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Last active June 1, 2021 12:32
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"id": "view-in-github",
"colab_type": "text"
"source": [
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Open In Colab\"/></a>"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from collections import OrderedDict\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"from pprint import pprint"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"results = {'M_test': OrderedDict([('bbox', {'AP': 42.41234749796167, 'AP50': 57.22575313147572, 'AP75': 45.88676859875574, 'APs': 35.115511551155116, 'APm': 38.500017385636006, 'APl': 53.69180459582039, 'AP-human': 55.16501650165018, 'AP-traffic light': 12.499480717302497, 'AP-street light': 34.24439958370007, 'AP-street sign': 6.732673267326733, 'AP-barrier': 18.019801980198018, 'AP-car': 72.91964780344885, 'AP-pavement': 96.8523102310231, 'AP-drainage': 0.0, 'AP-sidewalk': 74.65003560684809, 'AP-access cover': 50.66831683168317, 'AP-road marking': 44.784139954397716}), ('segm', {'AP': 34.61742155223311, 'AP50': 53.58413492620899, 'AP75': 32.77819042992401, 'APs': \n",
"20.346534653465344, 'APm': 28.858691243116187, 'APl': 51.99380699290413, 'AP-human': 28.613861386138613, 'AP-traffic light': 13.695215675413694, 'AP-street light': 11.80008301582038, 'AP-street sign': 6.732673267326733, 'AP-barrier': 12.871287128712872, 'AP-car': 75.99359180485959, 'AP-pavement': 94.43481848184817, 'AP-drainage': 0.0, 'AP-sidewalk': 62.17657894805166, 'AP-access cover': 52.178217821782184, 'AP-road marking': 22.29530954461025}), ('PDM: Presence', {'traffic light: Precision': 0.5, 'traffic light: Recall': 1.0, 'traffic light: f1': 0.6666666666666666, 'traffic light: Generality': 0.041666666666666664, 'street light: Precision': 0.6470588235294118, 'street light: Recall': 0.7857142857142857, 'street light: f1': 0.7096774193548386, 'street light: Generality': 0.2916666666666667, 'street sign: Precision': 0.3333333333333333, 'street sign: Recall': 0.5, 'street sign: f1': 0.4, 'street sign: Generality': 0.041666666666666664, 'barrier: Precision': 0.3333333333333333, 'barrier: Recall': 0.25, 'barrier: f1': 0.28571428571428575, 'barrier: Generality': 0.08333333333333333, 'pavement: Precision': 1.0, 'pavement: Recall': 1.0, 'pavement: f1': 1.0, 'pavement: Generality': 1.0, 'drainage: Precision': 1, 'drainage: Recall': 0.0, 'drainage: f1': 0.0, 'drainage: Generality': 0.041666666666666664, 'sidewalk: Precision': 1.0, 'sidewalk: Recall': 0.9777777777777777, 'sidewalk: f1': 0.9887640449438202, 'sidewalk: Generality': 0.9375, 'access cover: Precision': 1.0, 'access cover: Recall': 0.625, 'access cover: f1': 0.7692307692307693, 'access cover: Generality': 0.16666666666666666, 'road marking: Precision': 1.0, 'road marking: Recall': 0.9714285714285714, 'road marking: f1': 0.9855072463768115, 'road marking: Generality': 0.7291666666666666, 'Average: Precision': 0.7570806100217865, 'Average: Recall': 0.7344356261022927, 'Average: f1': 0.6561733813652436, 'Average: Generality': 0.3703703703703704}), ('PDM: Detection', {'traffic light: Precision': 0.3076923076923077, 'traffic light: Recall': 1.0, 'traffic light: f1': 0.47058823529411764, 'traffic light: Generality': 0.010723860589812333, 'traffic light: Spatial Error': 0.15909798971150504, 'street light: Precision': 0.5714285714285714, 'street light: Recall': 0.75, 'street light: f1': 0.6486486486486486, 'street light: Generality': 0.04289544235924933, 