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specialorange /
Last active September 8, 2018 21:08 — forked from marcellodesales/
Create Environment Variables in EC2 Hosts from EC2 Host Tags, just like Beanstalk or Heroku does!
# Author: Chris Frisina from Marcello de Sales (
# Description: Create Environment Variables in EC2 Hosts from EC2 Host Tags
### Requirements:
### Installation:
# * Add the Policy EC2:DescribeTags to a User (
# * aws configure
# * Source it to the user's ~/.profile that has permissions
specialorange /
Last active June 18, 2021 14:43
Python Tire data analysis
# Here is my analysis of the process and data you have asked me to provide.
# Emails and process regarding onboarding:
#   Please consider allowing for better time management, and describing the process up front.   It is frustrating to be strung along a process without knowing the process.  A more refined process would be welcome.
# Data:
#  - Please ensure the data has been UTF/internationalized. - For non international/German exposed data scientists, explain the German usage of ; and , vs , and .
#  - Have cleaner data (it is not only comma separated, but also has extraneous lines, and is stringified)
#     ( )
#  - Provide more clear instructions in the powerpoint, or better yet, in the email/introduction by the recruiter/HR - Provide better documentation, and distinguish between public vs internal documents.
#  - Provide better contextualization of the data descriptions (UNITS!!!!!!)