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Shane Keller skeller88

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# Tensorflow image Dockerfile:
# FROM continuumio/miniconda:4.7.12
# Image Dockerfile:
FROM nvidia/cuda:10.0-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu18.04
# bash has more functionality than bin, such as "source"
* Current standard is RFC 3986, published in 2005: Apache Commons has a
* url validator, but it doesn't accept certain urls, probably because it's implementing RFC2396 from 1998. Also, the
* Fitbit API validator has custom needs such as allowing unicode characters.
* <p/>
* REGEX_COMPILED is used by UrlTypeConverter and MultiUrlsTypeConverter to validate third party app urls.
* <p/>
* All regex parts are borrowed from dperini's "" unless otherwise noted.
* The dperini regex satisfies most of the test cases here:, and has undergone