'street light: Spatial Error': 0.18070830433468266, 'street sign: Precision': 0.16666666666666666, 'street sign: Recall': 0.5, 'street sign: f1': 0.25, 'street sign: Generality': 0.005361930294906166, 'street sign: Spatial Error': 0.10987862603635686, 'barrier: Precision': 0.3333333333333333, 'barrier: Recall': 0.25, 'barrier: f1': 0.28571428571428575, 'barrier: Generality': 0.010723860589812333, 'barrier: Spatial Error': 0.08364656337463523, 'pavement: Precision': 0.94, 'pavement: Recall': 0.9791666666666666, 'pavement: f1': 0.9591836734693877, 'pavement: Generality': 0.128686327077748, 'pavement: Spatial Error': 0.020158809781286376, 'drainage: Precision': 1, 'drainage: Recall': 0.0, 'drainage: f1': 0.0, 'drainage: Generality': 0.00804289544235925, 'drainage: Spatial Error': 0, 'sidewalk: Precision': 0.948051948051948, 'sidewalk: Recall': 0.9125, 'sidewalk: f1': 0.929936305732484, 'sidewalk: Generality': 0.21447721179624665, 'sidewalk: Spatial Error': 0.06570956207552542, 'access cover: Precision': 1.0, 'access cover: Recall': 0.625, 'access cover: f1': 0.7692307692307693, 'access cover: Generality': 0.021447721179624665, 'access cover: Spatial Error': 0.036750374490681095, 'road marking: Precision': 0.7551020408163265, 'road marking: Recall': 0.7956989247311828, 'road marking: f1': 0.7748691099476439, 'road marking: Generality': 0.24932975871313673, 'road marking: Spatial Error': 0.11272066354574838, 'Average: Precision': 0.6691416519987947, 'Average: Recall': 0.6458183990442055, 'Average: f1': 0.5653523364485928, 'Average: Generality': 0.07685433422698838, 'Average: Spatial Error': 0.08540787703893567}), ('PDM: Measurement', {'traffic light: Precision': 0.8061184659456453, 'traffic light: Recall': 0.9209499215626332, 'traffic light: f1': 0.8557355390849818, 'traffic light: Generality': 0.00037558473186728394, 'traffic light: Spatial Error': 0.15909798971150504, 'traffic light: IoU': 0.7532562315559058, 'street light: Precision': 0.8012188347637782, 'street light: Recall': 0.7164972058567992, 'street light: f1': 0.7153261646330721, 'street light: Generality': 0.0007153923128858025, 'street light: Spatial Error': 0.18070830433468266, 'street light: IoU': 0.5826619565541763, 'street sign: Precision': 0.9590395480225988, 'street sign: Recall': 0.6825263863293684, 'street sign: f1': 0.7974943721248898, 'street sign: Generality': 0.00019464940200617284, 'street sign: Spatial Error': 0.10987862603635686, 'street sign: IoU': 0.6631938792121114, 'barrier: Precision': 0.7254082039028276, 'barrier: Recall': 0.9867280606717227, 'barrier: f1': 0.836125774615561, 'barrier: Generality': 0.00011613257137345679, 'barrier: Spatial Error': 0.08364656337463523, 'barrier: IoU': 0.7183987379215145, 'pavement: Precision': 0.9788345091328069, 'pavement: Recall': 0.9855303951607569, 'pavement: f1': 0.9821097434258972, 'pavement: Generality': 0.3109151957947531, 'pavement: Spatial Error': 0.01830984064279615, 'pavement: IoU': 0.9649363271020737, 'drainage: Precision': 1, 'drainage: Recall': 1, 'drainage: f1': 0, 'drainage: Generality': 6.210013181584362e-05, 'drainage: Spatial Error': 0, 'drainage: IoU': 0, 'sidewalk: Precision': 0.9316409802514047, 'sidewalk: Recall': 0.9041074104998731, 'sidewalk: f1': 0.9141082522890481, 'sidewalk: Generality': 0.06176709587191358, 'sidewalk: Spatial Error': 0.046991999690498935, 'sidewalk: IoU': 0.8477528916988122, 'access cover: Precision': 0.927770381515092, 'access cover: Recall': 0.953666587536975, 'access cover: f1': 0.940090549928542, 