:28
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- SQL XML created by WWW SQL Designer, -->
<!-- Active URL: -->
<datatypes db="mysql">
<group label="Numeric" color="rgb(238,238,170)">
<type label="Integer" length="0" sql="INTEGER" quote=""/>
<type label="TINYINT" length="0" sql="TINYINT" quote=""/>
<type label="SMALLINT" length="0" sql="SMALLINT" quote=""/>
<type label="MEDIUMINT" length="0" sql="MEDIUMINT" quote=""/>
فکر میکنم برای اینکه بتوانیم جواب مشخصی را از آن مرحله بدست بیاوریم
منظورم اینه که اگر مراحل افقی رو به شکل زیر در نظر بگیریم:
develop ----- test ----- product
و مراحل عمودی رو به شکل زیر در نظر بگیریم:
develop ------------------------test ------------------------------------product
manage Unit test feedback
structure Integration testing monitoring
implement Interface testing backup
... ... ...