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Created December 22, 2022 09:56
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M21.58 86.32 C5.11 84.72, -2.28 78.78, 0 64.74 M0 64.74 C0.38 52.88, -1.86 40.5, 0 21.58 M0 64.74 C0.71 51.97, -0.62 37.79, 0 21.58 M0 21.58 C-1.57 7.23, 7.52 0.66, 21.58 0 M0 21.58 C-1.4 8.01, 6.37 0.68, 21.58 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(35.642303466796875 178.1369900979647) rotate(0 85.5 12.5)"><text x="85.5" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Service Discovery</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1325.2284032218631 172.7477353242262) rotate(0 90 38.5)"><path d="M19.25 0 M19.25 0 C70.18 -2.92, 120.38 -2.05, 160.75 0 M19.25 0 C57.14 -0.1, 94.54 -0.88, 160.75 0 M160.75 0 C175.12 1.3, 179.15 6.04, 180 19.25 M160.75 0 C173.94 -1.53, 182 7.31, 180 19.25 M180 19.25 C180.24 29.82, 178.51 37.28, 180 57.75 M180 19.25 C181.04 32.3, 179.32 46.99, 180 57.75 M180 57.75 C178.65 69.94, 171.64 75.7, 160.75 77 M180 57.75 C180.96 71.64, 174.35 75.02, 160.75 77 M160.75 77 C126.21 76.75, 96.03 78.08, 19.25 77 M160.75 77 C132.85 78.54, 103.19 77.4, 19.25 77 M19.25 77 C8.21 77.3, 0.24 70.53, 0 57.75 M19.25 77 C6.93 75.87, -1.56 69.59, 0 57.75 M0 57.75 C-0.48 44.79, -0.2 31.67, 0 19.25 M0 57.75 C1.11 44.62, 0.85 29.72, 0 19.25 M0 19.25 C0.13 5.49, 5.55 -0.31, 19.25 0 M0 19.25 C0.07 4.68, 7.83 -0.13, 19.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1363.2284032218631 198.7477353242262) rotate(0 52 12.5)"><text x="52" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Application</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(953.8604371811931 284.8613408642143) rotate(0 91.5 37)"><path d="M18.5 0 M18.5 0 C61.98 0.03, 106.61 0.83, 164.5 0 M18.5 0 C66.77 0.37, 114.78 0.03, 164.5 0 M164.5 0 C178.41 -0.53, 182.04 5.53, 183 18.5 M164.5 0 C178.13 0.74, 183.05 6.11, 183 18.5 M183 18.5 C183.06 31.2, 184.57 45.71, 183 55.5 M183 18.5 C183.87 30.32, 183.19 41.8, 183 55.5 M183 55.5 C183.54 65.97, 177 75.67, 164.5 74 M183 55.5 C184.76 66.46, 176.84 72.39, 164.5 74 M164.5 74 C126.09 74.69, 88.08 71.57, 18.5 74 M164.5 74 C122.36 73.96, 80.64 74.61, 18.5 74 M18.5 74 C6.22 73.96, -1.56 67.6, 0 55.5 M18.5 74 C5.97 73.74, -2.06 68.99, 0 55.5 M0 55.5 C1.07 45.55, -1.76 33.12, 0 18.5 M0 55.5 C-0.38 45.21, 0.61 36.42, 0 18.5 M0 18.5 C1.83 5.17, 6.39 -0.08, 18.5 0 M0 18.5 C-1.35 5.26, 5.81 -0.64, 18.5 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1001.8604371811931 309.3613408642143) rotate(0 43.5 12.5)"><text x="43.5" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Exporter</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(948.6922533948704 75.3035955082253) rotate(0 91.5 35.499999999999986)"><path d="M17.75 0 M17.75 0 C57.08 -0.56, 98.79 0.73, 165.25 0 M17.75 0 C59.9 -0.84, 102.51 0.24, 165.25 0 M165.25 0 C176.71 1.94, 181.87 7.03, 183 17.75 M165.25 0 C178.21 0.99, 181.38 7.71, 183 17.75 M183 17.75 C181.61 27.05, 181.73 41.82, 183 53.25 M183 17.75 C183.24 32.42, 183.18 44.85, 183 53.25 M183 53.25 C181.51 64.04, 178.32 70.8, 165.25 71 M183 53.25 C181.85 66.35, 179.02 69.35, 165.25 71 M165.25 71 C126.45 74.23, 85.79 73.18, 17.75 71 M165.25 71 C127.54 72.36, 89.49 72.54, 17.75 71 M17.75 71 C7.04 70.35, 1.04 63.38, 0 53.25 M17.75 71 C7.07 69.01, 1.8 64.96, 0 53.25 M0 53.25 C-1.56 38.32, 0.98 26.9, 0 17.75 M0 53.25 C-0.7 46, -0.34 37.45, 0 17.75 M0 17.75 C1.14 6.12, 4.07 1.34, 17.75 0 M0 17.75 C-1.31 5.86, 8.15 1.32, 17.75 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(976.1922533948704 98.3035955082253) rotate(0 64 12.5)"><text x="64" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" 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91.4519506458276) rotate(0 80 12.5)"><text x="80" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Short-lived Jobs</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(205.2713381082914 433.6007971640614) rotate(0 115 50.5)"><path d="M25.25 0 M25.25 0 C93.97 -2.69, 162.97 0.42, 204.75 0 M25.25 0 C94.36 1.22, 165.97 1.56, 204.75 0 M204.75 0 C221.76 1.79, 231.33 6.93, 230 25.25 M204.75 0 C219.89 1.37, 228.22 9.04, 230 25.25 M230 25.25 C230.46 38.92, 228.91 52.87, 230 75.75 M230 25.25 C229.49 35.31, 229.44 45.62, 230 75.75 M230 75.75 C231.47 93.89, 222.13 100.95, 204.75 101 M230 75.75 C229.88 91.53, 219.42 100.31, 204.75 101 M204.75 101 C152.9 98.88, 97.12 101.24, 25.25 101 M204.75 101 C163.09 100.74, 120.42 102.17, 25.25 101 M25.25 101 C9.78 101.5, -0.33 94.48, 0 75.75 M25.25 101 C7.68 100.3, -1.72 93.85, 0 75.75 M0 75.75 C-1.17 64.47, 1.05 54.37, 0 25.25 M0 75.75 C0.32 60.74, -0.27 45.95, 0 25.25 M0 25.25 C-1.17 9.51, 9.78 -0.99, 25.25 0 M0 25.25 C0.54 7.87, 7.59 1.88, 25.