'access cover: Generality': 0.0012963264371141975, 'access cover: Spatial Error': 0.036750374490681095, 'access cover: IoU': 0.8878351632225684, 'road marking: Precision': 0.8415071231455034, 'road marking: Recall': 0.7408170572575936, 'road marking: f1': 0.7679446067393364, 'road marking: Generality': 0.016699841660236626, 'road marking: Spatial Error': 0.08239740901208674, 'road marking: IoU': 0.6495732408546121, 'Average: Precision': 0.885726449631073, 'Average: Recall': 0.8767581138750802, 'Average: f1': 0.7565483336490365, 'Average: Generality': 0.04357136876821845, 'Average: Spatial Error': 0.07975345636591585, 'Average: IoU': 0.6741787142357527})]), 'G_test': OrderedDict([('bbox', {'AP': 48.64344811344682, 'AP50': 63.17396564995508, 'AP75': 53.01451517573989, 'APs': 8.613861386138613, 'APm': 33.36485947164914, 'APl': 59.57668191082314, 'AP-human': np.nan, 'AP-traffic light': np.nan, 'AP-street light': np.nan, 'AP-street sign': np.nan, 'AP-barrier': np.nan, 'AP-car': 34.05034205437206, 'AP-pavement': 93.1603341727104, 'AP-drainage': 0.0, 'AP-sidewalk': 68.01547780124689, 'AP-access cover': 57.821782178217816, 'AP-road marking': 38.81275247413376}), ('segm', {'AP': 47.42929552155024, 'AP50': 62.510945390433484, 'AP75': 53.543379088383205, 'APs': 6.534653465346535, 'APm': 29.44137303169878, 'APl': 57.952726967582876, 'AP-human': np.nan, 'AP-traffic light': np.nan, 'AP-street light': np.nan, 'AP-street sign': np.nan, 'AP-barrier': np.nan, 'AP-car': 49.790236590982694, 'AP-pavement': 95.18742066514343, 'AP-drainage': 0.0, 'AP-sidewalk': 58.76178899622617, 'AP-access cover': 59.554455445544555, 'AP-road marking': 21.281871431404596}), ('PDM: Presence', {'pavement: Precision': 1.0, 'pavement: Recall': 1.0, 'pavement: f1': 1.0, 'pavement: Generality': 1.0, 'drainage: Precision': 1, 'drainage: Recall': 0.0, 'drainage: f1': 0.0, 'drainage: Generality': 0.041666666666666664, 'sidewalk: Precision': 1.0, 'sidewalk: Recall': 0.9333333333333333, 'sidewalk: f1': 0.9655172413793104, 'sidewalk: Generality': 0.9375, 'access cover: Precision': 1.0, 'access cover: Recall': 0.7142857142857143, 'access cover: f1': 0.8333333333333333, 'access cover: Generality': 0.14583333333333334, 'road marking: Precision': 0.9411764705882353, 'road marking: Recall': 0.9696969696969697, 'road marking: f1': 0.955223880597015, 'road marking: Generality': 0.6875, 'Average: Precision': 0.9882352941176471, 'Average: Recall': 0.7234632034632035, 'Average: f1': 0.7508148910619317, 'Average: Generality': 0.5625}), ('PDM: Detection', {'pavement: Precision': 0.94, 'pavement: Recall': 0.9791666666666666, 'pavement: f1': 0.9591836734693877, 'pavement: Generality': 0.17518248175182483, 'pavement: Spatial Error': 0.03316669399084972, 'drainage: Precision': 1, 'drainage: Recall': 0.0, 'drainage: f1': 0.0, 'drainage: Generality': 0.010948905109489052, 'drainage: Spatial Error': 0, 'sidewalk: Precision': 0.9552238805970149, 'sidewalk: Recall': 0.8421052631578947, 'sidewalk: f1': 0.895104895104895, 'sidewalk: Generality': 0.2773722627737226, 'sidewalk: Spatial Error': 0.053828160970757676, 'access cover: Precision': 1.0, 'access cover: Recall': 0.7142857142857143, 'access cover: f1': 0.8333333333333333, 'access cover: Generality': 0.025547445255474453, 'access cover: Spatial Error': 0.036504976263086505, 'road marking: Precision': 0.61, 'road marking: Recall': 0.7922077922077922, 'road marking: f1': 0.6892655367231638, 'road marking: Generality': 0.28102189781021897, 'road marking: Spatial