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magic is bad

Simon Tesar simt2

magic is bad
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simt2 / templateData.go
Created February 21, 2017 08:11
mesh-go-example templateData
// templateData is the struct that we pass to our HTML templates, containing
// necessary data to render pages
type templateData struct {
Breadcrumb []gjson.Result
Category *gjson.Result
Products *[]gjson.Result
// LoadBreadcrumb retrieves the top level nodes used to display the navigation
func LoadBreadcrumb() []gjson.Result {
r := MeshGetRequest("demo/navroot/?maxDepth=1&resolveLinks=short")
defer r.Body.Close()
bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
json := gjson.ParseBytes(bytes).Get("root.children").Array()
return json
simt2 / base.html
Created February 21, 2017 08:13
mesh-go-example base.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Gentics Mesh Demo</title>
.row.products > div {
height: 500px
simt2 / navigation.html
Created February 21, 2017 08:14
mesh-go-example navigation.html
{{define "navigation"}}
<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a href="/" class="navbar-brand">Home</a>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
{{range $node := .Breadcrumb}}
simt2 / welcome.html
Created February 21, 2017 08:14
mesh-go-example welcome.html
{{define "content"}}
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3 text-right">
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="" style="max-width: 150px;" viewBox="0 0 500.000000 579.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g transform="translate(0.000000,579.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" fill="#00a0d2" stroke="none">
<path class="gtx-logo-main" d="M2417 5780 c-21 -6 -52 -17 -70 -26 -24 -13 -2014 -1184 -2183 -1285 -43 -26 -108 -98 -136 -151 l-23 -43 -3 -1362 -2 -1362 21 -56 c44 -119 20 -102 1213 -805 598 -353 1109 -652 1135 -663 65 -30 197 -30 262 0 34 15 1874 1096 2205 1294 43 26 108 98 136 151 l23 43 3 1362 c2 1355 2 1362 -18 1417 -61 163 -257 260 -425 211 -41 -12 -278 -145 -765 -432 -774 -455 -786 -463 -829 -578 -28 -75 -28 -184 0 -260 27 -72 104 -156 176 -191 75 -37 185 -44 263 -17 30 10 240 127 466 261 227 133 414 242 418 242 3 0 5 -383 4 -851 l-3 -851 -888 -524 c-488 -288 -892 -524 -897 -524 -5 0 -409 236 -897 524 l-888 524 0 1067
simt2 / productDetail.html
Created February 21, 2017 08:15
mesh-go-example productDetail.html
{{define "content"}}
{{with $product := index .Products 0}}
<h1>{{ $product.Get "" }}</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<form name="productForm">
simt2 / productList.html
Created February 21, 2017 08:16
mesh-go-example productList.html
{{define "content"}}
<h1>{{ .Category.Get "" }}</h1>
<div class="row products">
{{range $product := .Products}}
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-body">
simt2 / LoadChildren.go
Created February 21, 2017 08:16
mesh-go-example LoadChildren.go
// LoadChildren takes a nodes uuid and returns its children.
func LoadChildren(uuid string) *[]gjson.Result {
r := MeshGetRequest("demo/nodes/" + uuid + "/children?expandAll=true&resolveLinks=short")
defer r.Body.Close()
bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
json := gjson.ParseBytes(bytes).Get("data").Array()
return &json
simt2 /
Created February 21, 2017 09:32
mesh-go-example blogpost

Combining the Gopher with the API-first CMS Gentics Mesh

Go is a rising multi-purpose programming language, widely used for mostly server-side applications because of its speed, concurrency and ease of use. It has a built-in and production-ready template engine and http server, which also makes it a excellent choice for web applications. This example shows how to create a small web application with Go, using Gentics Mesh as backend to manage all the data for us.

Getting ready

Make sure you have Go installed or set it up as described here. Now get and start the example from Github:

# Download example and change to directory
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
simt2 / main.go
Last active February 27, 2017 06:53
mesh-go-example main logic
func main() {
// Log into the Gentics Mesh backend to retrieve session cookie
// Set up router handling incoming requests
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/", IndexHandler)
router.HandleFunc("/{path:.*}", PathHandler)
loggedRouter := handlers.LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, router)