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spiarh /
Last active February 24, 2020 09:21
Run systemd inside a pod on Kubernetes

HAProxy on SLE-HA from scratch

In this guide we will deploy HAProxy in Failover mode leveraging SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1.

This HAProxy instance will be used as a highly-available load-balancer for a CaaSP cluster with 3 masters.

The HA cluster will have two members:

Deploy a cluster from scratch

The process before bootstrapping a new cluster from GM is defined in this order:

  1. Accept the nodes in salt
  2. Register the nodes
  3. Update the packages
  4. Reboot the nodes simultaneously
  5. Deploy cluster

Nginx TCP Load Balancer with passive checks

We can use the ngx_stream_module module (available since version 1.9.0) in order to use TCP load balancing. In this mode, nginx will just forward the tcp packets the masters.

/!\ The Open Source version of Nginx only allows one to use passive health checks so therefore using this configuration is only to consider in a PoC. The main issue with passive health-checks is that nginx will mark a node as unresponsive and not distribute traffic only after a failed request.

spiarh /
Last active November 5, 2019 14:36

Add additinal scrape configs to Prometheus k8s

This procedure takes into account Prometheus Operator has been installed using the manifests provided in prometheus-operator/contrib/kube-prometheus/manifests/ on

This procedure is based on this documentation

These commands must be run on all the masters

  • override kube-controller-manager ExecStart in systemd service
# mkdir /etc/systemd/system/kube-controller-manager.service.d
# cat > /etc/systemd/system/kube-controller-manager.service.d/override.conf<<EOF
ExecStart=/usr/bin/hyperkube controller-manager \\


In both directories, 'user-regular1' and 'user-regular2' are member of the 'k8s-users' group, 'user-admin' is member of 'k8s-admins' group.

For Active Direcoty, 'user-bind' is a simple user which is member of the default 'Domain Users' group in Active Directory. Hence, we can use it to authenticate because has read-only access to Active Directory.

The mail attribute is used to create the RBAC rules.