Error': 0.13359087923372032, 'Average: Precision': 0.9010447761194029, 'Average: Recall': 0.6655530872636135, 'Average: f1': 0.675377487726156, 'Average: Generality': 0.15401459854014599, 'Average: Spatial Error': 0.05141814209168284}), ('PDM: Measurement', {'pavement: Precision': 0.9758184434730911, 'pavement: Recall': 0.9846744595095605, 'pavement: f1': 0.980146754737148, 'pavement: Generality': 0.30820244180812756, 'pavement: Spatial Error': 0.03150564510122175, 'pavement: IoU': 0.9611610597799737, 'drainage: Precision': 1, 'drainage: Recall': 1, 'drainage: f1': 0, 'drainage: Generality': 6.210013181584362e-05, 'drainage: Spatial Error': 0, 'drainage: IoU': 0, 'sidewalk: Precision': 0.9248568234862091, 'sidewalk: Recall': 0.9165071995588335, 'sidewalk: f1': 0.9168350594936366, 'sidewalk: Generality': 0.05954610942322531, 'sidewalk: Spatial Error': 0.0478956167377395, 'sidewalk: IoU': 0.8516038240499255, 'access cover: Precision': 0.9327522944038804, 'access cover: Recall': 0.9525928177800097, 'access cover: f1': 0.9422126762912999, 'access cover: Generality': 0.0011828563046553497, 'access cover: Spatial Error': 0.036504976263086505, 'access cover: IoU': 0.8914637613208534, 'road marking: Precision': 0.8227076213451789, 'road marking: Recall': 0.8085523962099211, 'road marking: f1': 0.8002073854200747, 'road marking: Generality': 0.01469460318608539, 'road marking: Spatial Error': 0.10275892987179101, 'road marking: IoU': 0.6868473145065962, 'Average: Precision': 0.9312270365416719, 'Average: Recall': 0.9324653746116649, 'Average: f1': 0.7278803751884318, 'Average: Generality': 0.0767376221707819, 'Average: Spatial Error': 0.04373303359476775, 'Average: IoU': 0.6782151919314697})]), 'V_test': OrderedDict([('bbox', {'AP': 36.50492178077626, 'AP50': 60.03994947693223, 'AP75': 39.92885472757802, 'APs': 0.0, 'APm': 41.95148182400658, 'APl': 38.03472773925428, 'AP-human': 42.08910891089109, 'AP-traffic light': 31.94719471947195, 'AP-street light': 36.13246324632463, 'AP-street sign': 30.297029702970296, 'AP-barrier': 18.019801980198018, 'AP-car': 60.543932124801536, 'AP-pavement': np.nan, 'AP-drainage': np.nan, 'AP-sidewalk': np.nan, 'AP-access cover': np.nan, 'AP-road marking': np.nan}), ('segm', {'AP': 29.9468409706864, 'AP50': 57.67275543366268, 'AP75': 18.96912775958076, 'APs': 0.0, 'APm': 34.37829579661263, 'APl': 33.815924260099024, 'AP-human': 28.927392739273927, 'AP-traffic light': 34.00990099009901, 'AP-street light': 17.67518894746618, 'AP-street sign': 25.247524752475247, 'AP-barrier': 12.871287128712872, 'AP-car': 60.94975126609118, 'AP-pavement': np.nan, 'AP-drainage': np.nan, 'AP-sidewalk': np.nan, 'AP-access cover': np.nan, 'AP-road marking': np.nan}), ('PDM: Presence', {'traffic light: Precision': 1.0, 'traffic light: Recall': 1.0, 'traffic light: f1': 1.0, 'traffic light: Generality': 0.041666666666666664, 'street light: Precision': 0.8181818181818182, 'street light: Recall': 0.6923076923076923, 'street light: f1': 0.7500000000000001, 'street light: Generality': 0.2708333333333333, 'street sign: Precision': 0.5, 'street sign: Recall': 0.5, 'street sign: f1': 0.5, 'street sign: Generality': 0.041666666666666664, 'barrier: Precision': 0.5, 'barrier: Recall': 0.25, 'barrier: f1': 0.3333333333333333, 'barrier: Generality': 0.08333333333333333, 'Average: Precision': 0.7045454545454546, 'Average: Recall': 0.6105769230769231, 'Average: f1': 0.6458333333333334, 'Average: Generality': 0.109375}), ('PDM: Detection', {'traffic light: Precision': 