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addyosmani / cranium.js
Last active February 7, 2019 15:02
/* Cranium MVC
* A minimalist MVC implementation written for
* demonstration purposes at my workshops
* Copyright (c) 2012 Addy Osmani; Licensed MIT */
var Cranium = Cranium || {};
// Set DOM selection utility
Integralist / 0. JavaScript Function Programming
Last active July 3, 2018 04:57
JavaScript Function Programming (scratch pad) -> Most of the code here is modified from the excellent O'Reilly book "Functional JavaScript".

This code is modified from the excellent O'Reilly book "Functional JavaScript". You should buy it, I highly recommend it! Don't kid yourself into thinking this gist even remotely covers the great content from a 200+ page technical book on the subject; it doesn't. Buy the book and get the in-depth knowledge for yourself. It's worth it.