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Sedat Kapanoğlu ssg

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ssg / fidiz.pas
Created August 25, 2011 20:03
FIDIZ - BBS listing generator from FILE_ID.DIZ contents
FIDIZ! The New Generation FILE_ID.DIZ extractor...
18th Feb 1997 - 19:44 - 2.00 olayi..
uses Objects,Dos,Crt;
ssg / lwx.pas
Created August 25, 2011 20:06
ListWorx - BBS shopping list generator
{ List Selector - (c) 1995 SSG
"it's a nice day to debug" /SSG
19th Jan 96 - 00:21 - added modified check...
21nd May 96 - 04:20 - fixed sort bug...
17th Mar 97 - 03:24 - added wizcat format...
ssg / newexe.pas
Created August 25, 2011 20:08
NewExe header structure
{ NewExe implementation }
unit NewExe;
NESign = $454e;
ssg / ondir.pas
Created August 25, 2011 20:10
Homebrew floppy changeline detection routines
{ On-line directory v1.00b }
uses debris,XStr,disk,dos,crt;
procedure abort;
writeln(#13#10+'SSG Operation complete');
ssg / qtext.pas
Created August 25, 2011 20:12
QText Fast VGA text mode routines
Quick Text routines 2.01d
(c) 1995 SSG
18th Feb 95 - 02:02 - Success...this was my first attempt to write a text
mode engine...
18th Feb 95 - 12:38 - Workin' w/o any bugs..
18th Feb 95 - 13:12 - Boosted code & fixed some bugs...
ssg / scf.pas
Created August 25, 2011 20:13
Background floppy formatter
{ SSG's Concurrent Formatter 0.1 beta }
{$M $800,0,0}
ssg / lowercase.ps1
Created August 25, 2011 21:01
Convert all filenames in current directory to lowercase
gi * | % { ren $_.Name $_.Name.ToLower() }
@echo off
rem this converts a recorded gource ppm stream along with a mp3 soundtrack to a youtube compatible format
rem with decent quality and file size
rem usage: ppm2youtube <ppmfile> <mp3file> <outputfile>
set FFMPEG_DIR=d:\ffmpeg
%FFMPEG_DIR\bin\ffmpeg -y -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i "%1" -i "%2" -map 0 -map 1 -c:v libx264 -c:a libvo_aacenc -preset slow -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 8 -bf 0 "%3"
@echo off
rem this creates a youtube compatible ppm stream for ffmpeg with gource
rem usage: gource4youtube <ppmfile> <logofile> <bgcolorhex>
set GOURCE_DIR=d:\gource
%GOURCE_DIR%\gource -1280x720 -s 0.01 --colour-images -r 30 --stop-at-end -o "%1" --max-files 0 --logo "%2" --user-scale 1.5 --highlight-users -b %3 --hide filenames
ssg / Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Last active November 17, 2022 04:42
Git/Mercurial PowerShell prompt.
# ssg's powershell profile - latest version is at
# only feature is to show hg/git current branch on the prompt
$vcTypes = @(
Name = "hg"
Directory = ".hg"
BranchScript = { Get-Content ".hg\branch" }