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Megan Arellano ssciolist

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ssciolist /
Last active January 16, 2018 17:43
Megan Arellano January 2018 prework

Day One

  1. Yeah, I did run into issues. The most annoying was that Xcode would not install until I did some significant OS updates on my Mac. The second most annoying was when I thought that I wasn't editing my Bash profile correctly because I couldn't call the version of rbenv... Turns out, I was putting an incorrect space "-- version" instead of "--version".
  2. You open Atom from your Terminal by typing "atom ."
  3. The file extension for a Ruby file is .rb
  4. Command +\
  5. Command+p or Command+t
  6. Pwd stands for print wording directory and it's helpful because it's not always obvious where in the file tree you are when you're working in the terminal... so it's good to have a command that can tell you where you are. lists the files and directories that are in your present working directory. cd changes your directory and mkdir creates a new directory within your current directory.
  7. Hostname tells you the name of the device and the nature of your network connection, and when I type hostname, I get

3 out of the "29 Behaviors That Will Make You an Unstoppable Programmer"

"Say I don't know."

As a journalist, I should be very practiced in this behavior since my job was learning and distilling new information, but I've realized I'm not very good at it. Instead, I prefer to read and research on my own before reaching out for help. But in my professional life, I've watched peers ask questions I thought were dumb, keep asking them, and then eventually become more knowledgable than me. So this is a skill that is really important to me, maybe because it's not super natural for me.

"Absorb massive criticism with ease"


  1. Empathy is something that I have in abundance. I don't like to see gore on T.V. or movies because I don't like seeing people, even fictional ones, in pain. I cried with my coworkers while I was out to dinner with them because I didn't want to see any of them laid off. Generally speaking, I have to work to keep my emotional empathy from undermining other parts of my work. But my empathy has also helped me a lot in my work. Bosses have complimented me on my leadership skills, and I enjoy working on a team. On a team, I observe others, try to affirm their best qualities, and make sure that they feel like they are part of the group.

  2. Empathy helps you build better software by making sure that your immediate team is working in an emotionally comfortable environment. If nobody has to worry about whether someone else hates them, etc, then that energy can be better spent on the

ssciolist /
Last active May 20, 2018 16:56
Arellano M3 Personal Project Pitch

Hello Block


I want to build an website and API that quantifies how much Denver is changing by looking at the city's building permits.


Denver construction is booming, the skyline is filled with cranes, but there's not a great way to quantify it all since building permits are exported inconviently. Many Denverites bemoan rapid gentrification without having a way to prove that their city is changing in a way that prices them out. And no one has an easy way to answer 'Hey what are they building across the street from me?'

repo link
aws deployment
heroku deployment
ssciolist /
Last active July 13, 2018 17:00
class ListNode
  attr_accessor :val, :next
  def initialize(val)
    @val = val
    @next = nil

  def find_the_length_of_the_list(list)
    current_node = list.value
ssciolist /
Created September 10, 2018 18:47

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  • I am ssciolist on github.
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