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// Compare two arrays(primary and secondary) and return all array items that are unique to the primary array
const getDiff = (primaryArray, secondaryArray) => {
return primaryArray.filter(item => secondaryArray.indexOf(item) === -1);
// getDiff([1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 3, 4])
// => [2, 5]
import { createRequest } from 'request-state-wrapper';
const getRepoDetails = () =>
fetch('').then(response => response.json());
// Create your request with request-state-wrapper
const request = createRequest({
request: getRepoDetails,
stalledDelay: 1000,
onStalled: () => { /* handle stalled state */ },
const getNodeRepoDetails = () =>
fetch('').then(response => response.json());
const getGoRepoDetails = () =>
fetch('').then(response => response.json());
Promise.all([getNodeRepoDetails(), getGoRepoDetails()])
.then(response => {
const [ nodeResponse, goResponse ] = response;
/* handle request response */
import { createRequest } from 'request-state-wrapper';
const getNodeRepoDetails = () =>
fetch('').then(response => response.json());
const getGoRepoDetails = () =>
fetch('').then(response => response.json());
const request = createRequest({
request: [getNodeRepoDetails, getGoRepoDetails],
const createURL = (baseURL, path) => {
const protocol = "https";
return `${protocol}://${baseURL}/${path}`;
// create URLs for our main site
const homeURL = createURL("", "");
const loginURL = createURL("", "login");
const productsURL = createURL("", "products");
const contactURL = createURL("", "contact-us");
const createURL = baseURL => {
const protocol = "https";
// we now return a function, that accepts a 'path' as an argument
return path => {
return `${protocol}://${baseURL}/${path}`;
// we create a new functions with the baseURL value in it's closure scope
// given a database of global parcels like this...
const allGlobalParcels = [
created: 576424800000,
location: "aus",
properties: { ... },
created: 1558163267311,
location: "us",
// given a database of global parcels like this...
const allGlobalParcels = [
created: 576424800000,
location: "aus",
properties: { ... },
created: 1558163267311,
location: "us",