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zmts /
Last active May 4, 2024 17:22
Про токены, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), аутентификацию и авторизацию. Token-Based Authentication

Про токены, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), аутентификацию и авторизацию. Token-Based Authentication

Last major update: 25.08.2020

  • Что такое авторизация/аутентификация
  • Где хранить токены
  • Как ставить куки ?
  • Процесс логина
  • Процесс рефреш токенов
  • Кража токенов/Механизм контроля токенов
fesor /
Last active July 22, 2023 23:00
Symfony Request Object

Symfony Request Object

This is proof-of-concept implementation of laravel's like form requests.


Most of Symfony developers uses forms to map request data to some Data Transfer Object. This object then passes to validator and system start to work with validated data converted to be compatible with application model.

dpalomar / .gitattributes
Created April 8, 2016 12:43
Fixing CRLF with gitattributes
From this [issue](
I know that this issue is closed, but as I spent a lot of time to understand what was going on, I made some researches and I can explain why this happen, and you can fix it.
Using git config core.autocrlf true can help, but not on a multi-developpers project.
This command has to be the same on each developper machine, and that's not always the case.
You have to use the .gitattributes provided in the puphpet archive and edit it as follow (carefull, this file need to be in your project root)
You also need to use an IDE that allow you to save/edit files as LF (like phpstorm). You can check the type of the file in the bottom right corner, in the status bar (you'll see LF or CRLF while a file is opened)

What's the difference between cascade="remove" and orphanRemoval=true in Doctrine 2

TLDR: The cascade={"remove"} is like a "software" onDelete="CASCADE", and will remove objects from the database only when an explicit call to $em->remove() occurs. Thus, it could result in more than one object being deleted. orphanRemoval can remove objects from the database even if there was no explicit call to ->remove().

I answered this question a few times to different people so I will try to sum things up in this Gist.

Let's take two entities A and B as an example. I will use a OneToOne relationship in this example but it works exactly the same with OneToMany relationships.

class A