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Rolling up to the function like a stretched out Steve Ballmer

Nick Pannuto sneakyness

Rolling up to the function like a stretched out Steve Ballmer
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sneakyness / streams.txt
Last active May 31, 2020 06:42
Good gifs:
sneakyness / togglePDFDarkMode.js
Created May 24, 2020 09:04
Chrome/Brave PDF Viewer Dark Mode Toggle
// When using in-browser PDF viewer, you can inspect it and run this in the console
// It's using CSS Blending to invert the colors of the PDF
function togglePDFDarkMode() {
var cover = document.createElement("div");
let inversion = `
position: fixed;
pointer-events: none;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100vw;
sneakyness / brightness.zsh
Created May 9, 2020 19:17
Macbook Pro Highest/Maximum Screen Backlight Brightness (Fast!) via Terminal command
# on my MBP, this sets the screen backlight brightness to max much faster than any of the other working methods I've found
# nobody seems to demonstrate that you can send a stream of events when they show how this can be used
# might be 145 or similar on your hardware, try one at a time first:
# osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'key code 144' -e ' end tell'
alias bri="osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\"' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -e 'key code 144' -
sneakyness / updateSafeAreaForKeyboardFromNotification.swift
Created March 10, 2020 02:56 — forked from douglashill/updateSafeAreaForKeyboardFromNotification.swift
Avoid the keyboard by leveraging additionalSafeAreaInsets.
// Avoids the keyboard in a UIKit app by leveraging additionalSafeAreaInsets.
// You can put this in the root view controller so the whole app will avoid the keyboard.
// Only tested on iOS 13.3.
// Made for
@objc func updateSafeAreaForKeyboardFromNotification(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let endFrameInScreenCoords = notification.userInfo?[UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? CGRect else {
// Please consider whether the force unwrap here is safe for your own use case.
sneakyness / UIColor+hexString.swift
Created March 9, 2020 23:57
Swift 5 UIColor+hexString - Accepts RGB/RRGGBB/RRGGBBAA
import Foundation
import UIKit
extension UIColor {
convenience init(hexString: String) {
var hexString: String = hexString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
if (hexString.hasPrefix("#")) {
sneakyness /
Last active February 22, 2020 00:23 — forked from richellis/
Create iOS application icons from one PDF file. Requires ImageMagick & GhostScript
# Iconizer shell script by Steve Richey (
# Modified by Rich Ellis ( based on contributions on Github from crishoj, giria
# Further modified by Nick Pannuto ( based on gist comments from previous forks
# Changelog:
sneakyness / ApexLegendsHighPrioStart.reg
Created February 6, 2019 18:06
Download, save as .reg, run once. Will automatically start Apex Legends with high priority (cannot be done manually because of EAC). Gave me 10fps I didn't need, might help?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\r5apex.exe\PerfOptions]
sneakyness / gist:1148c25c354473f29b0e2231c6c23924
Last active January 1, 2019 03:30
opz album submissions so far
sneakyness / nohzdive.skool
Created December 29, 2018 02:59
control map extracted by SkoolKit, need to play game completely to generate better one (ugh?!)
; Data block at 51739
b51739 DEFB 19,0,0,0
; Message at 51743
; Data block at 51753
b51753 DEFB 253,0,10,0,253,0,23,255
sneakyness / gist:866d3833daedf97807185f05d27105db
Created December 10, 2018 06:20
$ binwalk -I z_firmware_1_1_17.zfw
$ binwalk -I z_firmware_1_1_17.zfw
5232 0x1470 BFF volume entry, AIXv3, file name: "[?p?RE?V???|???4??y????_?L??????3????S+?"
6158 0x180E Microsoft executable,
18438 0x4806 Microsoft executable,
28456 0x6F28 BFF volume entry, compressed, file size: 732700674, compressed size: -694175681, file name: "v?7pt???.'u?`?Wo@I??f n? H?o L?????ڎ?i3???M_X??-Eǘ?m?#?V?x\???B?s??hN?hS?p??nDe|D"
51223 0xC817 ARJ archive data, header size: 14854, version -113, minimum version to extract: 108, flags, multi-volume, , original name: "ۗH>??p???夏N????:?ᒂx??n?t(?????Pp-??\?ki?dZ&Q??}?L:M?z;:dJ4?s!?5?᥅6۹?4???Լ f???h5????9??y???\XA??", original file date: 1940-03-18 23:51:24, compressed file size: -339664082, uncompressed file size: -1482605033,
64125 0xFA7D VxWorks symbol table, little endian, first entry: