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Ask these 6 questions to get a powerful testimonial

  1. What was the obstacle that would have prevented you from buying this product?
  2. What did you find as a result of buying this product?
  3. What specific feature did you like most about this product?
  4. What are three other benefits of this product?
  5. Would you recommend this product? If so, why?
  6. Is there anything you’d like to add?

Six Essentials of Letters from The Robert Collier Letter Book

  1. The opening, which gets the reader's attention by fitting in with his train of thought and establishes a point of contact with his interests, thus exciting his curiosity and prompting him to read further.
  2. The description or explanation, which pictures your proposition to the reader by first outlining its important features, then filling in the necessary details.
  3. The motive or reason why, which creates a longing in the reader's for what you are selling, or impels him to do as you want him to, by describing, not your proposition - but what it do for him - the comfort, the pleasure, the profit he will derive from it.
  4. The proof or guarantee, which offers to the reader of the truth of your statements, or establishes confidence by money-back-if-not-satisfied guarantee.
  5. The snapper or penalty, which gets immediate action by over your reader's head the loss in money or prestige opportunity that will be his if he does not act at once.
  6. Th

The Definitive Guide to Copywriting (Link)

Every product has a unique personality and it is your job to find it.

Chapter One: Laying a Solid Foundation

Understanding the Product

  • How would you describe the product? For this question, provide a simple, two to three sentence description of the product. It doesn’t need to be super long or detailed and don’t worry about providing a fancy answer. Simply write down a short description as if you were describing the product to a customer.

  • What’s unique/special about this product? The goal here is to identify something unique or special about the product. What does this product offer that others don’t? Is it made in the USA? Is it easy to install? Does it provide analytics that other sites don’t offer?

spjpgrd / goodToSeeYou.js
Last active April 30, 2017 05:24
An easy script to say "Good to see you" to all attendees after a Meetup on (WITHOUT all the clicking)
// Easily say "Good to see you" to all attendees after a meetup
// (WITHOUT all the clicking)
// Go to the Event page, and make sure you've loaded all the attendees
// by scrolling down and loading them all.
// Then paste this into your browser's console
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("D_submit j-gtsy");

Sublime Text

  1. Alignment
  2. Autoprefixer
  3. BeautifyRuby
  4. Brackerhighlihter
  5. Color Highlighter (get ImageMagick for colored dot in the gutter)
  6. CSS Completions
  7. CSS Extended
  8. CSScomb
  9. EditorConfig
spjpgrd /
Last active September 18, 2020 20:27
Columbus Web Group Weekend Workshop: Introduction to Accessibility with Brian Greene

Video Playback


Watch on YouTube

The web is not only an essential resource for getting information, but also for providing information and interacting with others. It's important that the web be accessible to provide equal access and opportunity to those with a disability. In the simplest terms, web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web.

Web accessibility includes all disabilities that impact access to the Web including:

  • Visual
spjpgrd / WTF CSS
Last active June 11, 2019 13:33
Common CSS resources I share with people getting started 🏆