0.75, 'traffic light: Recall': 0.75, 'traffic light: f1': 0.75, 'traffic light: Generality': 0.03333333333333333, 'traffic light: Spatial Error': 0.11218497089610675, 'street light: Precision': 0.8181818181818182, 'street light: Recall': 0.6, 'street light: f1': 0.6923076923076923, 'street light: Generality': 0.125, 'street light: Spatial Error': 0.16367560737475131, 'street sign: Precision': 0.5, 'street sign: Recall': 0.5, 'street sign: f1': 0.5, 'street sign: Generality': 0.016666666666666666, 'street sign: Spatial Error': 0.13430919236578065, 'barrier: Precision': 0.5, 'barrier: Recall': 0.25, 'barrier: f1': 0.3333333333333333, 'barrier: Generality': 0.03333333333333333, 'barrier: Spatial Error': 0.0852693519556881, 'Average: Precision': 0.6420454545454546, 'Average: Recall': 0.525, 'Average: f1': 0.5689102564102564, 'Average: Generality': 0.05208333333333333, 'Average: Spatial Error': 0.1238597806480817}), ('PDM: Measurement', {'traffic light: Precision': 0.8562826242119765, 'traffic light: Recall': 0.922072913635643, 'traffic light: f1': 0.8860094344142052, 'traffic light: Generality': 0.00037558473186728394, 'traffic light: Spatial Error': 0.11218497089610675, 'traffic light: IoU': 0.7981264097422115, 'street light: Precision': 0.7760067123910911, 'street light: Recall': 0.8134280961505925, 'street light: f1': 0.7866425292088454, 'street light: Generality': 0.0007016581468621399, 'street light: Spatial Error': 0.16367560737475131, 'street light: IoU': 0.6573109067526287, 'street sign: Precision': 0.8685524126455907, 'street sign: Recall': 0.8072164948453608, 'street sign: f1': 0.8367619556505478, 'street sign: Generality': 0.00017366134580761318, 'street sign: Spatial Error': 0.13430919236578065, 'street sign: IoU': 0.7193385392742306, 'barrier: Precision': 0.7260219341974078, 'barrier: Recall': 0.9861863488624052, 'barrier: f1': 0.836338578155507, 'barrier: Generality': 0.00011613257137345679, 'barrier: Spatial Error': 0.0852693519556881, 'barrier: IoU': 0.7187129885511252, 'Average: Precision': 0.8067159208615166, 'Average: Recall': 0.8822259633735005, 'Average: f1': 0.8364381243572764, 'Average: Generality': 0.0003417591989776234, 'Average: Spatial Error': 0.1238597806480817, 'Average: IoU': 0.7233722110800491})])}"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"M, G, V, C = 'M_test', 'G_test', 'V_test', 'C_test'\n",
"Presence, Detection, Measurement = 'PDM: Presence', 'PDM: Detection', 'PDM: Measurement'\n",
"METRIC_PRECISION = \"Precision\"\n",
"METRIC_RECALL = \"Recall\"\n",
"METRIC_F1 = \"f1\"\n",
"METRIC_GENERALITY = \"Generality\"\n",
"METRIC_SPATIAL_ERROR = \"Spatial Error\"\n",
"METRIC_IOU = \"IoU\"\n",
"METRICS_D = [\n",
" METRIC_F1,\n",
"METRICS_M = [\n",
" METRIC_F1,\n",
"# filter\n",
"METRICS_D = [\n",
" METRIC_F1,\n",
"METRICS_M = [\n",
" METRIC_F1,\n",
"ground = {\n",
" \"drainage\",\n",
" \"pavement\",\n",
" \"road marking\",\n",
" \"sidewalk\",\n",
" \"access cover\",\n",
"vertical = {\n",
" \"traffic light\",\n",
" \"street light\",\n",
" \"street sign\",\n",
" \"barrier\",\n",
"merged = ground | vertical\n",
"avg = \"Average\"\n",
"metrics = {Presence: METRICS_P, Detection: METRICS_D, Measurement: METRICS_M}\n",
"metrics_noGen = {}\n",
"for m in metrics:\n",
" metrics_noGen[m] = [i for i in metrics[m] if not i == METRIC_GENERALITY]"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": [
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import copy\n",
"results2 = copy.deepcopy(results)\n",
"for k in [M, G, V]:\n",
