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Nicholas Valbusa squallstar

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njvitto / deploy.rake
Created April 11, 2010 16:56 — forked from RSpace/deploy.rake
Rakefile to deploy and rollback to Heroku in two different environments (staging and production) for the same app
#Deploy and rollback on Heroku in staging and production
task :deploy_staging => ['deploy:set_staging_app', 'deploy:push', 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:tag']
task :deploy_production => ['deploy:set_production_app', 'deploy:push', 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:tag']
namespace :deploy do
task :staging_migrations => [:set_staging_app, :push, :off, :migrate, :restart, :on, :tag]
task :staging_rollback => [:set_staging_app, :off, :push_previous, :restart, :on]
mojodna / Procfile
Created September 29, 2011 20:22 — forked from RandomEtc/Procfile
Getting Kue working on Heroku
web: node app.js
worker: node consumer.js
squallstar / gist:1957795
Created March 2, 2012 11:07
A simple sandbox for your webapp. Includes hooks on dom ready, pubsub pattern and much more.

JS Sandbox Application

A simple sandbox for your webapp. Includes hooks on dom ready, pubsub pattern and much more.

Requires jQuery 1.7+.



squallstar / related_records.php
Created April 25, 2012 16:40
This helper function returns other records of the same categories of a given Record Object. To be added on the frontend_helper of Bancha 1.2
chandermani / CacheImageFileConverter.cs
Created May 13, 2012 12:58
Windows Phone Image Caching Converter
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Ink;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
ondrej-kvasnovsky / oauth.js
Last active October 18, 2021 22:39
How to login with GitHub account and add the GitHub credentials to existing user account
isProdEnv = function () {
if (process.env.ROOT_URL == "http://localhost:3000") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
service: 'google'
chriswessels /
Created September 12, 2013 16:15
A guide to setting up self-hosted infrastructure for Meteor applications on Ubuntu Server 13.04.

#Meteor and Self-hosted Infrastructure

Meteor is an eye-opening JavaScript framework that runs on both the client and the server, giving developers a revolutionary take on software engineering. If you are not familiar with Meteor, I urge you to visit their website.

##An overview

In this brief gist, I am going to discuss the process of setting up a server (in my case, a VPS) to host Meteor applications.

My experience with Meteor has been brief, however it has not taken much demonstration for me to realise the significance of this stellar framework. Let's jump right in!

JedWatson / keystone.js
Created February 24, 2014 16:00
Example of how to integrate node-i18n with a KeystoneJS app (using yo keystone generated site as a basis) - see for more docs.
// Simulate config options from your production environment by
// customising the .env file in your project's root folder.
// Require keystone and i18n
var keystone = require('keystone'),
i18n= require('i18n');
// Initialise Keystone with your project's configuration.
// See for available options
function doubleInteger(i) {
// i will be an integer. Double it and return it.
return i * 2;
function isNumberEven(i) {
// i will be an integer. Return true if it's even, and false if it isn't.
Gr8Gatsby / Windows.UI.Notifications.js
Last active September 30, 2020 13:16
Windows.UI.Notifications JavaScript example
if(Windows !== 'undefined' &&
Windows.UI !== 'undefined' &&
Windows.UI.Notifications !== 'undefined') {
var notifications = Windows.UI.Notifications;
//Get the XML template where the notification content will be suplied
var template = notifications.ToastTemplateType.toastImageAndText01;
var toastXml = notifications.ToastNotificationManager.getTemplateContent(template);
//Supply the text to the XML content
var toastTextElements = toastXml.getElementsByTagName("text");