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(256.2713381082914 459.1007971640614) rotate(0 64 25)"><text x="64" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Alertmanager</text><text x="64" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">(alerting)</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(499.5062013895414 428.4654211874989) rotate(0 119.5 50.5)"><path d="M25.25 0 M25.25 0 C94.16 -1.17, 165.64 -1.98, 213.75 0 M25.25 0 C95.02 0.84, 166.83 1.59, 213.75 0 M213.75 0 C229.25 1.92, 239.92 7.08, 239 25.25 M213.75 0 C230.46 -1.37, 240.09 9.4, 239 25.25 M239 25.25 C237.84 38.57, 239.84 51.52, 239 75.75 M239 25.25 C238.27 43.13, 239.51 59.39, 239 75.75 M239 75.75 C238.56 92.27, 231.44 102.23, 213.75 101 M239 75.75 C238.33 90.92, 229.07 102.09, 213.75 101 M213.75 101 C150.89 99.02, 83.89 99.62, 25.25 101 M213.75 101 C148.24 99.79, 82.09 100.82, 25.25 101 M25.25 101 C9.6 101.56, 0.51 91.35, 0 75.75 M25.25 101 C9.08 102.31, 0.59 91.7, 0 75.75 M0 75.75 C0.1 57.05, 0.1 41.98, 0 25.25 M0 75.75 C0.59 65.23, 0.04 55.35, 0 25.25 M0 25.25 C0.45 7.59, 9.61 1.16, 25.25 0 M0 25.25 C0.34 7.89, 8.54 1.77, 25.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(550.0062013895414 453.9654211874989) rotate(0 69 25)"><text x="69" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Grafana</text><text x="69" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">(visualization)</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(797.2880007059476 426.6746497031239) rotate(0 138.5 50.5)"><path d="M25.25 0 M25.25 0 C93.36 -1.22, 160.8 0.19, 251.75 0 M25.25 0 C80.97 -0.05, 137.37 -0.63, 251.75 0 M251.75 0 C270.31 -1.32, 275.52 8.8, 277 25.25 M251.75 0 C267.67 -1.9, 275.84 6.27, 277 25.25 M277 25.25 C278.24 40.56, 277.19 55.42, 277 75.75 M277 25.25 C277.36 40.05, 276.35 55.46, 277 75.75 M277 75.75 C278.36 94.17, 267.98 100.12, 251.75 101 M277 75.75 C274.76 92.65, 268.82 101.23, 251.75 101 M251.75 101 C205.09 101, 156.21 101.44, 25.25 101 M251.75 101 C192.37 101.23, 132.7 100.66, 25.25 101 M25.25 101 C7.13 101.31, -0.88 91.61, 0 75.75 M25.25 101 C7.29 101.15, 0.6 91.54, 0 75.75 M0 75.75 C1.14 62.84, 1.14 44.39, 0 25.25 M0 75.75 C-0.35 60.14, 0.52 42.49, 0 25.25 M0 25.25 C-0.31 10.13, 9.48 -1.81, 25.25 0 M0 25.25 C0.15 10.34, 8.16 -1.45, 25.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(866.2880007059476 452.1746497031239) rotate(0 69.5 25)"><text x="69.5" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">API Client</text><text x="69.5" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">(data export)</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1328.3950707949725 275.68087247194364) rotate(0 90 38.5)"><path d="M19.25 0 M19.25 0 C72.22 -0.01, 124.29 -3.18, 160.75 0 M19.25 0 C65.05 -0.03, 110.25 -0.58, 160.75 0 M160.75 0 C173.35 1.3, 179.37 4.51, 180 19.25 M160.75 0 C172.01 -0.08, 181.2 8.48, 180 19.25 M180 19.25 C180.98 30.11, 181.55 35.87, 180 57.75 M180 19.25 C179.85 28.41, 180.61 38.99, 180 57.75 M180 57.75 C179.5 71.73, 174.91 77.58, 160.75 77 M180 57.75 C179.25 70.27, 171.87 76.67, 160.75 77 M160.75 77 C129.95 74.75, 96.64 74.71, 19.25 77 M160.75 77 C110.32 77.36, 62.04 77.5, 19.25 77 M19.25 77 C6.78 77.42, -1.5 68.85, 0 57.75 M19.25 77 C4.43 77.15, 1.7 71.57, 0 57.75 M0 57.75 C-1.61 44.8, -0.53 29.32, 0 19.25 M0 57.75 C0.45 41.7, -1.08 27.09, 0 19.25 M0 19.25 C1.59 4.96, 5.41 -1.44, 19.25 0 M0 19.25 C0.21 8.37, 7.85 -2.17, 19.