" results2[k].pop(\"bbox\")\n",
" results2[k].pop(\"segm\")\n",
"import copy\n",
"results2[C] = copy.deepcopy(results2[G])\n",
"for asset in vertical:\n",
" for metric in METRICS_P:\n",
" results2[C][Presence][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"] = results2[V][Presence][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"]\n",
" for metric in METRICS_D:\n",
" results2[C][Detection][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"] = results2[V][Detection][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"]\n",
" for metric in METRICS_M:\n",
" results2[C][Measurement][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"] = results2[V][Measurement][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"]\n",
"for metric in METRICS_P:\n",
" results2[C][Presence][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"] = (len(vertical)*results2[V][Presence][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"]+len(ground)*results2[G][Presence][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"])/len(merged)\n",
"for metric in METRICS_D:\n",
" results2[C][Detection][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"] = (len(vertical)*results2[V][Detection][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"]+len(ground)*results2[G][Detection][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"])/len(merged)\n",
"for metric in METRICS_M:\n",
" results2[C][Measurement][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"] = (len(vertical)*results2[V][Measurement][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"]+len(ground)*results2[G][Measurement][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"])/len(merged)\n",
"# pprint(results2)\n",
"results3 = copy.deepcopy(results2)\n",
"for k in results2:\n",
" # results3[k] = {}\n",
" results3[k] = dict(results3[k])\n",
" results3[k][Presence].clear()\n",
" results3[k][Detection].clear()\n",
" results3[k][Measurement].clear()\n",
" for asset in merged:\n",
" results3[k][Presence][asset] = {metric: results2[k][Presence][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"] for metric in METRICS_P}\n",
" results3[k][Detection][asset] = {metric: results2[k][Detection][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"] for metric in METRICS_D}\n",
" results3[k][Measurement][asset] = {metric: results2[k][Measurement][f\"{asset}: {metric}\"] for metric in METRICS_M}\n",
" results3[k][Presence][avg] = {metric: results2[k][Presence][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"] for metric in METRICS_P}\n",
" results3[k][Detection][avg] = {metric: results2[k][Detection][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"] for metric in METRICS_D}\n",
" results3[k][Measurement][avg] = {metric: results2[k][Measurement][f\"{avg}: {metric}\"] for metric in METRICS_M}\n",
"# pprint(results3)\n",
"print(len(set(i.split(\":\")[0] for i in results[M][Presence])), set(i.split(\":\")[0] for i in results[M][Presence]))\n",
"print(len(set(i.split(\":\")[0] for i in results[G][Presence])), set(i.split(\":\")[0] for i in results[G][Presence]))\n",
"print(len(set(i.split(\":\")[0] for i in results[V][Presence])), set(i.split(\":\")[0] for i in results[V][Presence]))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"for k in [M, C]:\n",
" print(k)\n",
" for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" print(j)\n",
" print(\"Asset\", end=\"\\t\")\n",
" for metric in metrics[j]:\n",
" print(metric, end=\"\\t\")\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" for asset in merged:\n",
