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_DEFUN(run_vector_1,(vector, p, func, name, args),
int vector _AND
one_line_type *p _AND
char *func _AND
char *name _AND
char *args)
FILE *f;
int mag;
double result;
2017/11/08 12:10:50:613|UC> Log file at: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/671F1DC8-63D5-4078-97FE-E4E6BAB47189/Library/Caches/Logs/com.uberchord-engineering.uberchord-ios 2017-11-08--11-10-50-536.log
MemoryEater> eating 400 megabytes.
MemoryEater> done.
SubscriptionsClient> App start, starting to get products and then verify receipt
AudioStreamBasicDescription: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, 'lpcm' (0x00000029) 32-bit little-endian float, deinterleaved
UserDataCache.getProgress()> start...
PerformanceMeter> Finished: getProgress[memory]. Time elapsed: 0.000003
[CRITICAL VALUE] PerformanceMeter> Finished: getProgress[storage]. Time elapsed: 2.938019
UserDataCache.getProgress()> start...
PerformanceMeter> Finished: getProgress[memory]. Time elapsed: 0.000007
stanislaw / SongTrainerAudioHandle.swift
Created October 10, 2017 16:14
class SongTrainerAudioHandle {
weak manager: AudioManagerInternal
var requiresPrivilegedAccessToAudioFeatureX {
return true
func useAudioFeatureX {
if manager.allowsUseOfFeatureXAtThisTime {
stanislaw /
Last active June 16, 2017 18:24
Stats for Large Xcode projects
[Find unused Objective-C imports](
fui --path=./ --verbose find
stanislaw /
Created June 7, 2017 13:28 — forked from hcoles/
So you want to build a mutation testing system

So you want to build a mutation testing system


There have been a lot mutation testing systems, but very few have them have seen succesfull use in industry.

This document is a set of notes that might be helpful for anyone thinking of implementing a mutation testing system for another language.

It represents some of the things we learnt while creating pitest. The choices made by pitest are not neccessarily the best choices for your system. Some of these choices are appropriate only because of the particular quirks of Java and the JVM, and some of them are simply the first idea that we had.

swiftc \
-emit-ir \
-F/Applications/ \
-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /Applications/ \
-lswiftCore jitswift.swift
; ModuleID = '-'
source_filename = "-"
target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.9"
# Converts branch name 'MAPP-452_how-is-it-going' into a commit message 'MAPP-452 How is it going'
if ! [ -z $2 ]
if ! [ "message" == $2 ]
; ModuleID = ''
target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin"
%str_slice = type { i8*, i64 }
%"9.__test::test::TestDescAndFn" = type { %"9.__test::test::TestDesc", %"9.__test::test::TestFn" }
%"9.__test::test::TestDesc" = type { %"9.__test::test::TestName", i8, %"9.__test::test::ShouldPanic" }
%"9.__test::test::TestName" = type { i64, [0 x i64], [3 x i64] }
%"9.__test::test::ShouldPanic" = type { i64, [0 x i64], [2 x i64] }
%"9.__test::test::TestFn" = type { i64, [0 x i64], [2 x i64] }
stanislaw / gist:3e71034dc68dee774218c9e4f2c60830
Created September 14, 2016 14:27 — forked from ericallam/gist:11214298
Fixing animation snapback without setDisableActions:YES
// Implements the solution for solving "snapback" found in
// Chapter 8 of "iOS Core Animation Advanced Techniques" by Nick Lockwood
// without the need to use setDisableActions: to override the implicit animation,
// instead passing in the implicit animation key in addAnimation:forKey:
// With setDisableActions
- (void)applyBasicAnimation:(CABasicAnimation *)animation toLayer:(CALayer *)layer
//set the from value (using presentation layer if available)
animation.fromValue = [layer.presentationLayer ?: layer valueForKeyPath:animation.keyPath];
Count: 12
/Users/Stanislaw/Work/MusicContent/Music Content/3 Doors Down/Be Like That/3 Doors Down - Be Like That - Finale.xml
Document has errors: Errors: (
"Error type: "More than one note on the same string in a chord!", description: "Voicing at measure 36 contains two notes on the same string: (
"<MXMLNote: 0x7fd96174e7e0 (type = B; alteration = No; string = 5; fret = 2)>",
"<MXMLNote: 0x7fd96174f540 (type = D; alteration = No; string = 5; fret = 5)>",
"<MXMLNote: 0x7fd961750240 (type = D; alteration = No; string = 4; fret = 0)>",
"<MXMLNote: 0x7fd961750f80 (type = A; alteration = No; string = 3; fret = 2)>",
"<MXMLNote: 0x7fd962977690 (type = B; alteration = No; string = 2; fret = 0)>",
"<MXMLNote: 0x7fd9629783f0 (type = F; alteration = #; string = 1; fret = 2)>"