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1334.3950707949725 301.68087247194364) rotate(0 84 12.5)"><text x="84" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">3-Party Systems</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(760.2326783013065 214.97049425459676) rotate(0 96.7992501411967 45.62746376393852)"><path d="M0.69 -0.33 C32.81 14.85, 159.82 75.91, 191.64 91.34 M-0.41 -1.55 C32.21 13.8, 162.19 77.51, 194.01 92.81" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(760.2326783013065 214.97049425459676) rotate(0 96.7992501411967 45.62746376393852)"><path d="M163.61 88.63 C170.13 89.04, 177.75 90.25, 193.36 93.88 M163.53 90.05 C175.28 90.77, 186.65 91.03, 194.15 93.12" 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-93.91 C161.35 -97.69, 173.26 -96.57, 183.46 -100.11 M154.11 -95.82 C165.32 -96.22, 176.17 -98.68, 183.96 -98.79" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(1319.0494893819223 108.86144255022549) rotate(0 -91.40739314738471 -0.6251422746074269)"><path d="M-0.16 0.02 C-30.62 -0.06, -151.84 -1.27, -182.26 -1.27 M-1.71 -1.01 C-32.28 -0.93, -152.42 -0.76, -182.65 -0.36" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1319.0494893819223 108.86144255022549) rotate(0 -91.40739314738471 -0.6251422746074269)"><path d="M-154.5 -9.03 C-166.22 -6.18, -173.72 -5.39, -184.48 -1.69 M-154.75 -9.83 C-161.07 -8.22, -168.53 -6.03, -182.51 -0.11" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1319.0494893819223 108.86144255022549) rotate(0 -91.40739314738471 -0.6251422746074269)"><path d="M-154.36 11.49 C-166 7.3, -173.54 1.05, -184.48 -1.69 M-154.62 10.69 C-160.99 7.41, -168.48 4.72, -182.51 -0.11" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(1139.9186647202555 319.91933805216365) rotate(0 92.38159901497477 -0.4509212868792929)"><path d="M1.03 -0.04 C31.34 -0.38, 151.94 -1.02, 182.27 -1.18 M0.11 -1.1 C30.79 -1.33, 154.29 0.04, 184.65 0.28" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1139.9186647202555 319.91933805216365) rotate(0 92.38159901497477 -0.4509212868792929)"><path d="M156.31 9.23 C165.45 6.86, 175.17 3.58, 185.4 -1.72 M155.6 9.58 C165.11 6.49, 173.87 3.41, 184.96 0.43" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1139.9186647202555 319.91933805216365) rotate(0 92.38159901497477 -0.4509212868792929)"><path d="M156.5 -11.29 C165.73 -6.85, 175.38 -3.31, 185.4 -1.72 M155.79 -10.94 C165.19 -7.55, 173.89 -4.15, 184.96 0.43" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(457.3406622656215 191.83840908989202) rotate(0 -109.404753864609 1.1786671656714702)"><path d="M1.18 -0.91 C-35.46 -0.51, -182.24 1.7, -218.98 2.35 M0.33 1.22 C-36.55 1.73, -183.23 2.81, -219.99 3.27" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(457.3406622656215 191.83840908989202) rotate(0 -109.404753864609 1.1786671656714702)"><path d="M-193.41 -7.46 C-204.27 -3.72, -213.66 2.35, -220.72 3.03 M-192.16 -7.38 C-198.65 -4.27, -203.65 -3, -220.86 3.28" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(457.3406622656215 191.83840908989202) rotate(0 -109.404753864609 1.1786671656714702)"><path d="M-193.22 13.06 C-204.13 9.19, -213.59 7.65, -220.72 3.03 M-191.96 13.14 C-198.31 11.67, -203.36 8.37, -220.86 3.28" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g mask="url(#mask-s6egxPsOsJuV2SJ4guSSk)" stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(568.376160981412 252.5805536715368) rotate(0 -126.63510826359993 88.61871791054847)"><path d="M-0.69 -0.45 C-42.97 29.08, -212.06 147.84, -254.43 177.5 M1.16 -1.73 C-40.66 27.97, -209.75 148.88, -252.03 178.96" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(568.376160981412 252.5805536715368) rotate(0 -126.63510826359993 88.61871791054847)"><path d="M-235.78 153.24 C-239.27 158.31, -243.3 165.61, -252.21 180.15 M-235.35 154.63 C-238.57 160.85, -244.53 166.75, -251.84 178.38" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(568.376160981412 252.5805536715368) rotate(0 -126.63510826359993 88.61871791054847)"><path d="M-223.86 169.95 C-230.25 170.94, -237.14 174.25, -252.21 180.15 M-223.43 171.33 C-229.74 173.42, -238.72 175.08, -251.84 178.38" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask id="mask-s6egxPsOsJuV2SJ4guSSk"><rect x="0" y="0" fill="#fff" width="922.2039457758232" height="530.2143225546864"></rect><rect x="384.4622685842064" y="328.89743811311166" fill="#000" width="114" height="25" opacity="1"></rect></mask><g transform="translate(384.4622685842065 328.8974381131116) rotate(0 57.278784133605654 12.301833468973655)"><text x="57" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">push alerts</text></g><g mask="url(#mask-nMjemPSGhw7hBHFF7FbWO)" stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(620.9800617063244 426.58865116796767) rotate(0 -2.460443866747994 -87.24396145594656)"><path d="M0.25 0.4 C-0.32 -28.89, -3.33 -145.54, -4.26 -174.89 M-1.08 -0.43 C-1.73 -29.59, -4.86 -144.29, -5.17 -173.35" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(620.9800617063244 426.58865116796767) rotate(0 -2.460443866747994 -87.24396145594656)"><path d="M6.33 -145.25 C2.97 -153.43, -0.88 -158.22, -3.74 -174.25 M5.14 -145.75 C0.79 -154.8, -2.43 -165.02, -4.42 -174.32" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(620.9800617063244 426.58865116796767) rotate(0 -2.460443866747994 -87.24396145594656)"><path d="M-14.19 -144.84 C-12.82 -153.15, -11.94 -158.04, -3.74 -174.25 M-15.37 -145.34 C-12.81 -154.6, -9.1 -164.96, -4.42 -174.32" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask id="mask-nMjemPSGhw7hBHFF7FbWO"><rect x="0" y="0" fill="#fff" width="725.3164922091779" height="701.482612922211"></rect><rect x="552.8118464548975" y="326.6416702908459" fill="#000" width="132" height="25" opacity="1"></rect></mask><g transform="translate(552.8118464548975 326.641670290846) rotate(0 65.70777138467878 12.703019421175128)"><text x="66" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">query metrics</text></g><g mask="url(#mask-BAjxmeEBpHI75R3Suw9M9)" stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(933.8484561270405 421.63039921484267) rotate(0 -137.72514501467316 -85.55967716602026)"><path d="M0.83 -0.43 C-45.14 -29, -229.27 -142.2, -275.38 -170.69 M-0.19 -1.7 C-46.36 -30.17, -230.19 -141.2, -276.28 -169.35" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(933.8484561270405 421.63039921484267) rotate(0 -137.72514501467316 -85.55967716602026)"><path d="M-247.58 -163.36 C-257.52 -165.84, -268.66 -165.55, -277.94 -167.87 M-245.89 -162.62 C-256.51 -165.32, -267.54 -167.02, -275.82 -168.45" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(933.8484561270405 421.63039921484267) rotate(0 -137.72514501467316 -85.55967716602026)"><path d="M-258.23 -145.82 C-264.66 -154.34, -272.17 -160.01, -277.94 -167.87 M-256.54 -145.08 C-263.51 -153.69, -270.96 -161.3, -275.82 -168.45" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask id="mask-BAjxmeEBpHI75R3Suw9M9"><rect x="0" y="0" fill="#fff" width="1309.303346496608" height="691.9497149729923"></rect><rect x="730.121010942257" y="323.9707413357678" fill="#000" width="132" height="25" opacity="1"></rect></mask><g transform="translate(730.1210109422568 323.97074133576785) rotate(0 66.00230017011046 12.09998071305455)"><text x="66" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">query metrics</text></g><g transform="translate(485.8709166173927 165.34696858502423) rotate(0 32.2587890625 30.876419067382812)"><use href="#image-227304024d829b12d9c73d9bcac4ed8bd179a26f" width="65" height="62"></use></g><g transform="translate(1151.0214367915619 323.97750528877714) rotate(0 73 12.5)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">expose metrics</text></g><g transform="translate(868.2149349902933 169.08120406512273) rotate(0 72 12.5)"><text x="144" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="end" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">scrape metrics</text></g><g transform="translate(765.41756411518 120.76174151425263) rotate(331.02895572751135 72 12.500000000000014)"><text x="144" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="end" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">scrape metrics</text></g><g transform="translate(763.2904818691114 256.89635283309804) rotate(25.794394845696406 72 12.5)"><text x="144" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="end" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">scrape metrics</text></g><g transform="translate(266.31662539954755 151.8894004364862) rotate(0 83 12.5)"><text x="166" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="end" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">discover targets</text></g><g transform="translate(1172.8986716131099 62.94823437688629) rotate(0 61.5 12.5)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">push metrics</text></g><g transform="translate(19.247456101514558 10) rotate(0 288 23)"><text x="576" y="32" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="36px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="end" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">The Architecture of Prometheus</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(18.634061311298183 56.01620204321284) rotate(0 290.7326274161416 -0.006400118172166458)"><path d="M-0.51 -0.45 C96.44 -0.37, 484.76 0.03, 581.97 0.12 M1.42 -1.73 C98.22 -1.41, 484.35 1.19, 581.22 1.71" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g transform="translate(355.518704364477 627.161655396797) rotate(0 322.5 37.5)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr"> 1. Scrape metrics from Pushgateway, applications and exporters.