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Modified to pluck tag from end of stream automatically
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Originally from CLR Security licensed by Microsoft under MIT License
// Modified by Crypteron under MIT License
// changelog
// - Make decrypt symmetrical with encrypt by keeping tag at the end
// of ciphertext. This oddity requires some buffer management
// but better to do internally here than expect all users to
// perform tricky buffer management themselves.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Security.Cryptography
/// <summary>
/// Generic crypto transform, which implements authenticated symmetric encryption and decryption for
/// algorithms implemented in the BCrypt layer of CNG. This type is used as the workhorse for the
/// BCryptAuthenticatedSymmetricAlgorithm generic BCrypt authenticated symmetric algorithm
/// implementation.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class BCryptAuthenticatedSymmetricCryptoTransform : CriticalFinalizerObject,
private SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle m_algorithm;
private byte[] m_chainData;
private bool m_chainingSupported;
private SafeBCryptKeyHandle m_key;
private MemoryStream m_inputBuffer;
private bool m_encrypting;
private bool m_transformedFinalBlock;
private byte[] tailBuf;
private int tailBufValidCount;
private byte[] inputExcessBuf;
private int inputExcessBufValid;
/// <summary>
/// Create an encrypting authenticated symmetric algorithm transform. This type takes ownership
/// of the incoming algorithm handle, which should no longer be used by the calling code after
/// it has called this constructor.
/// </summary>
internal BCryptAuthenticatedSymmetricCryptoTransform(SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle algorithm,
byte[] key,
byte[] nonce,
byte[] authenticatedData,
bool chainingSupported,
int tagSize) :
this(algorithm, key, nonce, authenticatedData, new byte[tagSize / 8], chainingSupported)
m_encrypting = true;
/// <summary>
/// Create a decrypting authenticated symmetric algorithm transform. This type takes ownership
/// of the incoming algorithm handle, which should no longer be used by the calling code after
/// it has called this constructor.
/// </summary>
internal BCryptAuthenticatedSymmetricCryptoTransform(SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle algorithm,
byte[] key,
byte[] nonce,
byte[] authenticatedData,
byte[] tag,
bool chainingSupported)
Debug.Assert(algorithm != null, "algorithm != null");
Debug.Assert(!algorithm.IsClosed && !algorithm.IsInvalid, "!algorithm.IsClosed && !algorithm.IsInvalid");
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
if (tag == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("tag");
bool initializationComplete = false;
m_algorithm = algorithm;
m_key = BCryptNative.ImportSymmetricKey(algorithm, key);
// Initialize the padding info structure.
BCryptNative.InitializeAuthnenticatedCipherModeInfo(ref m_authInfo);
if (nonce != null)
m_authInfo.cbNonce = nonce.Length;
m_authInfo.pbNonce = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_authInfo.cbNonce);
Marshal.Copy(nonce, 0, m_authInfo.pbNonce, m_authInfo.cbNonce);
if (authenticatedData != null)
m_authInfo.cbAuthData = authenticatedData.Length;
m_authInfo.pbAuthData = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_authInfo.cbAuthData);
Marshal.Copy(authenticatedData, 0, m_authInfo.pbAuthData, m_authInfo.cbAuthData);
if (chainingSupported)
m_chainingSupported = chainingSupported;
m_authInfo.cbMacContext = tag.Length;
m_authInfo.pbMacContext = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_authInfo.cbMacContext);
BCryptNative.GetValueTypeProperty<SafeBCryptAlgorithmHandle, BCryptNative.BCRYPT_KEY_LENGTHS_STRUCT>(
m_chainData = new byte[tagLengths.dwMaxLength];
m_inputBuffer = new MemoryStream();
m_authInfo.cbTag = tag.Length;
m_authInfo.pbTag = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_authInfo.cbTag);
Marshal.Copy(tag, 0, m_authInfo.pbTag, m_authInfo.cbTag);
// Set chaining mode if supported.
if (CanChainBlocks)
m_authInfo.dwFlags |= BCryptNative.AuthenticatedCipherModeInfoFlags.ChainCalls;
tailBuf = new byte[tag.Length];
tailBufValidCount = 0;
inputExcessBuf = new byte[InputBlockSize];
inputExcessBufValid = 0;
initializationComplete = true;
// If we failed to complete initialization we may have already allocated some native
// resources. Clean those up before leaving the constructor.
