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A systematic literature review (often referred to as a systematic review) is a means of identifying, evaluating and interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research question, or topic area, or phenomenon of interest. Individual studies contributing to a systematic review are called primary studies; a systematic review is a form of secondary study.
Systematic reviews start by defining a review protocol that specifies the research question being addressed and the methods that will be used to perform the review.
• Systematic reviews are based on a defined search strategy that aims to detect as much of the relevant literature as possible.
• Systematic reviews document their search strategy so that readers can assess their rigour and the completeness and repeatability of the process (bearing in mind that searches of digital libraries are almost impossible to replicate).
• Systematic reviews require explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria to assess each potential primary study.
• Systema

Query: pattern software

Query in metadata only Source Matches Found
all times IEEExplore 23,110 Results returned
> 2005 IEEExplore 15,914 Results returned
> 2010 IEEExplore 8,186 Results returned

Query: software pattern impact

#You have seen something like this, if null replace with a blank array
an_array = (another_array || [] ) + (yet_another_array || [])
#But you could do this as well
an_array = another_array.to_a + yet_another_array.to_a
#Or you have seen this
an_array = another_array + (an_element_or_array.is_a?(Array) ? an_element_or_array : [an_element] )
smsohan / RubyUncommonMethods
Created November 12, 2010 05:48
Some interesting advanced level Ruby coding that you will see in mature code
#the new tap method of ruby will always return itself, but lets you play with!
data = (1..10).to_a
data.tap{|x| print x}.to_a.join(', ')
#alias will redirect method calls to method with a different name, useful for api changing
class SomeClass
def new_method(x)
p "The value is #{x}"
smsohan / RubyAdvancedFeatures
Created November 12, 2010 05:50
Some advanced ruby features
#the new tap method of ruby will always return itself, but lets you play with!
data = (1..10).to_a
data.tap{|x| print x}.to_a.join(', ')
#alias will redirect method calls to method with a different name, useful for api changing
class SomeClass
def new_method(x)
p "The value is #{x}"
smsohan / C# FlagsAttribute with Enum
Created January 7, 2011 20:52
This excerpt is from ASP.NET MVC - the first example seems to be too geeky. Agree?
Which version is more readable?
public enum HttpVerbs {
Get = 1 << 0,
Post = 1 << 1,
Put = 1 << 2,
Delete = 1 << 3,
Head = 1 << 4
smsohan / DrinkRails.scpt
Created January 10, 2011 19:03
An AppleScript code that I use to generate the LI tags with blog title, URL and author from NetNewsWire
-- Build text string
set s to "<li>"
tell application "NetNewsWire"
set s to s & "<a href=\"" & (URL of selectedHeadline) & "\">"
set s to s & (title of selectedHeadline) & "</a>"
set s to s & (creator of selectedHeadline)
end tell
set s to s & "</li>"
-- Set the contents to the ClipBoard
smsohan / fsharp_tennis.fs
Created March 21, 2011 22:23
F# code that simulates a lawn tennis game points
open System
type Game()=
member this.NewScore(winnersScore, othersScore)=
match winnersScore with
|"0" -> "15", othersScore
|"15" -> "30", othersScore
|"30" -> "40", othersScore
smsohan / weather.rb
Created July 26, 2011 17:51
Ruby code of a simple class
class Weather
attr_accessor :temperature, :humidity
def initialize another_weather
self.temperature = another_weather.temperature
self.humidity = another_weather.humidity