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srsgores /
Created February 22, 2014 00:27
map toolbar coffeescript sample
class MapToolbar
constructor: (@toggled, @mapToolbar, @toolbarToggle, @mapToolbarIcon, @mapToolbarContent, @searchButton) ->
# Variables
@mapToolbar = $(".mapToolbar")
@toolbarToggle = @mapToolbar.find(".show-toolbar")
@mapToolbarIcon = @toolbarToggle.find("i")
@mapToolbarContent = @mapToolbar.find(".toolbar-content")
@searchButton = @mapToolbar.find(".show-search")
search: ->
@searchButton.on "click", ->
srsgores /
Created May 11, 2014 01:14
Validator custom class for validating a jQuery form
class Validator
constructor: (@$form, @$isTabbed) ->
checkStrength: (password) ->
characters = 0
capitalletters = 0
loweletters = 0
number = 0
special = 0
total = 0
srsgores / functions.php
Created June 14, 2014 02:15
Custom TinyMCE Wordpress Configuration
* @package Mantaray Theme
* @author Sean Goresht
* @copyright Copyright (2014) Sean Goresht
* @license GNU/GPL
// load config
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");
srsgores / helpers.styl
Created August 19, 2014 21:23
Stylus Dynamic Placeholders
properties = margin padding
proportions = mini small normal medium large
directions = top left bottom right
$smallmargintop = 1.3em
for property in properties
for proportion, i in proportions
srsgores / helpers.styl
Created August 19, 2014 21:47
Generate Placeholders in Stylus
displays = block inline-block inline table
derps = me myMom myDad smurffy
generatePlaceholder(display, displays)
generatePlaceholder(derp, derps)
@extend $block
@extend $smurffy
srsgores / helpers.styl
Created August 29, 2014 01:58
Trying to dynamically generate placeholders
directions = top left bottom right
properties = margin padding
proportions = mini small normal medium large
positions = fixed absolute static relative
srsgores / form-actions.hbs
Created November 13, 2014 07:24
form actions component
<footer {{bind-attr class="classNames"}}>
<button {{action "didSaveObject"}}>Save {{text}} <i {{bind-attr class="iconClassName"}}></i></button>
srsgores /
Created November 13, 2014 07:49
Action bubbling
`import Ember from "ember"`
FormActionsComponent = Ember.Component.extend(
save: null
classNames: "form-actions",
model: null
redirectRoute: "admin"
icon: "save"
iconClassName: (->
srsgores /
Created November 19, 2014 00:25
Authenticated route for a dashboard in EmberJS
`import Ember from "ember"`
DashboardRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
beforeModel: (transition) ->
loginController = @controllerFor("login")
unless loginController.get("isLoggedIn")
loginFailed: true
attemptedTransition: transition
srsgores /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
A sad reality.
Failure of mankind
@author Sean
@note Created on 2014-11-22 by Sean Goresht
@note uses Codoc