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Last active November 20, 2015 14:24
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Answer for [Can I yield from an instance method](
from itertools import izip_longest, izip, tee
import random
# Similar to itertools.islice
class Nth(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
self.i = 0
self.nout = 0
def itervalues(self, x):
self.i = 0
self.nout = 0
for xi in x:
self.i += 1
if self.i == self.n:
self.i = 0
self.nout += 1
yield self.nout, xi
def add(x,y):
for xi,yi in izip(x,y):
yield xi + yi
def sub(x,y):
for xi,yi in izip(x,y):
yield xi - yi
class NthSumDiff(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.nthsum = Nth(n)
self.nthdiff = Nth(n)
def itervalues(self, x, y):
xadd, xsub = tee(x)
yadd, ysub = tee(y)
gen_sum = self.nthsum.itervalues(add(xadd, yadd))
gen_diff = self.nthdiff.itervalues(sub(xsub, ysub))
# Have to use izip_longest here, but why?
#for (i,nthsum), (j,nthdiff) in izip_longest(gen_sum, gen_diff):
for (i,nthsum), (j,nthdiff) in izip(gen_sum, gen_diff):
assert i==j, "sum row %d != diff row %d" % (i,j)
yield nthsum, nthdiff
nskip = 12
ns = Nth(nskip)
nd = Nth(nskip)
nsd = NthSumDiff(nskip)
nfiles = 10
for i in range(nfiles):
# Generate some data.
# If the block length is a multiple of nskip there's no problem.
#n = random.randint(5000, 10000) * nskip
n = random.randint(50000, 100000)
print 'file %d n=%d' % (i, n)
x = range(n)
y = range(100,n+100)
# Independent processing is no problem but requires two loops.
for i, nthsum in ns.itervalues(add(x,y)):
for j, nthdiff in nd.itervalues(sub(x,y)):
assert i==j
# Trying to do both with one loops causes problems.
for nthsum, nthdiff in nsd.itervalues(x,y):
# If izip_longest is necessary, why don't I ever get a fillvalue?
assert nthsum is not None
assert nthdiff is not None
# After each block of data the two iterators should have the same state.
assert nsd.nthsum.nout == nsd.nthdiff.nout, \
"sum nout %d != diff nout %d" % (nsd.nthsum.nout, nsd.nthdiff.nout)
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