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Eugene Sokovikov skv-headless

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ozio /
Last active September 28, 2021 16:55
Вопросы, которые мне задавали (или не задавали) на позицию Senior Frontend Developer (~10 их)

Я не пытался тут собрать все вопросы, которые хорошо бы задавать, а лишь те, что мне задавали (если не указано обратное), так что не неситесь жаловаться, что вы не нашли своих любимых и коварных. Так же, я не привожу список всяких логических задачек, которых, слава богу, было минимум и задачек с написанием кода на листке бумажки что, к сожалению, всё ещё распространено.


  • Жизненный цикл компонента? В какой метод какие аргументы приходят? Где и как лучше обновлять стейт?
  • Что такое функциональный компонент и PureComponent? В чём разница?
  • Что такое Redux?
  • Что такое сайд-эффекты?
  • Какие бывают миддлвары в Redux?
  • Для чего нужен redux-thunk?
  • На чём построена redux-saga (на генераторах) и для чего она нужна?
gjrevans / intercom.js
Last active January 24, 2023 13:46
Customize the placement, size, color of the intercom launcher
// Intercom
// Inject styles into Intercom iframe
var stylesheet = document.createElement('link');
stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet';
stylesheet.href = 'path_to_file.css';
// Wait for the iframe to become ready (max 30 seconds)
var timeout = setTimeout(function() {
learner-long-life /
Last active August 30, 2022 22:32
How to get on Rinkeby Testnet in less than 10 minutes

How to get on Rinkeby Testnet in less than 10 minutes

Following instructions from the excellent

Synchronizing a Full Node

A full node lets you access all state. There is a light node (state-on-demand) and wallet-only (no state) instructions as well,

wbotelhos /
Last active July 4, 2024 09:06
Clear Sidekiq Jobs
require 'sidekiq/api'
# 1. Clear retry set
# 2. Clear scheduled jobs
mankind / rails-jsonb-queries
Last active May 23, 2024 06:47
Ruby on Rails-5 postgresql-9.6 jsonb queries
#payload: [{"kind"=>"person"}]
Segment.where("payload @> ?", [{kind: "person"}].to_json)
#data: {"interest"=>["music", "movies", "programming"]}
Segment.where("data @> ?", {"interest": ["music", "movies", "programming"]}.to_json)
Segment.where("data #>> '{interest, 1}' = 'movies' ")
Segment.where("jsonb_array_length(data->'interest') > 1")

Proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conference.


Use case for react-native-macos

React Native for macOS (a.k.a React Native Desktop) started as an experiment a year ago, just out of curiousity and the active stage of development also took place during the previous Reactive conference right in the hotel room in Bratislava.

5 minutes talk about why you probably haven't heard about any real desktop application based on RN, and for what kind of applications it might be perfect fit.

ryyppy /
Last active May 20, 2023 02:07
A Life on a Commandline - How to never touch a mouse again. Lightning Talk Proposal for ReactiveConf 2016 (

Proposal for this year's Reactive lightning talks @ReactiveConf - If you want to see my talk, star this gist please :-) [Reactive Blogpost][reactive-conference-blogpost]

A life on a Commandline

As a JavaScript developer, could you imagine using something else than Atom, Sublime or other IDE-like text-editors? During their daily work, people wrangle a lot with different applications, editors, windows, browsers and loose a lot of time because of their tools getting in their way.

jarretmoses / React Native Clear Cache
Last active July 17, 2024 15:14
Clearing the Cache of your React Native Project
RN < 0.50 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && npm cache clean && npm install && npm start -- --reset-cache
RN >= 0.50 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-native-packager-cache-* && rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-bundler-cache-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && npm cache clean && npm install && npm start -- --reset-cache
RN >= 0.63 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf node_modules && npm install && rm -rf /tmp/metro-* && npm run start --reset-cache
npm >= 5 - watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && npm cache verify && npm install && npm start -- --reset-cache
Windows - del %appdata%\Temp\react-native-* & cd android & gradlew clean & cd .. & del node_modules/ & npm cache clean --force & npm install & npm start -- --reset-cache
ncuillery /
Last active September 26, 2016 18:52
[LT Reactive 2016] Efficient testing with Jest
       $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........................... ... .........I$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
ashleyconnor / Elixir
Last active October 31, 2021 12:11
Elixir Socket Example
defmodule SocketPlayground do
def listen(port) do
listen(port, &handler/1)
def listen(port, handler) do
IO.puts "listen"
Socket.TCP.listen!(port, packet: :line)
|> accept(handler)