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I may be fast to respond.

steven skew202

I may be fast to respond.
  • Ƨ0Ƨʍǝʞs@ןıɐɯƃ˙ɯoɔ
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skew202 /
Created October 25, 2016 10:36
git command over subdirectories
# ind . searches the current directory
# -type d to find directories, not files
# -depth 1 for a maximum depth of one sub-directory
# -exec {} \; runs a custom command for every find
# git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree=$PWD/{} pull git pulls the individual directories
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree=$PWD/{} pull \;
//Using $$
[]$$("*"),function(a){"1px solid #"+(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16)
//Using document.querySelectorAll:
[]"*"),function(a){"1px solid #"+(~~(Math.random()*(1<<24))).toString(16)})
// allcolors.js
// Print out CSS colors used in elements on the page.
(function () {
// Should include colors from elements that have a border color but have a zero width?
var includeBorderColorsWithZeroWidth = false;
var allColors = {};
var props = ["background-color", "color", "border-top-color", "border-right-color", "border-bottom-color", "border-left-color"];
// dataurl.js
// Print out data URLs for all images / canvases on the page.
(function() {"Data URLs");
[]"img"), function(i) {
var c = document.createElement("canvas");
// performance.js
// Print out window.performance information.
(function () {
var t = window.performance.timing;
var lt = && &&;
var timings = [];
// plainforms.js
// Remove HTML5 form features (validations and special input types).
(function () {
['maxlength', 'required', 'min', 'max', 'pattern', 'step' ].forEach(function (attr) {
[]"[" + attr + "]"), function (node) {
// querystringvalues.js
// Print out key/value pairs from querystring.
(function() {
var url = location;
var querystring =;
var tab = querystring.split("&").map(function(qs) {
return { "Key": qs.split("=")[0], "Value": qs.split("=")[1], "Pretty Value": decodeURIComponent(qs.split("=")[1]).replace(/\+/g," ") }
# Type(<scope>): <subject>
# <body>
# <footer>
# Type should be one of the following:
# * feat (new feature)
# * fix (bug fix)
# * docs (changes to documentation)

How to get faster PR reviews

Most of what is written here is not at all specific to Kubernetes, but it bears being written down in the hope that it will occasionally remind people of "best practices" around code reviews.

You've just had a brilliant idea on how to make Kubernetes better. Let's call that idea "Feature-X". Feature-X is not even that complicated. You have a pretty good idea of how to implement it. You jump in and implement it, fixing a bunch of stuff along the way. You send your PR - this is awesome! And it sits. And

import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc
import math
import tensorflow as tf
from sys import stderr
from functools import reduce
import time