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Sid Krishnan sidk

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I hereby claim:

  • I am sidk on github.
  • I am sidk ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBV4Wtq2MoEW13SvzrkRiK7Myfbsj_DvpFekvfAa_vOGwo

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sidk / .vimrc
Last active September 21, 2019 16:09
vimrc (used for nvim)
packadd minpac
call minpac#init()
call minpac#add("pangloss/vim-javascript")
call minpac#add("jelera/vim-javascript-syntax")
call minpac#add("mxw/vim-jsx")
call minpac#add("leshill/vim-json")
call minpac#add("kien/ctrlp.vim")
call minpac#add("tpope/vim-fugitive")
call minpac#add("tpope/vim-unimpaired")
call minpac#add("tpope/vim-surround")
sidk / init.vim
Created July 21, 2018 04:49
init for nvim
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
source ~/.vimrc
// REMOVE THIS LINE ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/jsx.vim
let b:ale_fixers = {}
let b:ale_fixers = ['prettier', 'eslint']
let b:ale_linters = ['eslint']
let b:ale_javascript_eslint_options = "--no-ignore"
let b:ale_fixers = {}
let b:ale_fixers = ['prettier']

My go-to debugging methodology for logical errors


  1. You've identified one function that's not doing what you want. Though we'll briefly look at how to narrow down a broader problem (like a bug report) to one function at the end of the article, that won't be the focus of this article.
  2. Your function does not have any side-effects. In other words, it does not have any effect on the world outside itself. While you can definitely apply the methodology discussed here to functions with side-effects, we won't talk specifics here.
  3. You have a reliable and easy way to execute your function and inspect its return values for a wide range of inputs. This can range from a simple console.log statement all the way to a full fledged test suite.
  4. You don't have any syntax errors in your code.

Debugging process for a logical error:

How would you summarize your proposal, in one sentence?

A funding request to continue developing Ruby Ecosystem - a web application that collects metrics from Bundler and and graphs them.

Who are you, and how are you related to the project?

Sid Krishnan, project developer. I am helping André Arko, project creator, develop it.