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Stéphane Erard stephaneerard

  • Pragmatism & Enthusiasm
  • Nice, France
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stephaneerard / gist:720143
Created November 29, 2010 16:20
A sf Task for diem to manage module/action security
class dmSecureModuleActionTask extends dmContextTask
protected $module, $modulePath, $permissionName, $_options, $_arguments, $dbConn;
protected function configure()
stephaneerard / html tags php
Created December 26, 2010 15:12
Returns an array with html tags
public function getHtmlTags() {
$tags = array(
stephaneerard / dmPageSynchronizer.php
Created February 7, 2011 12:58
Fixing pdo queries with table connection parameter
class dmPageSynchronizer
public function __construct(dmModuleManager $moduleManager)
stephaneerard / gist:822121
Created February 11, 2011 09:23
My BaseFormDoctrine to manage setup for edit || save (+some dm behaviors management)
* Project doctrine form base class.
abstract class BaseFormDoctrine extends dmFormDoctrine
* @var sfDateFormat
<script type="text/javascript">
var printProcess = function(){
var imgSrc = '<?php echo $product->getTicketGeneration()->get('Image')->getFullWebPath()?>';
var subWnd ='', 'stayTicketPrinterWindow', 'width=1024,height=800,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,copyhistory=no');
if($('img', subWnd.document.body).size() === 0)
var imgTag = $('<img/>').attr('src', imgSrc);
Hello Community,
When considering writting large apps with sf2, with a back and a front, some questions are occuring, about how to structure things.
Say we have one large website with a front-end for end-users and a back-end to feed the front-end, control objects, etc.
The two "apps" will use same models, obviously.
We'd like to separate our "views" on the models for the two apps (I call them "perspectives").
class ItSsLoadPhpDataTask extends dmContextTask
protected function configure()
$this->addOption('files', 'f', sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_OPTIONAL | sfCommandOption::IS_ARRAY, 'Give files to load');
$this->addOption('load-dump', 'l', sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_NONE, 'Loads db dump before');
stephaneerard / gist:1020865
Created June 11, 2011 19:26
Diem - Securing Front application
The trick:
- overload sfBasicSecurityFilter->execute() method to check if $request->hasParameter('bypass_security')
and if this parameter is set to true
- overload dmUser actions executeSignin() and add request parameter bypass_security and set it to true
rendering: ~
def by_recipients(recipients)
@messages_query ||= db.prepare "SELECT id, sender, recipients, subject, size, created_at FROM message WHERE recipients LIKE ?"
@messages_query.execute("%#{recipients}%").map do |row|
Hash[].tap do |message|
message["recipients"] &&= ActiveSupport::JSON.decode message["recipients"]
function _download() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
debug("download", image.url);
var tmpName = tmp.tmpNameSync();
var writable = fs.createWriteStream(tmpName);
var streamSource = request(image.url);