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squarepegsys /
Created November 12, 2024 20:08
python script for TTRSS to Wallabag
#!/usr/bin/env python3
I couldn't get the "official" TT-RSS plugin to work so I make a Python script to utilize their APIs.
Overall, this is simple -- query TT-RSS for all starred articles and put the new ones into Wallybag. Very straight forward
Needs API keys for both your TT-RSS and Wallabag instances. And set the environment variables below appropriated
Does require `requests` library but you probably have that anyway
squarepegsys /
Created April 29, 2024 17:55 — forked from RogerWebb/
Deploy AWS Chalice Project via Docker and Serverless Application Model
import boto3, json, os, shutil, subprocess
from argparse import ArgumentParser
Big Chalice Deployer deployes Chalice Apps using the "chalice package ..." command and
modifies the resulting sam.json template to make use of the Docker deployment process
instead of the default, s3 based, process. Additionally, the ability to delete the
resulting SAM App is available via the CLI.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -E utf-8
# coding: utf-8
# merge_asana_into_omnifocus.rb
# Hilton Lipschitz
# Use and modify freely, attribution appreciated
# Script to import Asana projects and their tasks into
# OmniFocus and keep them up to date from Asana.
squarepegsys / sieve.clj
Created October 18, 2021 15:12
My Clojure Sieve of Eratosthenes
(defn sieve
([numbers primes composites]
(cond (empty? numbers) primes
(contains? composites (first numbers) ) (do (sieve (rest numbers) primes composites))
:else (do
(def current (first numbers))
(def new-primes (conj primes current))
(def new-composites
(into (sorted-set) (concat composites (range (* 2 current ) (inc (last numbers)) current))))
squarepegsys /
Created August 4, 2021 21:28
Generic pydemic object to CSV export
# assumptions:
# mappings is a list of pydentic objects extending BaseModel -
# filename is the filename you want to export to
import csv
from pathlib import Path
def out_mapping(filename: str, mappings: List):
out_csv = Path(filename)
squarepegsys /
Last active August 20, 2020 14:33
creating a large data insert in a django migration
# Generated by Django 3.1 on 2020-08-19 15:28
from django.db import migrations
from pathlib import Path
import csv
from django.db import transaction
def parse_file(apps, schema_editor):
squarepegsys /
Created September 20, 2019 12:53
wrapper around s3cmd
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import subprocess
def get_profile_credentials(profile_name):
# stolen from
from configparser import ConfigParser
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am squarepegsys on github.
* I am nerddad42 ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASBJ0AeDZngh0-lXLOLZL9gK0n9trGUjef7PqD4MCp0A_Qo
To claim this, I am signing this object:


Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am squarepegsys on github.
  • I am nerddad42 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDy96rNpiGAp0TOkSZqQocGDZA7aE5XT-yDDzHFqiC_Kgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

squarepegsys / get_aws_log
Created May 17, 2019 15:09
search and show wrapper around awslogs
# Quick and dirty script to find the log and show it via
# basically this automates the work I would do 90% of the time
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "no stream supplied!"
exit 13
group=`awslogs groups|grep $1`