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Stav Alfi stavalfi

  • CVI @ CVI
  • Israel
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stavalfi / Cpp lvalue rvalue and between By Stav
Last active November 27, 2021 20:33
C++ lvalue, rvalue and between By Stav Alfi
stavalfi /
Last active September 5, 2018 14:29
Functional Programming Practice

Functional Programming Practice

All the methods and the documentation are taken from lodash docs


Manipulating collections using functional and declerative code.


The following exercises are for experimenting and learning Redux. Do not use any external library except rxjs (it's optional and recommended).



Write your allocator. Allocate a big block of bytes and manage its allocations and deallocations by your self. For example, allocate an array of 20,000 bytes and divide it into 10 cells such that each cell contains 2,000 bytes. The user can allocate and free cells of 2,000 bytes whenever he wants.

import WebSocket from 'ws'
function throttle<T>(callback: (message: T) => Promise<void>, interval = 1000): (message: T) => Promise<void> {
return (message: T) => Promise.resolve()
interface Message {
type: string
content: string
stavalfi / setup-redis-cluster
Last active August 7, 2021 20:33
setup a cluster of redis masters on your local machine. support single instance or cluster (3+).
// must have: redis-cli, redis-server executables
// need npm modules: @stavalfi/create-folder-structure, execa, lodash
// tested on node 14.
// RUN single instance: `ts-node <file-name>.ts 1`
// RUN cluster of masters only: `ts-node <file-name>.ts 3` // can be 3+
// close with ctrl+c. make sure ports are closed after that as well.
stavalfi / slowlog-evaluator.ts
Created August 7, 2021 21:59
Evaluate Redis Slowlogs output in nodejs
// this is just part of the code:
// based on iordis client in NodeJS
const [[error, result]] = await client.multi([['slowlog', 'get', '-1']]).exec()
if (error) {
throw error
const slowLogs = result as [id: number, ts: number, executionTime: number, command: string[]][]
const descOrder = slowLogs.sort((a, b) => b[2] - a[2])
for (const slowLog of descOrder) {
if status is-interactive
# Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here
fnm env | source
secrethub completion fish | source
set PATH $HOME/.cargo/bin /Users/stavalfi/.fnm/node-versions/v14.18.1/installation/bin $PATH
alias "code ~/.config/fish/"
alias config.vimrc "code ~/.vimrc"
alias crw "cargo watch -qcx 'run -q'"