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* MUI.Widget - is base class for all widgets, designed to be extended
* - allows you to add functionality to elements unobtrusively
* - the lifecycle methods: initialize, render and destroy
* - abstract rendering methods (render calls: createUI, updateUI) to support a consistent structure
* - provides a common set of base widget attributes
* - consistent class-name generation
* - for easy widget developement and maintanance use external stylesheets and HTML templates as much you can
* - basic widget HTML template consists of container (outermost element) and content (direct descendant)
// template based on fast string building - proposal
// Daniel Steigerwald - MIT Licensed
var Template = new Class({
Implements: [Events, Options],
options: {
data: null, // datasource
mapper: $empty // custom mapper function, has to return hash. Key is className, value is same hash as for Element.set
var el = new Element('div', {
style: 'position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: red'
var styles = { clip: 'rect(10px 90px 90px 10px)' };
//el.setStyles(styles); // ok
el.morph(styles); // doesn't work
// mootools browser.js
// "We've been the only framework using object detection since the beginning,
// but we only used it to set some Browser.Engine flags... which is IMO pretty lame." tomocchino
// Example: if ( > 7) {..
@@ -34,13 +34,22 @@ var Browser = $merge({
return (document.getBoxObjectFor == undefined) ? false : ((document.getElementsByClassName) ? 19 : 18);
Script: Element.Dimensions.js
Contains methods to work with size, scroll, or positioning of Elements and the window object.
MIT-style license.
- Viewport dimensions based on [YUI]( code, [BSD License](
var Theme = {
'art-widget': {
styles: {
normal: { roundness: 4, backgroundOpacity: .7 },
focused: { backgroundOpacity: .9 }
'art-button': { // should inherit 'art-widget' styles
normal: { roundness: 2, backgroundOpacity: 1 }
'art-input': { // should inherit 'art-widget' styles
var ArtSheet = {
'widget': { roundness: 4, backgroundOpacity: .7 },
'widget:focus': { backgroundOpacity: .9 },
'widget button': { roundness: 2, backgroundOpacity: 1 },
'widget button:hover': { roundness: 4 },
'widged input': { roundness: 4, backgroundOpacity: 1 }
var names = ['mrd', 'prd'];
for (var i = 0, l = names.length, name; name = names[i], i < l; i++) {
document.title += name;
for (var i = names.length, name; name = names[i - 1], i--; ) {
document.title += name;
Function.prototype.pleaseAcceptAsPairToo = function() {
var one = function(key, value) {
var obj = {};
obj[key] = value;
return, obj);
}, many = this;
return function(item) {
return ((typeof item == 'string') ? one : many).apply(this, arguments);
function getTextNodes(node) {
var tns = [];
(function walk(n) {
while (n) n.nodeType == 3 ? tns.push(n) : walk(n.firstChild), n = n.nextSibling;
return tns;