</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">2. Store samples locally and derive new samples.</text><text x="0" y="68" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">3. Push alerts to Alertmanager.</text></g><g transform="translate(334.0192915235074 752.7656396072938) rotate(0 344 25)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">1. Expose metrics for ephemeral and batch jobs that can be scraped.</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">2. It is limited and not turning Prometheus to push based.</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(11.958168650731977 580.1768519577948) rotate(0 750.9021330614764 0.6206876778067567)"><path d="M-0.57 0.24 C249.79 0.3, 1252.06 1.16, 1502.37 0.98" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.5" fill="none" stroke-dasharray="8 9"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g transform="translate(357.44075709116385 967.5019081742122) rotate(0 343.5 25)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">1. Provide an inventory of scraping targets for Prometheus Server.</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">2. Can be a JSON file, HTTP endpoint, Kubernetes, and many others.</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(18.087946579786035 615.5357565687746) rotate(0 149 50.5)"><path d="M25.25 0 M25.25 0 C80.14 -0.02, 132.63 -2.35, 272.75 0 M25.25 0 C124.29 -0.17, 223.14 -1.59, 272.75 0 M272.75 0 C290.14 -1.09, 297.42 8.65, 298 25.25 M272.75 0 C289.27 0.95, 299.94 7.28, 298 25.25 M298 25.25 C296.62 40.7, 296.89 58.06, 298 75.75 M298 25.25 C298.36 36.24, 298.13 46.78, 298 75.75 M298 75.75 C298.29 92.95, 287.81 99.21, 272.75 101 M298 75.75 C298.78 91.88, 290.73 99.81, 272.75 101 M272.75 101 C215.98 99.93, 161.87 102.42, 25.25 101 M272.75 101 C203.75 99.68, 136.34 100.45, 25.25 101 M25.25 101 C9.88 101.43, -0.28 92.37, 0 75.75 M25.25 101 C8.62 103.17, 1.08 92.54, 0 75.75 M0 75.75 C-0.7 63.46, -1.66 51.78, 0 25.25 M0 75.75 C-0.83 59.37, -0.09 41.71, 0 25.25 M0 25.25 C-1.32 6.94, 9.86 -1.89, 25.25 0 M0 25.25 C-0.05 9.54, 6.79 2.26, 25.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(121.08794657978649 653.5357565687746) rotate(0 97.5 12.5)"><text x="195" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="end" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Prometheus Server </text></g><g transform="translate(45.613269856810234 633.3137071267934) rotate(0 32.2587890625 30.876419067382812)"><use href="#image-227304024d829b12d9c73d9bcac4ed8bd179a26f" width="65" height="62"></use></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(126.1336205141522 751.0365298255076) rotate(0 91.5 35.5)"><path d="M17.75 0 M17.75 0 C65.95 1.01, 116.63 -2.63, 165.25 0 M17.75 0 C51.8 -1.97, 85.96 -0.41, 165.25 0 M165.25 0 C177.68 -0.84, 184.25 4.59, 183 17.75 M165.25 0 C175.32 0.54, 182.38 7.74, 183 17.75 M183 17.75 C184.39 29.12, 181.07 41.27, 183 53.25 M183 17.75 C183.67 27.87, 183.37 40.21, 183 53.25 M183 53.25 C183.88 66.3, 178.11 69.54, 165.25 71 M183 53.25 C183.87 63.82, 178.29 68.92, 165.25 71 M165.25 71 C114.4 71.55, 69.09 71.44, 17.75 71 M165.25 71 C116.18 70.32, 67.02 70.48, 17.75 71 M17.75 71 C6.63 69.56, 1 65.49, 0 53.25 M17.75 71 C3.9 72.44, 0.69 66.7, 0 53.25 M0 53.25 C1.18 42.82, -1.77 31.81, 0 17.75 M0 53.25 C-0.21 44.08, -0.12 33.06, 0 17.75 M0 17.75 C0.74 4.93, 6.46 -0.73, 17.75 0 M0 17.75 C-1.37 6.92, 3.96 0.12, 17.75 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(153.6336205141522 774.0365298255076) rotate(0 64 12.5)"><text x="64" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Pushgateway</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(115.92418983678738 959.2316463794581) rotate(0 111.14230346679688 43.16071319580078)"><path d="M21.58 0 M21.58 0 C58.61 -0.35, 99.8 0.55, 200.7 0 M21.58 0 C87.48 0.88, 154.9 1.05, 200.7 0 M200.7 0 C213.73 0.51, 222.18 8.7, 222.28 21.58 M200.7 0 C213 -1.33, 220.14 8.27, 222.28 21.58 