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Steven Klaiber-Noble snoble

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a = 2 if a.nil?
if b.nil?
b = 2
Git error: command `git clone '' "/tmp/build_2i47vki223km9/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/cache/bundler/git/internal_app_engine-da5b2a5d7e7f3a2d844b755ffbb008127c69c1e2" --bare --no-hardlinks` in directory /tmp/build_2i47vki223km9 has failed.
! Failed to install gems via Bundler.
! Heroku push rejected, failed to compile Ruby/rails app
def foo(x); 99; end
a = foo (44) / 11
foo = 99999999
b = foo (44) / 11
puts "a: #{a} b: #{b}" #output of "a: 99 b: 9"
def significance(c_prediction, c_actual)
c_prediction - c_actual + (c_actual == 0 ? 0 : c_actual*(Math.log(c_actual) - Math.log(c_prediction)))
snoble / keys.json
Last active January 1, 2016 19:39
Alice's keys. Passphrase is "alice has a bad passphrase".

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am snoble on github.
  • I am snoble ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is A3A1 908E 91E6 333C E66D 76AA 8947 AAD4 946C 55A3

To claim this, I am signing this object:

WITH input AS (SELECT MD5('some input string') AS input, 20 AS modulo),
mods AS (
STRTOL(SUBSTRING(input,1,8),16) % modulo AS a,
STRTOL(SUBSTRING(input,9,8), 16) % modulo AS b,
STRTOL(SUBSTRING(input,17,8), 16) % modulo AS c,
STRTOL(SUBSTRING(input,25,8), 16) % modulo AS d,
POW(POW(16 % modulo, 4)::INT % modulo, 2)::INT % modulo AS offset_multiplier,
FROM input)
snoble / Simple Contour Plot.markdown
Created November 28, 2015 04:10
Simple Contour Plot
snoble / boy_names.txt
Last active July 10, 2017 04:10
boy names that dropped in popularity
| Name | Old peak rate | Old peak year | Recent peak rate | Recent peak year |
| Herbert | 7.32e-03 | 1929 | 6.59e-04 | 1967 |
| Warren | 7.08e-03 | 1921 | 9.12e-04 | 1966 |
| Francis | 6.59e-03 | 1915 | 9.51e-04 | 1966 |
| Woodrow | 4.55e-03 | 1913 | 8.77e-05 | 1969 |
| Franklin | 5.41e-03 | 1933 | 7.29e-04 | 1966 |
| Alfred | 5.64e-03 | 1928 | 9.37e-04 | 1967 |
| Dewey | 9.09e-03 | 1898 | 1.32e-04 | 1966 |