if (!initializationComplete)
public void Dispose()
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.Success)]
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (m_key != null)
if (m_algorithm != null)
if (m_inputBuffer != null)
if (m_authInfo.pbAuthData != IntPtr.Zero)
m_authInfo.pbAuthData = IntPtr.Zero;
m_authInfo.cbAuthData = 0;
if (m_authInfo.pbMacContext != IntPtr.Zero)
m_authInfo.pbMacContext = IntPtr.Zero;
m_authInfo.cbMacContext = 0;
if (m_authInfo.pbNonce != IntPtr.Zero)
m_authInfo.pbNonce = IntPtr.Zero;
m_authInfo.cbNonce = 0;
if (m_authInfo.pbTag != IntPtr.Zero)
m_authInfo.pbTag = IntPtr.Zero;
m_authInfo.cbTag = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Can the transform chain multiple blocks of ciphertext, or must they all come at once.
/// </summary>
public bool CanChainBlocks
get { return m_chainingSupported; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether the transform can be reused.
/// </summary>
public bool CanReuseTransform
get { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether the transform can process multiple blocks at once.
/// </summary>
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks
get { return true; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the input block length in bytes.
/// </summary>
public int InputBlockSize
get { return BCryptNative.GetInt32Property(m_algorithm, BCryptNative.ObjectPropertyName.BlockLength); }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the output block length in bytes.
/// </summary>
public int OutputBlockSize
get { return BCryptNative.GetInt32Property(m_algorithm, BCryptNative.ObjectPropertyName.BlockLength); }
/// <summary>
/// Get the authentication tag generated from encryption.
/// </summary>
public byte[] GetTag()
// Authentication tags are only generated for encryption operations - they are input to decryption
// operations. They are also only generated after all of the data has been transformed.
if (!m_encrypting)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.TagIsOnlyGeneratedDuringEncryption);
if (!m_transformedFinalBlock)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.TagIsOnlyGeneratedAfterFinalBlock);
byte[] tag = new byte[m_authInfo.cbTag];
Marshal.Copy(m_authInfo.pbTag, tag, 0, m_authInfo.cbTag);
return tag;
public void SetExpectedTag(byte[] tag)
if (m_transformedFinalBlock)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.TagMustBeSuppliedBeforeFinalBlock);
if (m_encrypting)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Setting the expected tag is valid only during decryption");
m_authInfo.cbTag = tag.Length;
m_authInfo.pbTag = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(m_authInfo.cbTag);
Marshal.Copy(tag, 0, m_authInfo.pbTag, m_authInfo.cbTag);
/// <summary>
/// Transforms some blocks of input data, but don't finalize the transform. We make this into a wrapper
/// so that we can extract the tag from the end and process it separately. We basically flow the
/// data through, trapping the last extractByteCount bytes inside a tailBuf
/// </summary>
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)
if (m_encrypting)
// Encryption is straightforward
return TransformBlockInternal(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset);
// Decryption is handled differently since we have to extract tag from within the stream
var tagByteCount = m_authInfo.cbTag;
// Step1: Map: how much of what lives where.