M222.28 21.58 C221.34 36.33, 222.16 52.18, 222.28 64.74 M222.28 21.58 C222.78 36.83, 221.64 53.6, 222.28 64.74 M222.28 64.74 C223.71 80.6, 216.62 85.12, 200.7 86.32 M222.28 64.74 C223.16 78.85, 214.87 84.39, 200.7 86.32 M200.7 86.32 C165.72 84.1, 127.32 85.69, 21.58 86.32 M200.7 86.32 C149.01 87.93, 96.45 86.52, 21.58 86.32 M21.58 86.32 C5.47 86.94, 0.68 77.88, 0 64.74 M21.58 86.32 C4.95 84.7, -1.63 78.19, 0 64.74 M0 64.74 C1.81 50.58, -1.22 34.07, 0 21.58 M0 64.74 C-0.85 51.17, -0.65 35.79, 0 21.58 M0 21.58 C-0.63 6.31, 9.19 -1.11, 21.58 0 M0 21.58 C1.19 5.33, 9.02 -0.8, 21.58 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(141.56649330358425 989.8923595752589) rotate(0 85.5 12.5)"><text x="85.5" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Service Discovery</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(11.44821668339813 858.1392516950043) rotate(0 91.5 37.00000000000006)"><path d="M18.5 0 M18.5 0 C68.14 -2.49, 114.61 -1.98, 164.5 0 M18.5 0 C72.15 1.07, 123.83 1.09, 164.5 0 M164.5 0 C176.48 0.53, 182.6 6.97, 183 18.5 M164.5 0 C174.9 -1.07, 185.25 4.04, 183 18.5 M183 18.5 C181.35 30.56, 182.56 41.66, 183 55.5 M183 18.5 C182.89 29.77, 183.61 40.93, 183 55.5 M183 55.5 C181.3 66.62, 176.56 74.48, 164.5 74 M183 55.5 C181.47 67.96, 176.52 75.9, 164.5 74 M164.5 74 C109.17 75.24, 58.55 73.58, 18.5 74 M164.5 74 C124 75.29, 81.25 73.75, 18.5 74 M18.5 74 C6.96 74.44, 1.18 66.26, 0 55.5 M18.5 74 C8.16 75.05, 1.07 68.55, 0 55.5 M0 55.5 C-0.45 44.4, -0.28 35.95, 0 18.5 M0 55.5 C-0.96 41.92, -0.11 29.19, 0 18.5 M0 18.5 C0.82 8.12, 5.7 -1.94, 18.5 0 M0 18.5 C0.9 7.39, 4.24 2.28, 18.5 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(59.44821668339813 882.6392516950043) rotate(0 43.5 12.500000000000057)"><text x="43.5" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Exporter</text></g><g transform="translate(224.42194837747832 861.3206024136689) rotate(0 404 24.999999999999943)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">1.Export existing metrics from 3-party systems to Prometheus compatible metrics.</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">2. This is useful for cases where you can't install instrument libraries. </text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(13.168223934451532 1075.854769798921) rotate(0 114.99999999999997 50.5)"><path d="M25.25 0 M25.25 0 C93.44 -0.96, 158.08 -0.32, 204.75 0 M25.25 0 C91.22 0.82, 157.41 1.86, 204.75 0 M204.75 0 C221.89 1.08, 228.4 6.68, 230 25.25 M204.75 0 C223.38 1.91, 228.93 7.39, 230 25.25 M230 25.25 C231.1 41.97, 229.65 58.45, 230 75.75 M230 25.25 C230.43 41.21, 229.37 55.74, 230 75.75 M230 75.75 C229.26 90.99, 222.02 101.45, 204.75 101 M230 75.75 C228.97 92.91, 223.84 98.96, 204.75 101 M204.75 101 C164.02 101.22, 123.69 100.61, 25.25 101 M204.75 101 C145.74 98.9, 84.88 98.38, 25.25 101 M25.25 101 C8.56 102.8, -1.57 91.12, 0 75.75 M25.25 101 C8.44 102.41, 0.69 92.71, 0 75.75 M0 75.75 C-2.27 60.68, 0.91 49.28, 0 25.25 M0 75.75 C-1.11 59.96, -1.11 42.62, 0 25.25 M0 25.25 C1.49 9.04, 8.54 1.36, 25.25 0 M0 25.25 C-1.77 6.79, 6.95 -0.09, 25.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(64.16822393445153 1101.354769798921) rotate(0 64 25)"><text x="64" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Alertmanager</text><text x="64" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">(alerting)</text></g><g transform="translate(263.530112905186 1094.0221863777865) rotate(0 417.5 25)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">1. Receive alerts sent by Prometheus Server.</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">2. Process alerts, such as deduplicating, grouping, silencing and routing to receivers.</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1080.1871703031625 613.1112098093809) rotate(0 119.5 50.5)"><path d="M25.25 0 M25.25 0 C77.33 1.03, 131.22 -1.23, 213.75 0 M25.25 0 C94.01 1.67, 163.87 0.7, 213.75 0 M213.75 0 C230.66 1.74, 240.56 10.05, 239 25.25 M213.75 0 C230.05 -2.18, 238.1 7, 239 25.25 M239 25.25 C240.84 41.4, 239.66 60.06, 239 75.75 M239 25.25 C239.35 41.56, 239.57 58.96, 239 75.75 M239 75.75 C240.09 94.07, 230.58 101.03, 213.75 101 M239 75.75 C239.05 92.29, 231.64 101.74, 213.75 101 M213.75 101 C172.83 101.95, 135.39 101.23, 25.25 101 M213.75 101 C148.78 102.05, 82.67 101.59, 25.25 101 M25.25 101 C9.52 100.88, -1.72 93.09, 0 75.75 M25.25 101 C8.8 101.9, -1.18 93.24, 0 75.75 M0 75.75 C-1.96 59.72, -1.98 43.64, 0 25.25 M0 75.75 C0.34 66.22, -0.84 54.46, 0 25.25 M0 25.25 C0.5 10.34, 7.01 -0.04, 25.25 0 M0 25.25 C-0.54 10.48, 6.87 0.74, 25.