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squallcs12 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Postgres COPY command

This command is used to load a large data set into table.

The basic usage COPY country FROM '/usr1/proj/bray/sql/country_data'; is work only for existing file on postgres server, which might caught problem with heroku web app.

To do that with django project, you can use the method cursor.copy_from

With RoR, this may help



I think all features has been implemented in rush, thus there too many coding standard has been violated

Python code style

not follow pep8 standard for python code

  • using tabs intention instead of spaces, spaces is recommended for replacing tabs long ago.
  • no space after : in dict declaration
  • import statements is not grouped and sorted
  • too many code duplication, eg: generating unique id in models
  • module level definition (class, module's method) is separated by only 1 empty line instead of 2 empty lines


I think all features has been implemented in rushed, thus there too many coding standard has been violated

Python code style

not follow pep8 standard for python code

  • using tabs intention instead of spaces, spaces is recommended for replacing tabs long ago.
  • no space after : and , in dict declaration
  • import statements is not grouped and sorted
  • too many code duplication, eg: generating unique id in models
  • module level definition (class, module's method) is separated by only 1 empty line instead of 2 empty lines
import {call, fork, takeLatest} from 'redux-saga/effects';
import axios from 'axios';
import _ from 'lodash'
import {constants as awsConstants} from '../modules/aws';
export function* uploadFilesToS3 (action) {
const {files, callback, onUploadProgress} = action.payload
try {
第七十八章 玉斧开神海,剑气吐成霞4