// Transform everything except potential tag i.e. all but last tagByteCount bytes
int totalTransformCount = Math.Max(0, tailBufValidCount + inputCount - tagByteCount);
// constrain Transform count on tailBuf
int tailBufTransformCount = Math.Min(tailBufValidCount, totalTransformCount);
// whatever isn't transformed from total valid, goes to tailBuf
int tailBufTailCount = tailBufValidCount - tailBufTransformCount;
// from the total Transforms, whatever isn't coming from tailBuf's Transforms are inputBuffer's Transforms
int inputBufferTransformCount = totalTransformCount - tailBufTransformCount;
// whatever isn't transformed from input, goes to tailBuf
int inputBufferTailCount = inputCount - inputBufferTransformCount;
// double check our math - tailBuf can't have tag bytes if inputBuffer still has cipher-bytes
if (tailBufTailCount > 0 && inputBufferTransformCount > 0)
var errDetails = $"input:: Len:{inputBuffer.Length},Off:{inputOffset},Valid:{inputCount}[Transform:{inputBufferTransformCount} Tail:{inputBufferTailCount}] => " +
$"=> tailBuf:: Len:{tailBuf.Length}, Off:0, Valid:{tailBufValidCount}[Transform:{tailBufTransformCount} Tail:{tailBufTailCount}] => ";
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error in buffer math. Details:{errDetails}");
// Step2: Gather ciphertext from end-to-end from various buffers, in-order
// allocate buffer for that
var tempDecTransformBuf = new byte[totalTransformCount + inputExcessBufValid];
// First pack excess bytes trimmed off from last invocation (from inputExcessBuf)
Array.Copy(inputExcessBuf, 0, tempDecTransformBuf, 0, inputExcessBufValid);
// Then pack bytes from tailBuf (from last invocation), now known to be ciphertext, not tag
Array.Copy(tailBuf, 0, tempDecTransformBuf, inputExcessBufValid, tailBufTransformCount);
// Finally pack bytes just received from inputBuffer guaranteed to be ciphertext
Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset, tempDecTransformBuf, tailBufTransformCount + inputExcessBufValid, inputBufferTransformCount);
// Step 3: Transform ciphertext bytes in whole InputBlockSize
int excessBytes = 0;
if (tempDecTransformBuf.Length > 0)
excessBytes = tempDecTransformBuf.Length % InputBlockSize;
int transformBytes = tempDecTransformBuf.Length - excessBytes;
int processedBytes = 0;
if (transformBytes > 0)
processedBytes = TransformBlockInternal(tempDecTransformBuf, 0, transformBytes, outputBuffer, outputOffset);
// Step4: Cleanup: Copy leftover ciphertext bytes and pack potential tag bytes
// 4a Copy leftover bytes guaranteed to be ciphertext (not tag) into inputExcessBuf
// for future Transforms
Array.Copy(tempDecTransformBuf, tempDecTransformBuf.Length - excessBytes, inputExcessBuf, 0, excessBytes);
inputExcessBufValid = excessBytes;
// Pack bytes into tailBuf that can potentially be tag bytes
var tempTailBuf = new byte[tagByteCount];
// 4b First pack oldest bytes from tailBuf that didn't get Transform'd above
Array.Copy(tailBuf, tailBufTransformCount, tempTailBuf, 0, tailBufTailCount);
// 4c Then pack ending bytes from inputBuffer that didn't get Transform'd above
Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset + inputBufferTransformCount, tempTailBuf, tailBufTailCount, inputBufferTailCount);
tailBufValidCount = tailBufTailCount + inputBufferTailCount;
tailBuf = tempTailBuf; // rename buffer instead of copying
return processedBytes;
/// <summary>
/// Transforms some blocks of input data, but don't finalize the transform
/// </summary>
private int TransformBlockInternal(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)
if (m_transformedFinalBlock)
throw new InvalidOperationException("This transform has already transformed its final block and can no longer transform additional data.");
if (inputBuffer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
if (inputOffset < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset");
if (inputCount <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputCount");
if (inputCount % InputBlockSize != 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputCount");
if (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length - inputOffset)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputCount");
if (outputBuffer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("outputBuffer");
if (inputCount > outputBuffer.Length - outputOffset)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("outputOffset");
// If the transform can chain multiple blocks of data, then transform the input now. Otherwise,
// save it away to be transformed when TransformFinalBlock is called.
if (CanChainBlocks)
byte[] transformed = null;
transformed = CngTransform(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount);
Array.Copy(transformed, 0, outputBuffer, outputOffset, transformed.Length);
return transformed.Length;
if (transformed != null)
Array.Clear(transformed, 0, transformed.Length);
m_inputBuffer.Write(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount);
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Transform the final block and finalize the encryption or decryption operation.
