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View simplyluke's full-sized avatar

Luke Wright simplyluke

View GitHub Profile
<% content_for :body do %>
<% if controller.controller_name == 'teams' && controller.action_name == 'index' %>
<body data-no-turbolink="true">
<% end %>
<% end %>
// For the "coded" keys, effectively anything other than a alphanumeric
if ((keyPressed) && (key == CODED) && (keyCode == DOWN)) {
fill(#ff0724); // RED
// For alphanumeric
if ((keyPressed) && (key == '8')) {
translate(0, -5);
// You wrote this
if (keyPressed){
if (key == UP)
fill (#F1D5E5);
ellipse (250,265, 9,8); }
else {
ellipse (250,265, 5,4); }
// Should be this
//for the ball of yarn
if (keyPressed){
if (key == 'g') { //changes color to green
fill (#3CB2B4);
if (key == 'p') { //changes color to purple
fill (#4436A1);}
} else {
fill (#307691);} //teal color
void setup (){
size (500, 500);
background (255);
void draw () {
stroke (#45173A);
fill (#45173A);
background (255);
simplyluke / gist:239ab3989c5964039dfa
Created January 18, 2015 03:15
don't nobody got no mr roboto
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interactive robot.
Command ref:
* click to get an "explosion" under your key and make his eyes flash red
* Down arrow makes his whole head red
* Left arrow makes him raise his right arm
* Press 'b' or "B" to make the background white instead of black
* Press '8' to make him look up
* Press 'j' to make him jump up
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//for the nose
fill (#F1D5E5);
if ((keyPressed) && (key == CODED)){
if (keyCode == UP) {
fill (#F1D5E5);
ellipse (250,265, 9,8); //makes the nose bigger
} else {
ellipse (250,265, 5,4);
//for the nose
fill (#F1D5E5);
if ((keyPressed) && (key == CODED)){
if (keyCode == UP) { // add a bracket here
fill (#F1D5E5);
ellipse (250,265, 9,8); //makes the nose bigger
} if (keyCode == LEFT){ //indent this, it's still inside of the if ((keyPressed bit
fill (#45173A); //makes the nose disappear
ellipse (250,265, 9,8);
func fizzBuzz(n: Int) -> String {
if n % 3 == 0 && n % 5 == 0 {
return "FizzBuzz"
} else if n % 5 == 0 {
return "Buzz"
} else if n % 3 == 0 {
return "Fizz"
} else {
return String(n)
simplyluke /
Created April 2, 2017 23:32
flask auth
import os
from flask import Flask, request, session, url_for, redirect, \
render_template, abort, g, flash
from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt
app = Flask(__name__)
bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)