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1130.6871703031625 638.6112098093809) rotate(0 69 25)"><text x="69" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Grafana</text><text x="69" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">(visualization)</text></g><g transform="translate(1331.0826258349985 619.6792772966994) rotate(0 105.5 37.5)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Visualize metrics</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">in charts and graphs.</text><text x="0" y="68" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr"></text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1078.6831733130002 759.9240334209125) rotate(0 138.5 50.5)"><path d="M25.25 0 M25.25 0 C71.83 0.02, 120.22 0.45, 251.75 0 M25.25 0 C98.31 -0.41, 172.9 -0.67, 251.75 0 M251.75 0 C267.87 1.69, 278.15 7.86, 277 25.25 M251.75 0 C267.24 -1.69, 277.92 7.01, 277 25.25 M277 25.25 C277.22 45.19, 274.96 61.82, 277 75.75 M277 25.25 C276.66 40.36, 276.27 55.41, 277 75.75 M277 75.75 C277.65 91.48, 266.66 101.53, 251.75 101 M277 75.75 C274.71 94.82, 270.28 100.99, 251.75 101 M251.75 101 C163.92 100.46, 77.58 102.34, 25.25 101 M251.75 101 C184.26 99.61, 117.68 100.39, 25.25 101 M25.25 101 C8.22 100.65, -1.58 93.28, 0 75.75 M25.25 101 C10.15 102.42, -2.2 91.1, 0 75.75 M0 75.75 C1.49 54.74, -0.56 38.61, 0 25.25 M0 75.75 C-0.93 57.22, 0.06 37.17, 0 25.25 M0 25.25 C1.65 8.56, 6.5 -0.01, 25.25 0 M0 25.25 C0.06 10.1, 10.69 0.23, 25.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1147.6831733130002 785.4240334209125) rotate(0 69.5 25)"><text x="69.5" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">API Client</text><text x="69.5" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">(data export)</text></g><g transform="translate(1372.3589807063177 765.4971911290531) rotate(0 80 25)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Export metrics</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">in JSON format.</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1077.064555903396 889.94686227223) rotate(0 91.5 37.00000000000006)"><path d="M18.5 0 M18.5 0 C54.9 -0.84, 86.85 -2.41, 164.5 0 M18.5 0 C73.32 -0.29, 130.31 0.1, 164.5 0 M164.5 0 C178.56 0.2, 184.76 5.34, 183 18.5 M164.5 0 C177.24 0.38, 181.71 8.11, 183 18.5 M183 18.5 C185.3 30.94, 185.32 40.14, 183 55.5 M183 18.5 C183.15 27.85, 183.48 35.46, 183 55.5 M183 55.5 C182.16 68.43, 177.68 74.01, 164.5 74 M183 55.5 C185.14 66.69, 175.14 75.42, 164.5 74 M164.5 74 C115.44 73.78, 66.67 71.3, 18.5 74 M164.5 74 C105.4 72.34, 48.65 73.91, 18.5 74 M18.5 74 C6.63 73.37, 0.06 68.32, 0 55.5 M18.5 74 C5.93 74.07, 0.52 68.88, 0 55.5 M0 55.5 C-1.01 47.88, 0.07 38.34, 0 18.5 M0 55.5 C1.16 45, 0.12 33.3, 0 18.5 M0 18.5 C1.84 6.38, 7.68 0.21, 18.5 0 M0 18.5 C0.06 4.08, 3.97 -0.38, 18.5 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1085.064555903396 914.4468622722301) rotate(0 83.5 12.5)"><text x="83.5" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Short-Lived Jobs</text></g><g transform="translate(1280.6979072703016 898.5265440549135) rotate(0 152 25.000000000000057)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Jobs that is one-off and thus</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">can't be scraped continuously.</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1082.3344137570316 999.1565014124866) rotate(0 91.5 37)"><path d="M18.5 0 M18.5 0 C56.18 -1.93, 94.04 -1.15, 164.5 0 M18.5 0 C66.28 -0.15, 114.23 0.64, 164.5 0 M164.5 0 C176.61 -0.68, 181.71 4.17, 183 18.5 M164.5 0 C175.16 -0.26, 182.07 4.71, 183 18.5 M183 18.5 C183.64 30.27, 184.17 43.75, 183 55.5 M183 18.5 C182.14 31.91, 182.4 45.93, 183 55.5 M183 55.5 C184.47 67.5, 175.75 73.84, 164.5 74 M183 55.5 C183.27 69.86, 178.55 75.48, 164.5 74 M164.5 74 C108.57 74.74, 50.19 74.19, 18.5 74 M164.5 74 C134.94 73.71, 103.17 72.75, 18.5 74 M18.5 74 C6.45 75.05, 1.46 67.09, 0 55.5 M18.5 74 C7.43 74.25, -1.12 66.6, 0 55.5 M0 55.5 C-0.6 48.12, 1.15 37.99, 0 18.5 M0 55.5 C-0.27 42.62, 0.03 30.92, 0 18.5 M0 18.5 C1.48 4.94, 7.72 -1.75, 18.5 0 M0 18.5 C-0.54 8.02, 6.75 -1.75, 18.5 