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#Django command shortcuts
alias dj='python'
alias djr='dj runserver'
alias djdb='dj dbshell'
alias djs='dj shell'
alias djt='dj test'
alias djm='dj migrate'
alias djsm='dj migrate_schemas'
alias djsms='dj migrate_schemas --shared'
# references
# installed configs
mhwd -li
# auto identify and install
sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300
simonmcconnell / setup.yml
Created January 8, 2018 12:26
centos ansible playbook for python3.6 development
# centos version of:
- hosts: all
become: yes
venv_path: "/home/vagrant/venv"
requirements_path: "/vagrant/requirements.txt"
- name: Install IUM repository
yum: name= state=installed
simonmcconnell / getAllVersions.vb
Last active October 1, 2018 11:54
Maintain version history when upgrading from VSS to SVN version control in Proficy Change Management
' Product Module : Scheduler Scripts
' Script Name : getAllVersions.vb
' Function : Backup each version of a Machine Edition project and its history
' file. Designed to be used in conjunction with
' script when migrating from VSS to SVN.
' retreives <projectname>_<version>.zip and <projectname>_history.xml
' for all projects selected in a manually triggered Scheduler Event.
' Change BackupFolder to the location of the project backup files.
simonmcconnell /
Last active July 9, 2018 00:24
Citect Graphics Builder Automation with Python
# Citect Graphics Builder Automation with Python
# the object name was discovered from the file created by running PythonWin > Tools > COM Makepy utility.
# pip install -U pywin32
import win32com.client
# this seems to attach itself to an already running process also
simonmcconnell /
Created July 9, 2018 00:30
Update pages for project and all includes
# it was discovered that Citect was not updating all the projects when running "Update project and all included projects"
import win32api
import time
import win32com.client as wc
from pywintypes import com_error
SYSTEM_PROJECTS = {x.upper() for x in {
simonmcconnell / getAllVersions.vb
Created July 9, 2018 00:56
Backup all versions of selected projects in Proficy Change Management
' Product Module : Scheduler Scripts
' Script Name : getAllVersions.vb
' Function : Backup each version of a Machine Edition project and its history
' file. Designed to be used in conjunction with
' script when migrating from VSS to SVN.
' retreives <projectname>_<version>.zip and <projectname>_history.xml
' for all projects selected in a manually triggered Scheduler Event.
' Change BackupFolder to the location of the project backup files.
simonmcconnell /
Created July 9, 2018 00:57
Import projects into Proficy Change Management
# import projects into PCM that were backed up to <PROJECT>_<VER>.ZIP
# from the getAllVersions.vb Scheduler script
# can also rename projects on the way
# useful when migrating from VSS to SVN
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import make_archive, unpack_archive, copy2
import re
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError, parse
# it was discovered that Citect was not updating all the projects when running
# "Update project and all included projects"
# TODO: add logging
import win32api
import time
import win32com.client
from pywintypes import com_error
simonmcconnell / kill citect.bat
Last active April 28, 2019 04:45
log users off terminal server
@echoStopping the Citect Runtimest . . .
@echo ----
@echo --
@echo ------
@taskkill /F /IM Citect32.exe
timeout /t 5
@echo --
@taskkill /F /IM Citect32.exe
timeout /t 5
@echo --