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Ștefan Talpalaru stefantalpalaru

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stefantalpalaru /
Last active June 4, 2024 10:06


  • "In humans, both acute and chronic increases in ketone body availability to the central nervous system cause massive changes in cerebral fuel metabolism. In healthy middle-aged subjects, an i.v. infusion of BHB caused approximately 14% decrease in cerebral glucose consumption while oxygen use was unchanged, suggesting that ketone bodies, even when supplied acutely, enter the brain and may be utilized immediately as an alternative fuel to glucose. Similar cerebral metabolic changes have also been demonstrated in young individuals, however, at lower infusion rates, and thus lower BHB concentrations, glucose uptake does not seem to be affected. Together, this suggests an acute cerebral glucose-sparing effect when ketone availability is high." - "Effects of Ketone Bodies on Brain Metabolism and Function in Neurodegenerative Diseases" (2020)

  • "Recent evidence suggests that myelin lipids may act as glial energy reserves when glucose is lacking,

stefantalpalaru /
Last active April 19, 2024 17:00
  • «Zinöcker thought, “When we eat more polyunsaturated fat, the cells collect cholesterol from the blood, and build it into the cell membranes to ensure that they become rigid enough. This is where the cholesterol has gone when we measure less cholesterol in the blood!”

    And the opposite holds true as well – when we eat more saturated fat, the cell membranes become stiffer. The cells have less need to bring in stabilizing cholesterol and instead send it into the bloodstream. The cells also stop absorbing cholesterol, thus raising the blood cholesterol level.

    In the second instance, Zinöcker arrived at another understanding:

    The increase in blood cholesterol level as a result of more saturated fat in the diet may not be a sign of disease at all. On the contrary.

    "The increased blood cholesterol level is probably a sign that the regulatory mechanisms in the body are working the way they should," says Zinöcker.


  • «Most vegetarian diets are rich in LA, (Davis and Kris-Etherton, 2003) a dietary source of n-6 which can be converted to the longer chain AA in the n-6 metabolic pathway (DeFilippis and Sperling, 2006). The increasing popularity of vegetable oils such as corn, sunflower, and safflower has lead to a rise in n-6 fatty acid intakes in US and Western diets (Simopoulos, 2002), whilst intakes of n-3 have declined (Bailey,2009). In the metabolic pathway n-3 and n-6 fatty acids compete for the enzyme that is able to convert them (Davis and Kris-Etherton, 2003). Diets with a high ratio of LA:ALA can suppress DHA synthesis in favor of docosapentenoic acid(22:5n-6; DPA) which takes the place of DHA in the retinal and neural tissues (Sanders, 2009). Delta-6 desaturase is the enzyme responsible for synthesizing LCPUFA’s from ALA and LA. The activity of this enzyme can be reduced by aging, stress,diabetes, eczema, and some types of infection. Various dietary and lifestyle factors can impair LCPUFA synt

lipid nanoparticles

  • "In summary, here we show that the LNPs used for many preclinical studies are highly inflammatory. Thus, their potent adjuvant activity and reported superiority comparing to other adjuvants in supporting the induction of adaptive immune responses could stem from their inflammatory nature. Furthermore, the preclinical LNPs are similar to the ones used for human vaccines, which could also explain the observed side effects in humans using this platform." - "The mRNA-LNP platform’s lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory" (2021)

  • "Delivery of nucleic acids with positively charged lipid nanoparticles ((+)NPs) is widely used as research reagents and potentially for therapeutics due to their ability to deliver nucleic acids into the cell cytoplasm. However, in most reports little attention has been made to their toxic effects. In the present study, we performed comprehensive

# The object's "Sup" struct member is a struct of its immediate parent and this
# scheme repeats until that parent is RootObj.
# Whenever there's a cast (even an implicit one), the Nim compiler generates C
# code that traverses this chain (...Sup.Sup.Sup...).
# We use that behaviour in here, by forcing an implicit cast to `RootObj` or
# `ref RootObj`, because we cannot easily traverse that chain of different
# struct types in C, which lacks RTTI.
proc baseType(obj: RootObj): cstring =
const nimStackTraceOverride {.strdefine.} = ""
when defined(nimStackTraceOverride):
import macros
macro importModuleFromString(s: static[string]): untyped =
if s == "true":
# empty command line definition
error("You need to specify the module's name with `-d:nimStackTraceOverride=yourModuleHere`")
result = newNimNode(nnkImportStmt).add(newIdentNode(s))
commit 8eb0c4fc2a2e57e597eb0851f9b376e99f2b37a6 (HEAD, origin/interop)
Author: Jacek Sieka <>
Date: Tue Sep 10 17:28:38 2019 -0400
compat with latest chronos
commit 4d14677d834edbdb3b29f4ca21e4d83eb58329d3
Author: Zahary Karadjov <>
Date: Sun Sep 8 22:36:37 2019 -0400
2019-10-18T16:14:37.3596273Z Hint: gcc.exe -o D:\a\1\s\./build/test_fixture_ssz_static nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\oct.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\big_384_58.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\ecp_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\ecp2_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\fp_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\fp2_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\fp4_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\fp12_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\pair_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\rom_curve_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\rom_field_BLS381.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\secp256k1.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\ccopy.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\dec16be.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\dec16le.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\dec32be.c.o nimcache\release\test_fixture_ssz_static\dec32
DBG 2019-10-10 22:16:20+02:00 Attestation received topics="beacnde" tid=1074 attestationData="(beacon_block_root: \"c0d41900\", source_epoch: 0, source_root: \"00000000\", target_epoch: 190, target_root: \"635086de\", crosslink: (shard: 6, parent_root: \"ddb5d511\", start_epoch: 146, end_epoch: 150, data_root: \"00000000\"))" cat=consensus pcs=on_attestation signature=984923f2 node=0
INF 2019-10-10 22:16:20+02:00 Attestation resolved topics="attpool" tid=1074 attestationData="(beacon_block_root: \"c0d41900\", source_epoch: 0, source_root: \"00000000\", target_epoch: 190, target_root: \"635086de\", crosslink: (shard: 6, parent_root: \"ddb5d511\", start_epoch: 146, end_epoch: 150, data_root: \"00000000\"))" cat=filtering current_epoch=190 pcs=atp_add_attestation stateSlot=3044 target_epoch=190 validations=7 node=0
DBG 2019-10-10 22:16:21+02:00 Slot start topics="beacnde" tid=1074 beaconTime=18270 cat=scheduling lastSlot=3044 pcs=slot_st
/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/nim-9999-r9/work/nim-9999/compiler/semparallel.nim(456, 32) Warning: not GC-safe: 'transformSpawnSons(g, owner, n, barrier)' [GcUnsafe]
result = transformSpawnSons(g, owner, n, barrier)
/Users/andreasrumpf-mac/projects/nim/lib/system/fatal.nim(39) sysFatal
Error: unhandled exception: /Users/andreasrumpf-mac/projects/nim/compiler/guards.nim(984, 12) `branch.kind == nkOfBranch` [AssertionError]