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sigmaris /
Created March 26, 2011 21:48 — forked from justquick/
Use cookies for all session storage in Django. This version uses HMAC to verify the integrity of the cookie, and raises SessionTooBig if the session is too large to fit in a cookie.
sigmaris /
Created July 23, 2011 23:02
Upgrade/Install script for devkitARM, libnds, etc
import feedparser
import json
import re
import urllib
import tempfile
import subprocess
import os
LIBS = ['libnds','filesystem','libfat','dswifi','maxmod','default_arm7']
sigmaris /
Created December 23, 2011 17:22
Watch a directory for filesystem events, and rsync individually changed files to a remote path
#!/usr/bin/env python
# requires the "MacFSEvents" package
import fsevents
import time
import sys
import os
import subprocess
observer = fsevents.Observer()
sigmaris / puppetmaster.conf
Created September 2, 2012 15:12
Example Puppetmaster nginx config
server {
listen 8140 ssl;
passenger_enabled on;
passenger_set_cgi_param SSL_CLIENT_S_DN $ssl_client_s_dn;
passenger_set_cgi_param SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY $ssl_client_verify;
access_log /var/log/nginx/puppet_access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/puppet_error.log;
sigmaris / gist:3601965
Created September 2, 2012 17:32
Example (insecure!) Puppet Dashboard nginx config
server {
listen 80;
passenger_enabled on;
access_log /var/log/nginx/puppet-dashboard_access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/puppet-dashboard_error.log;
root /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/public;
sigmaris /
Created January 16, 2014 11:19
Send rmate bash script to a remote server and run it using bash on a file. Usage: user@remotehost /remote/file/name
ssh "$1" "cat >> $rmate_name" <<'ENDRMATESCRIPT'
# rmate
# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 by Harald Lapp <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
import sys
import subprocess
import Queue
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler
class QueuingEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
def __init__(self, queue):
* We should really look for the smallest 32bit integer type,
* but this will do for prototyping on a 32-bit OS
typedef unsigned int gss_uint32;
typedef unsigned int OM_uint32;
* Now define the three implementation-dependent types.
import gevent
import socket
threadpool = gevent.get_hub().threadpool # this is the default gevent threadpool
urls = ['', '', '']
results =, urls)
# >>> results
# ['', '', '']
DEBUG:echo:3 is handling a request in <Greenlet at 0x110184550: uwsgi_gevent_request(4539005552L)>
[pid: 99684|app: 0|req: 2/3] () {40 vars in 806 bytes} [Mon May 12 20:34:00 2014] GET / => generated 1383 bytes in 0 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 81 bytes (3 switches on core 999)
!!! uWSGI process 99686 got Segmentation Fault !!!
*** backtrace of 99686 ***
0 uwsgi 0x000000010c551ff0 uwsgi_backtrace + 48
1 uwsgi 0x000000010c552533 uwsgi_segfault + 51
2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff8a5dc5aa _sigtramp + 26
3 ??? 0x000000010c888050 0x0 + 4505239632
4 Python 0x000000010c76401f PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords + 93
5 uwsgi 0x000000010c56a4b7 python_call + 23