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Jerad Bitner sirkitree

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$options = array('http' => array('user_agent' => 'JanusVR random site (v0.1)'));
$context = stream_context_create($options);
* Should be able to use a more typical cache pattern here.
* Something like:
function _cache_get($var) {
static $cache_objects;
sirkitree / janus-rand.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
Generate a random room from the vrsites subreddit for janusvr
* Generate a random link from vrsites subreddit.
* Original author:
$options = array('http' => array('user_agent' => 'JanusVR random site (v0.1)'));
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$rvrsites1 = file_get_contents('', false, $context);
sirkitree / log_pos.js
Created October 31, 2014 00:48
log position in janus with a new text object
room.update = function(delta_time) {
global_time_passed += delta_time;
var secs_passed = global_time_passed * 0.001;
var sin_secs = Math.sin(secs_passed);
var sin_secs2 = Math.sin(secs_passed * 3.14159 * 2);
room.objects["new_text1"].text = "up/down = 1 & 7: " + (updown / 4);
room.objects["new_text1"].pos.y = 1.5 + 0.25*sin_secs;
sirkitree / emoji.rb
Created July 10, 2013 14:14
Random Emoji command
ruby -e "print ':'+%w{zero one 109 two three four five six seven eight 8ball nine a ab airplane alien ambulance angel anger angry apple aquarius aries arrow_backward arrow_down arrow_forward arrow_left arrow_lower_left arrow_lower_right arrow_right arrow_up arrow_upper_left arrow_upper_right art astonished atm b baby baby_chick baby_symbol balloon bamboo bank barber baseball basketball bath bear beer beers beginner bell bento bike bikini bird birthday black_square blue_car blue_heart blush boar boat bomb book boot bouquet bow bowtie boy bread briefcase broken_heart bug bulb bullettrain_front bullettrain_side bus busstop cactus cake calling camel camera cancer capricorn car cat cd chart checkered_flag cherry_blossom chicken christmas_tree church cinema city_sunrise city_sunset clap clapper clock1 clock10 clock11 clock12 clock2 clock3 clock4 clock5 clock6 clock7 clock8 clock9 closed_umbrella cloud clubs cn cocktail coffee cold_sweat computer confounded congratulations construction construction_worker convenienc
sirkitree /
Last active December 16, 2015 08:09
Image Style Scale and Crop from the top
; $Id$
name = Image Style Scale and Crop from the top
description = Image style to scale an image and crop it from the top.
core = 7.x
package = ImageStyles

PhpStorm for Drupal

PhpStorm has an excellent debugger for developing Drupal modules or even Drupal themes. After numerous IDE and text editors, it has earned it's place to be my primary IDE for almost anything Drupal, for many good reasons. PhpStorm, by default, is as Drupal friendly as many other PHP IDEs. That means it gets the job done, but there might be some syntax in your code the Drupal Coding Standards and it's authors wouldn't be too happy about. Here are a few things to make PhpStorm play well with Drupal.


Althought not related to Drupal, the Keymap is the first thing we will change. PhpStorm by default comes with very unaturally keyboard shortcuts for me. Under Preferences, scroll down to select Keymap on the left. Select the keymap that suits your needs. Mac OS X 10.5+ feels the most intuitive to me. You may also further customize the keyboard shortcuts to each of the actions. ![Keymap](

sirkitree / index.html
Created March 12, 2013 22:38
A CodePen by Jerad Bitner.
<body ng-app="nodes">
<div class="hero-unit" ng-controller="RecipeCtrl">
<button ng-click="useResource()">$resource request</button>
<li ng-repeat="recipe in recipes.list">{{recipe.title}}</li>
<script src=""></script>
sirkitree / node.js
Last active December 24, 2018 15:31
Parse a PHP file with Node.js and convert an array defined in the PHP script into a JSON object which the Node app can use.
var runner = require('child_process');
'php -r \'include("settings.php"); print json_encode($databases);\'',
function (err, stdout, stderr) {
var connection = JSON.parse(stdout).default.default;
// result botdb

Continuous Integration with SASS and Jenkins

This document explains how we can use Jenkins to solve some SASS/Git headaches.

The Problem at Hand

One of the problems that we deal with when working with SASS and Git is that the CSS added to the remote repository changes based on who compiled it. That means every time someone commits to the remote repository before we can push our work up, HEAD will have changed and our push attempt will be rejected.