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[2018-11-15 00:46:54.464] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ------>>>>>> new request for /channels/mychannel/chaincodes
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.464] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Decoded from JWT token: username - Jim, orgname - Org1
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.465] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ==================== INSTANTIATE CHAINCODE ==================
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.465] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - peers : undefined
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.465] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - channelName : mychannel
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.465] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeName : mycc
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.465] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeVersion : v0
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.465] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeType : node
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.465] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - fcn : undefined
[2018-11-15 00:46:54.466] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - args : a,100,b,200
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.917] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ------>>>>>> new request for /channels/mychannel/chaincodes
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.919] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Decoded from JWT token: username - Jim, orgname - Org1
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.920] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ==================== INSTANTIATE CHAINCODE ==================
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.920] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - peers :
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.921] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - channelName : mychannel
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.921] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeName : mycc
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.921] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeVersion : v0
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.921] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeType : node
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.921] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - fcn : undefined
[2018-11-15 22:11:42.922] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - args : a,100,b,200
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.453] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ------>>>>>> new request for /channels/mychannel/chaincodes/mycc
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.453] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Decoded from JWT token: username - Jim, orgname - Org1
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.454] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ==================== INVOKE ON CHAINCODE ==================
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.454] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - channelName : mychannel
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.455] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - chaincodeName : mycc
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.455] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - fcn : move
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.455] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - args : a,b,10
[2018-11-16 01:09:21.456] [DEBUG] invoke-chaincode -
============ invoke transaction on channel mychannel ============
{"header":{"number":"1","previous_hash":"27f7422199b055c965148d75f24f9fa25d00049f9fe0343da11c6fbcb57ae9af","data_hash":"3e24afe8e2b3071876c8043a2de2e8b84940f31e305cc1f691a29317cac2d68c"},"data":{"data":[{"signature":{"type":"Buffer","data":[48,69,2,33,0,144,246,114,67,152,23,163,21,252,88,16,184,121,122,55,213,31,127,62,136,107,181,7,251,32,158,215,211,17,222,53,21,2,32,6,39,38,199,10,203,50,179,26,127,123,235,94,206,248,25,62,23,33,24,154,104,255,25,98,6,56,200,195,39,187,58]},"payload":{"header":{"channel_header":{"type":3,"version":1,"timestamp":"2018-11-15T22:11:43.167Z","channel_id":"mychannel","tx_id":"979eeb030e6adf9689f39163192fbb9bcba00e6942ef4d1ea6de10d982d234fe","epoch":"0","extension":{"type":"Buffer","data":[18,6,18,4,108,115,99,99]},"typeString":"ENDORSER_TRANSACTION"},"signature_header":{"creator":{"Mspid":"Org1MSP","IdBytes":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICGTCCAb+gAwIBAgIQKKKdQSzsDoUYn/LPAuRWGTAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjBzMQsw\nCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNU2FuIEZy\nYW5jaXNjb
"header": {
"number": "1",
"previous_hash": "27f7422199b055c965148d75f24f9fa25d00049f9fe0343da11c6fbcb57ae9af",
"data_hash": "3e24afe8e2b3071876c8043a2de2e8b84940f31e305cc1f691a29317cac2d68c"
"data": {
"data": [{
"signature": {
"type": "Buffer",
"validationCode": 0,
"transactionEnvelope": {
"signature": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [48, 68, 2, 32, 91, 105, 199, 96, 83, 193, 9, 32, 199, 248, 188, 107, 13, 224, 112, 85, 75, 249, 71, 141, 51, 180, 195, 92, 118, 147, 67, 75, 247, 183, 237, 62, 2, 32, 21, 129, 90, 63, 164, 132, 131, 188, 220, 28, 11, 133, 62, 83, 159, 159, 84, 161, 153, 190, 188, 30, 231, 25, 129, 134, 191, 175, 14, 212, 193, 105]
"payload": {
"header": {
"channel_header": {
"height": {
"low": 3,
"high": 0,
"unsigned": true
"currentBlockHash": {
"buffer": {
"type": "Buffer",
"data": [8, 3, 18, 32, 248, 53, 249, 153, 75, 164, 219, 254, 60, 2, 135, 171, 235, 29, 109, 98, 149, 120, 232, 33, 186, 239, 117, 28, 227, 192, 49, 13, 147, 206, 92, 215, 26, 32, 84, 162, 148, 92, 25, 59, 250, 207, 194, 175, 11, 216, 121, 76, 250, 45, 9, 165, 253, 22, 1, 188, 210, 87, 57, 169, 247, 143, 239, 252, 226, 10]
[INFO] SampleWebApp - ****************** SERVER STARTED ************************
[2018-11-14 23:26:54.610] [INFO] SampleWebApp - *************** http://localhost:4000 ******************
(node:73116) DeprecationWarning: grpc.load: Use the @grpc/proto-loader module with grpc.loadPackageDefinition instead
[2018-11-14 23:42:30.667] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ------>>>>>> new request for /users
[2018-11-14 23:42:30.668] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - End point : /users
[2018-11-14 23:42:30.668] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - User name : Jim
[2018-11-14 23:42:30.668] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Org name : Org1
[2018-11-14 23:42:30.672] [DEBUG] Helper - getClientForOrg - ****** START Org1 undefined
[2018-11-14 23:42:30.683] [DEBUG] Helper - [NetworkConfig101.js]: constructor, network_config: {"name":"balance-transfer","x-type":"hlfv1","description":"Balance Transfer Network","version":"1.0","channels":{"mychannel":{"orderers":[""],"peers":{"":{"endorsingPeer":true,"chaincodeQuery":true,"ledgerQue
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.364] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ------>>>>>> new request for /channels
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.364] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Decoded from JWT token: username - Jim, orgname - Org1
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.364] [INFO] SampleWebApp - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< C R E A T E C H A N N E L >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.364] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - End point : /channels
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.365] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Channel name : mychannel
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.365] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - channelConfigPath : ../artifacts/channel/mychannel.tx
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.365] [DEBUG] Create-Channel -
====== Creating Channel 'mychannel' ======
[2018-11-15 00:06:10.365] [DEBUG] Helper - getClientForOrg - ****** START Org1 undefined
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.372] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - ------>>>>>> new request for /channels/mychannel/peers
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.373] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - Decoded from JWT token: username - Jim, orgname - Org1
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.373] [INFO] SampleWebApp - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< J O I N C H A N N E L >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.374] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - channelName : mychannel
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.374] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - peers :,
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.374] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - username :Jim
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.374] [DEBUG] SampleWebApp - orgname:Org1
[2018-11-15 00:14:31.375] [DEBUG] Join-Channel -
============ Join Channel start ============