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slimane / quickrun_config.haxe.vim
Last active January 1, 2016 09:29
let g:quickrun_config['haxe'] = {
\ 'command' : 'haxe'
\ , 'args' : '-x'
\ , 'cmdopt' : '-main ' . "%{HaxeClssName(expand(\"%S:t:r\"))}"
\ , 'exec' : "%c %o %a %s:p"
\ }
function! HaxeClssName(word)
" :rで拡張子が削除されてくれないので関数で対処。後で原因調べて直す
return substitute(a:word, '^\v.*\ze\.hx', '\u&', '')
slimane / ack.hs
Last active January 2, 2016 02:39
ack :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
ack (0, n) = n + 1
ack (m, 0) = ack(m - 1, 1)
ack (m, n) = ack(m -1, ack(m, n-1))
ackGuard :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
ackGuard (m, n)
| m == 0 = n + 1
| n == 0 = ackGuard(m - 1, 1)
| otherwise = ackGuard(m -1, ackGuard(m, n-1))
import Debug.Trace
fact 0 = 1
fact n = n * fact (n - 1)
superFact 0 = 1
superFact n = superFact' (n', n')
n' = fact n
superFact' (_, 0) = 1
superFact' (n, o) = n^superFact' (n, o - 1)
Select-String -path "*.log" -casesensitive -pattern "変数\s+\w+\s+は初期化されていません。|MERGE\s+ステートメントに\s+BY\s+値を繰り返す|(WARNING|ERROR):|^(WARNING|ERROR)" -Encoding default | format-custom -GroupBy filename
def getEncoding(text: String): Option[String] = {
def checkEncoding(encoding: String): Boolean = {
text == new String(text.getBytes(encoding), encoding)
case NonFatal(_) => false
case th: Throtable => throw th
List("ascii", "iso-2022-jp", "utf-8", "euc-jp", "sjis", "utf-16")
def allSeq(c: Collection, p: T => Boolean, removeItemCnt: Int = 0): List[Int] = {
c.lastIndexWhere(_.p) match{
case n if n == -1 => Nill
case n => (n + removeItemCnt + 1)
:: allIndex(c.remove(n), removeItemCnt + 1)
def matchLine(file: List[String], pattern: String): List[(Int, String)] = {
val pat = pattern.r
.withFilter(line, _index => pat.line)
.flatMap(line, index => ( (index + 1), line) )
$reg_exp = [string]::join("|", $problematic_msgs)
$target_extension = "log"
$directory = "."
$path = $directory + "\*." + $target_extension
$out_file = "logcheck_result.html"
$head = @'
" インサートモードに入るか、入力を行った最後の時間変数に保存
autocmd! InsertEnter,InsertChange * :let s:last_action_time = localtime()
autocmd! CursorMovedI * :call s:leave_insert_mode() | let s:last_action_time = localtime()
autocmd! InsertCharPre * :call s:leave_insert_mode("call feedkeys('" . v:char . "', 'n')", "let v:char = '' ")
/* 2個の引数を受け取るsomeFuncの定義で一番お勧めなのはどれなんでしょう? */
funcA a b = a * b + (a + b)
a `someFunc` b = a `funcA` b
someFunc a b = funcA a b
someFunc a b = a `funcA` b
a `someFunc` b = funcA a b