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local mongrel2 = require 'mongrel2'
local sender_id = '558c92aa-1644-4e24-a524-39baad0f8e78'
local sub_addr = 'tcp://'
local pub_addr = 'tcp://'
local io_threads = 1
local response_string = [[
var nodenatra = require('./nodenatra');
app = new nodenatra.App();
app.get('/', function() {
return "Hello";
app.get('/posts', function() {
return "Hey there!";
// This is a mixin that will be applied to a `fieldset.row`.
// `this` in these functions will refer to a $("fieldset.row").
// Put your long complicated functions here
var Row = {
$name: function() {
return this.find('input[name=name]');
changeName: function(value) {
career move
(1..100).each {|i| puts [i,[("Fizz"\
if i%3 ==0) ,("Buzz"\
if i%5.0000 ==0) ].join\
('')]. join ("\n")}#FizzBuzz#
# ... assuming this code is at an instance level of your `Ohm::Model`
keys = ["set1", "set2"]
# previously...
db.sunionstore(key(:sorted_position_tags), *keys)
# now
Person.key(:custom) # previous version
Person.key[:custom] # new version
# At this point it doesn't seem ground breaking, but when we want to do
# operations on it, the change will be more apparent.
# Code like this:
Person.db.sadd Person.key(:my_custom_set), 1
# will be much cleaner, and now look like:
# doing class level key operations
Person.key[:top_voted].zadd 10, 1 # ZADD Person:top_voted 10 1
Person.key[:top_voted].zadd 11, 2 # ZADD Person:top_voted 11 2
all = Person.all
created = all.find(creator_id: 1)
limited = created.find(contact_details_id: 30)
desc "Pull master from site, minify, and restart thin"
task :deploy do
cmds = [].tap do |cmd|
cmd.push 'git pull'
cmd.push 'thin -C config/thin.yml restart'
cmd.push 'MINIFY_SITE_URL= rake minify'
cmds.each do |cmd|
puts "-----> #{cmd}"