" print(asset, end=\"\\t\")\n",
" for metric in metrics[j]:\n",
" print(results3[k][j][asset][metric], end=\"\\t\")\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" print()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"for k in [M, C]:\n",
" print(k)\n",
" s = \",\"\n",
" print(\"Asset\", end=s)\n",
" for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" for metric in metrics[j]:\n",
" print(j.split(\": \")[1][0]+\": \"+metric, end=s)\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" for asset in list(merged)+[avg]:\n",
" print(asset, end=s)\n",
" for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" for metric in metrics[j]:\n",
" print(f\"{results3[k][j][asset][metric]:.2g}\", end=s)\n",
" print(\"\")\n",
" print()"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"source": [
"## Graphs"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from typing import List\n",
"def bargroup(data: List[List[str]], ticks: List[str], labels: List[str], title: str, spacing: float = 0, angle: float = 45):\n",
" x = np.arange(0, len(ticks))*(1+spacing)\n",
" w = 1/len(labels)\n",
" for i,l in enumerate(labels):\n",
"*w, data[i], width=w, label=l)\n",
" plt.xticks(x+0.5*(1-w), ticks, rotation=angle)\n",
"# plt.hlines(1, x[0], x[-1])\n",
" plt.legend()\n",
" plt.title(title)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# graph each metric for Average\n",
"for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" bargroup(data=[[results3[l][j][avg][m] for m in metrics[j]] for l in [M,C]], ticks=metrics[j], labels=[M,C], title=f\"{j}, {avg}\", spacing = 0.5)\n",
" name = j.split(\":\")[1].strip()\n",
" plt.savefig(f\"graphs\\\\Average_{name}.png\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#graph each metric for each asset\n",
"for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" for asset in merged:\n",
" bargroup(data=[[results3[l][j][asset][m] for m in metrics[j]] for l in [M,C]], ticks=metrics[j], labels=[M,C], title=f\"{j}, {asset}\", spacing = 0.5)\n",
" name = j.split(\":\")[1].strip()\n",
" plt.savefig(f\"graphs\\\\asset_{asset}_{name}.png\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# graph each asset for each metric\n",
"for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" for metric in metrics[j]:\n",
" bargroup(data=[[results3[l][j][asset][metric] for asset in merged] for l in [M,C]], ticks=merged, labels=[M,C], title=f\"{j}, {metric}\", spacing = 0.5)\n",
" name = j.split(\":\")[1].strip()\n",
" plt.savefig(f\"graphs\\\\metric_{metric}_{name}.png\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# graph each asset for each metric, excluding some assets\n",
"merged2 = sorted(set(merged)-set([\"pavement\", \"sidewalk\"]))\n",
"for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" for metric in metrics[j]:\n",
" bargroup(data=[[results3[l][j][asset][metric] for asset in merged2] for l in [M,C]], ticks=merged2, labels=[M,C], title=f\"{j}, {metric}\", spacing = 0.5)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#graph each asset for each metric, normalised by generality\n",
"for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" for metric in metrics[j]:\n",
" data = []\n",
" for l in [M,C]:\n",
" d = []\n",
" for asset in merged:\n",
" try:\n",
" value = results3[l][j][asset][metric]/results3[l][j][asset][METRIC_GENERALITY]\n",
" except ZeroDivisionError:\n",
" print(\"Zero Generality for \"+asset)\n",
" value = -1\n",
" d.append(value)\n",
