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Rashaad Essop skopp

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Merge vs. Rebase – A deep dive into the mysteries of revision control

Posted on March 7, 2009, 03:51, by dsp, under Open Source, Version Control. I remember the days when I started learning Git about two years ago. I crawled through all the available commands and read the man pages what they are for and I remember when I stumbled over rebase and stuck. After figuring out what it actually does, I start loving it, but didn’t understand it’s dangerousness until someday I somehow got duplicated commits after pulling from another repository. So let me explain what goes wrong and why merge and rebase are often misunderstood. I’ll also present a list of golden-rules about their usage. Before we start with explaining both commands, I would like to give you one of the most important rules, in case you don’t want to read the complete article.

Never rebase branches or trees that you pulled. Only rebase local branches.

Disclaimer: I never read this article myself

// How to use this:
// 1. Go to the desired profile page on coderwall, like
// 2. Paste this gist in the JS console
// You can also probably use this in greasemonkey and dot.js
// Also, it was tested in Chrome, Firefox and Safari, it probably will
// not work in IE, but I just don't care about it ;)
// UPDATE: Coderwall made changes to the site and I cannot retrieve the achievements, so they are hardcoded, taken from a cached version of the achievements page
skopp /
Last active August 29, 2020 14:23
5 handy Google Search queries

5 Handy Google search techniques

these work with Google's search engine, may work with others but not tested

  1. "query" - Double quotes are used to search for a specific phrase. If you were to search for, let's say, halloween in Nebraska, not all the results will have that exact phrase. Instead, Google will treat those words as separate and show the results accordingly. However, if you do "halloween in Nebraska", only those results will show up that have the exact phrase.

  2. query -phrase - Use this to exclude something from the results. For example, if I were to search for Microsoft -Google, that means I need results that talk about Microsoft without any reference to Google.

  3. intitle:query - This can be used when you need to locate text in the title of an article. So doing a search for intitle:Windows 8 Start Screen will show the articles that have this phrase in their title.

skopp / hellomoto.rb
Created August 12, 2013 11:55
Testing Android app
puts 'hello hello';


Camo is all about making insecure assets look secure. This is an SSL image proxy to prevent mixed content warnings on secure pages served from GitHub.

We want to allow people to keep embedding images in comments/issues/READMEs/google charting.

There's more info on the GitHub blog.

Using a shared key, proxy URLs are encrypted with hmac so we can bust caches/ban/rate limit if needed. do |w|
w.uid = "git"
w.gid = "git" = "camo"
w.pid_file = "/data/camo/tmp/"
w.interval = 30.seconds
w.env = {
"PORT" => '8080',
skopp / index.haml
Created August 11, 2013 22:01
A CodePen by skopp. Business Cards - Stacked business cards using CSS3 transition only
%img{:src => ""}
time to call
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece:vertical {background-color:#666;-webkit-border-radius: 0px;}::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece:horizontal {background-color:#666-webkit-border-radius: 5px;}::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 9px;height: 9px;}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{ background-color:#F88017; -webkit-border-radius:6px;}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover{background-color:#F88017;!important -webkit-border-radius:6px;}
skopp /
Last active December 20, 2015 22:09 — forked from bguthrie/coderwall_badge_markup.html
skopp /
Last active December 20, 2015 22:09 — forked from scottksmith95/index.html

Setup for parsing...