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DeadZen> it can be part of zenview too
[02:33] <yrashk> erlang+
[02:33] <yrashk> :-P
[02:33] <DeadZen> i mean once the changes are clear
[02:33] <DeadZen> you're free to add them into the dev environments
[02:34] <yrashk> yea
[02:36] <DeadZen> i think thats a good idea
[02:36] <DeadZen> another thing i think erlang needs
[02:36] <DeadZen> is to have the networking stack separate
[02:36] <DeadZen> it has 2 parts
exec erl -pa apps/*/ebin deps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl \
-sname foobar_dev +K true \
-s alog \
-s foobar \
-config ./priv/fpobar \
-config ./priv/alog
-spec(start/0 :: () -> ok).
start() ->
ok = application:start(foobar).
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 3-Aug-2011::21:08:05 ===
** A simple OpenGL example:
** randomly generated polygons purturbing around
** Author: Hongwei Xi (hwxi AT cs DOT bu DOT edu)
** Time: January, 2010
~/erlexps [si14@si14-laptop] [15:03]
> erlc pttest.erl -pa .
forms: [{attribute,1,file,{"./pttest.erl",1}},
fun{a1,a2:t@ype} // [zip0] is a template
zip0 (xs: list0 a1, ys: list0 a2): list0 '(a1, a2) =
case+ (xs, ys) of // [case+] indicates the exhaustiveness of pattern matching
| (cons0 (x, xs), cons0 (y, ys)) => cons0 ('(x, y), zip0 (xs, ys))
| (nil0 (), nil0 ()) => nil0 ()
Foobar = lists:foldl(fun(...) ->
end, ...)
foobar(X, [H|T]=Lst) when X > H ->
foobar(_, Lst) ->
import re
from pprint import pprint
SESSION = "session.test"
VOLUME = "volume.test"
def find_with_tail(prefix):
return lambda s: re.compile(prefix + r":(\d+)(.+?)(?:(?=" + prefix + ":)|$)", re.I | re.S).findall(s)
def parse(terms, s):
"Unix.Unix_error(1, \"sendto\", \"\")"}}}