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1121.8344137570316 1023.6565014124866) rotate(0 52 12.5)"><text x="52" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Application</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round"><g transform="translate(1233.4180073548082 451.05548881648576) rotate(0 53.35482588467585 0.640355174737067)"><path d="M0.91 -0.55 C18.75 -0.78, 89.41 -0.41, 106.79 -0.36 M-0.08 1.78 C17.7 2.26, 88.27 1.21, 106.21 1.09" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1233.4180073548082 451.05548881648576) rotate(0 53.35482588467585 0.640355174737067)"><path d="M77.21 12.82 C85.53 6.96, 93.5 6.6, 104.24 1.4 M78.43 12.59 C85.45 9.47, 92.59 7.04, 106.67 0.91" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1233.4180073548082 451.05548881648576) rotate(0 53.35482588467585 0.640355174737067)"><path d="M77 -7.7 C85.54 -7.89, 93.58 -2.58, 104.24 1.4 M78.21 -7.93 C85.47 -5.69, 92.66 -2.76, 106.67 0.91" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g></g><mask></mask><g transform="translate(1356.1521370862024 440.05524502540766) rotate(0 74 12.5)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">HTTP Request</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1236.6800445786453 493.9058422562184) rotate(0 51.18570865128936 12.076918901303316)"><path d="M6.04 0 M6.04 0 C34.4 1.25, 59.43 0.82, 96.33 0 M6.04 0 C36.62 -0.8, 68.68 -1.03, 96.33 0 M96.33 0 C99.22 -1.82, 103.62 1.5, 102.37 6.04 M96.33 0 C99.93 0.75, 103.05 2.14, 102.37 6.04 M102.37 6.04 C102.79 10.14, 101.65 15.66, 102.37 18.12 M102.37 6.04 C102.3 10.52, 102.54 13.87, 102.37 18.12 M102.37 18.12 C100.53 23.54, 98.68 25.09, 96.33 24.15 M102.37 18.12 C101.13 21.96, 99.8 22.44, 96.33 24.15 M96.33 24.15 C72.9 25.97, 52.53 22.57, 6.04 24.15 M96.33 24.15 C67.92 23.72, 39.57 23.16, 6.04 24.15 M6.04 24.15 C3.65 24.55, -0.3 22.71, 0 18.12 M6.04 24.15 C3.4 21.9, 0.31 20.48, 0 18.12 M0 18.12 C1.14 14.53, 0.79 9.35, 0 6.04 M0 18.12 C0.18 14.21, -0.48 10.19, 0 6.04 M0 6.04 C-1.9 2.52, 0.46 1.11, 6.04 0 M0 6.04 C-1.11 1.02, 2.08 -0.99, 6.04 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1348.920072505819 490.466742221681) rotate(0 107 12.5)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Architectural Element</text></g><g transform="translate(1279.129036056092 1002.874100810005) rotate(0 158.5 37.5)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Generally, you install instrument</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">library so that the application</text><text x="0" y="68" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">can be scraped.</text></g><g stroke-linecap="round" transform="translate(1146.5718040255038 1100.5519278852175) rotate(0 90 38.5)"><path d="M19.25 0 M19.25 0 C68.45 -1.47, 119.4 0.06, 160.75 0 M19.25 0 C71.14 0.85, 125.57 -0.26, 160.75 0 M160.75 0 C172.07 -1.04, 179.47 4.54, 180 19.25 M160.75 0 C175.87 -0.93, 182.01 6.76, 180 19.25 M180 19.25 C181.37 31.04, 178.59 45.9, 180 57.75 M180 19.25 C179.83 27.26, 180.79 36.56, 180 57.75 M180 57.75 C181.36 70.13, 174.41 75.51, 160.75 77 M180 57.75 C180.55 70.17, 171.45 76.83, 160.75 77 M160.75 77 C130.65 78.61, 98.93 78.55, 19.25 77 M160.75 77 C119.39 76.25, 79.33 77.98, 19.25 77 M19.25 77 C6.02 78.41, -0.09 69.25, 0 57.75 M19.25 77 C4.12 75.1, -0.7 70.16, 0 57.75 M0 57.75 C-1.17 46.3, 1.43 37.86, 0 19.25 M0 57.75 C0.7 47.76, 0.11 40.26, 0 19.25 M0 19.25 C-0.73 6.48, 5.59 1.35, 19.25 0 M0 19.25 C0.7 7.75, 6.77 -1.89, 19.25 0" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"></path></g><g transform="translate(1152.5718040255038 1126.5519278852175) rotate(0 84 12.5)"><text x="84" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">3-Party Systems</text></g><g transform="translate(1344.1824411139423 1111.7337899157578) rotate(0 137 25)"><text x="0" y="18" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Something like Nginx, MySQL,</text><text x="0" y="43" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Linux system stats, etc.</text></g><g transform="translate(25.071773286119765 61.080550594322744) rotate(0 115 14)"><text x="0" y="20" font-family="Virgil, Segoe UI Emoji" font-size="20px" fill="#000000" text-anchor="start" style="white-space: pre;" direction="ltr">Made with ❤️ by Ju Lin</text></g></svg>
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