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snay2 / a163x40.krl
Created February 3, 2011 01:27
TA office hours - web augmentation version
ruleset a163x40 {
meta {
name "TA Hours"
description <<
Shows on the class website whether the TA is currently in his office hours
author "Steve Nay"
logging off
use module a8x114 alias officehours with url = ""
snay2 / a163x40.krl
Created February 3, 2011 18:30
Twilio integration for the Office Hours app
rule call is active {
select when twilio onanswer
if officehours:onnow("Office hours") then {
fired {
raise explicit event call_present;
} else {
raise explicit event call_not_present;
snay2 / a163x40.krl
Created February 3, 2011 22:06
Modified SMS rules
rule sms is active {
select when twilio sms
pre {
messagetext = event:param("Body");
sender = event:param("From");
nextevent = officehours:next("Office hours");
eventtime = nextevent => smsdate(nextevent.pick("$.when[0].start")) | "not scheduled. See the class wiki for info";
if officehours:onnow("Office hours") then {
snay2 / a163x40.krl
Created February 3, 2011 22:07
smsdate function for displaying the date
smsdate = function(d){
datestringA = time:strftime(d, "on %A (%B %d) at %I %M %p");
datestringB = datestringA.replace(re/ 0/g, " ").replace(re/ 0/g, " ");
snay2 / comment.html
Created February 13, 2011 04:09
Example using SimpleDB and the logging server
<p>Submitted an automated comment to that image.
Go <a href="$key">view it</a>.</p>
<p><a href="/simpldb">Return</a></p>
snay2 / notifications.html
Created February 24, 2011 23:16
Simple Chrome desktop notifications
<title>Testing Chrome desktop notifications</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var icon = '';
function showPopup() {
window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(function() {
var popup = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(
icon, 'Message Title', 'Message body');
snay2 /
Created March 3, 2011 22:21
Examples using SQS
import uuid
import time
import boto
import json
from boto.sqs.message import RawMessage
AWSKey = "{redacted}"
AWSSecret = "{redacted}"
testQueue = "testqueue"
snay2 /
Created March 18, 2011 17:00
How to apply a semi-transparent watermark to an image using Python
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
def main():
# Open the original image
main ="12voltm.jpg")
# Create a new image for the watermark with an alpha layer (RGBA)
# the same size as the original image
watermark ="RGBA", main.size)
# Get an ImageDraw object so we can draw on the image
snay2 / a163x63.krl
Created March 28, 2011 17:33
The StringBin module
ruleset a163x63 {
meta {
name "StringBin module"
description <<
Module for the StringBin API (
Version 1 of the API provides two functions: read and write. While
the API provides the ability to use callbacks, this is not reflected
here, as they are not necessary in the context of KRL.
author "Steve Nay"
snay2 / a163x75.krl
Created April 4, 2011 18:47
Example for using the Postmark API
ruleset a163x75 {
meta {
name "Postmark example"
description <<
Uses the Postmark module to send an email when called through a bookmarklet
author "Steve Nay"
logging off
key postmark {