/// </summary>
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
if (inputBuffer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
if (inputOffset < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset");
if (inputCount < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputCount");
if (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length - inputOffset)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputCount");
if (!m_transformedFinalBlock)
var finalInputBlockOutput = new byte[0];
int finalInputBlockOutputValid = 0;
// 4 main flows: encrypt+CanChainBlock, encrypt+!CanChainBlock, decrypt+CanChainBlock, decrypt+!CanChainBlock,
// Decrypt
if (!m_encrypting)
// Transform Input buffer, pushing it through tailBuf
finalInputBlockOutput = new byte[OutputBlockSize];
finalInputBlockOutputValid = TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, finalInputBlockOutput, 0);
// At this point, we MAY have left over ciphertext-bytes in inputExcessBuf
if (CanChainBlocks)
// Transform those by variable reassignment and falling thru to the CngTransform below
inputBuffer = inputExcessBuf;
inputOffset = 0;
inputCount = inputExcessBufValid;
// queue those for Transformation by pushing into m_inputBuffer
m_inputBuffer.Write(inputExcessBuf, 0, inputExcessBufValid);
// if !CanChainBlocks, we don't really have output bytes, we've only
// queued all bytes
finalInputBlockOutputValid = 0;
// At this point, tailBuf should only contain Tag, program it into the encryptor
if (tailBufValidCount == m_authInfo.cbTag)
string errorMsg =
String.Format("Tag buffer validity bytes ({0}) don't match total tag length ({1} in bytes)",
tailBufValidCount, m_authInfo.cbTag);
throw new CryptographicException(errorMsg);
// Remove the chaining call flag, but retain the rest.
m_authInfo.dwFlags &= ~BCryptNative.AuthenticatedCipherModeInfoFlags.ChainCalls;
m_transformedFinalBlock = true;
// If we cannot chain multiple blocks of data, then add the final block to the other input
// blocks we've already collected, and use that to transform
if (!CanChainBlocks)
// This code path is for unsupported configurations
//throw new NotSupportedException("Chaining multiple blocks of data is disabled. Currently unsupported configuration, cannot proceed until block chaining is enabled.");
if (m_encrypting)
m_inputBuffer.Write(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount);
// Reassign the input to be the full set of data that we've already gathered across all
// calls into the stream.
inputBuffer = m_inputBuffer.ToArray();
inputOffset = 0;
inputCount = inputBuffer.Length;
var retVal = CngTransform(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount);
if (m_encrypting)
// We combine the tag here and add to end of the stream
var tag = GetTag();
var result = new byte[retVal.Length + tag.Length];
Array.Copy(retVal, result, retVal.Length);
Array.Copy(tag, 0, result, retVal.Length, tag.Length);
return result;
// Decrypting, final block involves combining finalInputBlockOutput (decrypted at start of method)
// and retVal (decrypted just above)
var result = new byte[retVal.Length + finalInputBlockOutputValid];
Array.Copy(finalInputBlockOutput, result, finalInputBlockOutputValid);
Array.Copy(retVal, 0, result, finalInputBlockOutputValid, retVal.Length);
return retVal;
// We don't want to throw if we're re-flushing the final block, because if the crypto stream
// was used in a try/finally block, and CngTransform throws an exception we'll end up
// flushing again in the dispose. That will end up covering the orginal exception with a
// less useful re-flushing the final block exception. Instead, make the call a no-op.
return new byte[0];
/// <summary>
/// Transform given blocks of data
/// </summary>
private byte[] CngTransform(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
Debug.Assert(m_key != null, "key != null");
Debug.Assert(!m_key.IsClosed && !m_key.IsInvalid, "!m_key.IsClosed && !m_key.IsInvalid");
Debug.Assert(input != null, "input != null");
Debug.Assert(inputOffset >= 0, "inputOffset >= 0");
Debug.Assert(inputCount >= 0, "inputCount >= 0");
Debug.Assert(inputCount <= input.Length - inputOffset, "inputCount <= input.Length - inputOffset");
byte[] inputBuffer = null;
// Build up a buffer of the only portion of the input we should be transforming
inputBuffer = input;
if (inputOffset > 0 || inputCount != input.Length)
inputBuffer = new byte[inputCount];
Array.Copy(input, inputOffset, inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length);
if (m_encrypting)
return BCryptNative.SymmetricEncrypt(m_key, inputBuffer, m_chainData, ref m_authInfo);
return BCryptNative.SymmetricDecrypt(m_key, inputBuffer, this.m_chainData, ref m_authInfo);
if (inputBuffer != input)
// Zeroize the input buffer if we allocated one
Array.Clear(inputBuffer, 0, inputBuffer.Length);
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