" data.append(d)\n",
" bargroup(data=data, ticks=merged, labels=[M,C], title=f\"{j}, {metric}/Generality\", spacing = 0.5)\n",
" name = j.split(\":\")[1].strip()\n",
" plt.savefig(f\"graphs\\\\metricgen_{metric}_{name}.png\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# relative generality\n",
"for j in [Presence, Detection, Measurement]:\n",
" data = []\n",
" d = []\n",
" for asset in merged:\n",
" try:\n",
" value = results3[M][j][asset][METRIC_GENERALITY]/results3[C][j][asset][METRIC_GENERALITY]\n",
" except ZeroDivisionError:\n",
" print(\"Zero Generality for \"+asset)\n",
" value = -1\n",
" d.append(value)\n",
" data.append(d)\n",
" bargroup(data=data, ticks=merged, labels=[M+\"/\"+C], title=f\"{j}, Relative Generality\", spacing = 0.5)\n",
" plt.axhline(1, color=\"k\")\n",
" name = j.split(\":\")[1].strip()\n",
" plt.savefig(f\"graphs\\\\relgen_{name}.png\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"counts={ \"G_test\": {\"images\":48, \"total\":274, 'human': 0, 'traffic light': 0, 'street light': 0, 'street sign': 0, 'barrier': 0, 'car': 63, 'pavement': 48, 'drainage': 3, 'sidewalk': 76, 'access cover': 7, 'road marking': 77},\n",
"\"G_train\": {\"images\":219, \"total\":119, 'human': 8, 'traffic light': 0, 'street light': 0, 'street sign': 0, 'barrier': 0, 'car': 274, 'pavement': 222, 'drainage': 9, 'sidewalk': 322, 'access cover': 15, 'road marking': 341},\n",
"\"G_val\": {\"images\":47, \"total\":248, 'human': 3, 'traffic light': 0, 'street light': 0, 'street sign': 0, 'barrier': 0, 'car': 60, 'pavement': 47, 'drainage': 2, 'sidewalk': 66, 'access cover': 8, 'road marking': 62},\n",
"\"M_test\": {\"images\":48, \"total\":373, 'human': 10, 'traffic light': 4, 'street light': 16, 'street sign': 2, 'barrier': 4, 'car': 105, 'pavement': 48, 'drainage': 3, 'sidewalk': 80, 'access cover': 8, 'road marking': 93},\n",
"\"M_train\": {\"images\":219, \"total\":157, 'human': 40, 'traffic light': 14, 'street light': 86, 'street sign': 18, 'barrier': 10, 'car': 423, 'pavement': 221, 'drainage': 9, 'sidewalk': 336, 'access cover': 16, 'road marking': 404},\n",
"\"M_val\": {\"images\":47, \"total\":327, 'human': 8, 'traffic light': 5, 'street light': 16, 'street sign': 7, 'barrier': 4, 'car': 82, 'pavement': 47, 'drainage': 4, 'sidewalk': 68, 'access cover': 9, 'road marking': 77},\n",
"\"M_valtest\": {\"images\":95, \"total\":700, 'human': 18, 'traffic light': 9, 'street light': 32, 'street sign': 9, 'barrier': 8, 'car': 187, 'pavement': 95, 'drainage': 7, 'sidewalk': 148, 'access cover': 17, 'road marking': 170},\n",
"\"V_test\": {\"images\":48, \"total\":120, 'human': 8, 'traffic light': 4, 'street light': 15, 'street sign': 2, 'barrier': 4, 'car': 87, 'pavement': 0, 'drainage': 0, 'sidewalk': 0, 'access cover': 0, 'road marking': 0},\n",
"\"V_train\": {\"images\":219, \"total\":533, 'human': 38, 'traffic light': 12, 'street light': 76, 'street sign': 17, 'barrier': 8, 'car': 382, 'pavement': 0, 'drainage': 0, 'sidewalk': 0, 'access cover': 0, 'road marking': 0},\n",
"\"V_val\": {\"images\":47, \"total\":116, 'human': 6, 'traffic light': 5, 'street light': 15, 'street sign': 8, 'barrier': 4, 'car': 78, 'pavement': 0, 'drainage': 0, 'sidewalk': 0, 'access cover': 0, 'road marking': 0},\n",
" }"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"print(\"Dataset\", *(counts[\"G_train\"].keys()), sep=\"\\t\")\n",
"for i in counts:\n",
" print(i, *(counts[i].values()), sep=\"\\t\")"
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