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stephenpope / gist:3834830
Created October 4, 2012 16:38
Failing FluentAssertions 2.0 Test
FluentAssertions has an issue with failing tests on DLL's that have been merged (ILMerge).
It looks like its trying to load types from a DLL that isnt there (as its been merged).
To Reproduce:
1) new class library project
2) Using Nuget install: NUnit / FakeItEasy / FluentAssertions 2.0
stephenpope / gist:daa0cd59a0f36f68ab36
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
SItecore + Solr 4.8.*

Sitecore 7 + Solr 4.8.*

The normal process when starting to use Solr + Sitecore is to take the example schema.xml (that comes with the Solr distribution) and use the schema generator (in the Sitecore control panel) to modify it.

In Solr 4.8.* the xml structure of the schema.xml file has changed slightly and this causes problems when we parse it.

  1. When Sitecore loads
  2. When we use Sitecore's schema generator
stephenpope / gist:1a59dfa94794146caad6
Created March 4, 2015 15:24
Getting a vNext HttpContext feature using Nancy
using Nancy;
using Nancy.Owin;
public class HomeModule : NancyModule
public HomeModule()
Get["/{id?}"] = _ =>
var owin = this.Context.GetOwinEnvironment();