即解锁脚本, 是交易输入里面, 用来证明自己所有权一个私钥签名scriptPubKey
即锁定脚本, 即上一笔交易输出(本次交易的输入)里面用来锁定所有权的字节序列
is Script opcode used to verify that the signature for a tx input is valid. OP_CHECKSIG
expects two values to be on the stack. These are, in order of stack depth, the public key and the signature of the script. These two values are normally obtained by running the scriptSig
script of the transaction input we are attempting to validate. The scriptSig
script is deleted after it is run, but the stack is left as is. Then, the scriptPubKey
script from the previous transaction output that is now being spent is run, generally concluding in an OP_CHECKSIG