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Steven Loria sloria

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from flask import Flask
from marshmallow import fields
from webargs.flaskparser import use_args
app = Flask(__name__)
hello_args = {
'name': fields.Str(required=True)
sloria / _ped
Created September 9, 2015 00:20
#compdef ped
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
_ped() {
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
integer NORMARG
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C -s -n \
'(- -h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Show help message]' \
sloria / rcomponents.js
Last active April 8, 2018 02:00
mithril-like modules in react
/** Sugar for creating a React component from a mithril-like module. */
var defcomponent = function(module) {
var component = {
componentWillMount() {
if (module.hasOwnProperty('controller')) {
this.ctrl = new module.controller(this.props, this.props.children);
render() {
return, this.ctrl, this.props, this.props.children);
sloria / mcomponents.js
Last active April 8, 2018 02:00
sugar for components in mithril
* Provides sugar for creating a mithril component
* tweaked from @mindeavor's imlementation here:
var defcomponent = function (component) {
return function(props, content) { return m.component(component, props, content); }
sloria /
Created December 25, 2014 20:45
from smore.apispec import APISpec
spec = APISpec(
title='Swagger Petstore',
description='This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more '
'about Swagger at <a href=\"\"></a> '
'or on, #swagger. For this sample, you can use the api '
'key \"special-key\" to test the authorization filters',
sloria /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
proof of concept for integrating 3rd-party validators with marshmallow
"""Proof of concept for converting 3rd-party validators to marshmallow validators,
demonstating multiple possible implementations.
from marshmallow import fields
from marshmallow.exceptions import UnmarshallingError, ValidationError
import pytest
class Converter(object):
__name__ = 'Converter'
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
class FooSchema(Schema):
author_name = fields.Nested('UserSerializer')
class Meta:
fields = ('id', 'author_name')
foos = Foo.query.all()
schema = FooSchema(many=True)
sloria / gist:ebcc633a2310ead47857
Created May 15, 2014 21:23
Non-working portscan denial test
- name: test csf | Port scans are denied
connection: local
sudo: no
# doalarm runs a command and returns an error if no output was captured in
# 3 seconds
# Here, a portscan is attempted; CSF should hang the connection, so doalarm() should
# return an error
command: doalarm () { perl -e 'alarm shift; exec @ARGV' "$@"; } && doalarm 3 nc -z 1-1023
register: portscan_result
failed_when: portscan_result.stdout
<button data-areyousure>Default</button>
<button data-areyousure="¿Está seguro?"
data-cancel="No">Custom Text</button>
<button id="callbacks">Callbacks</button>
$("#callbacks").areyousure({ yes: function() {alert('Sure.');},
"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin",
"characters": "$",
"selector": ", source.js, source.js.embedded.html"
"bold_folder_labels": true,