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Stephen Turner stephenturner

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stephenturner / RF vs lm and FS 1.r
Created March 1, 2011 19:31
RF vs lm and FS 1.r
> #First define the function
> rsq <- function (yhat, y) 1 - sum((y - yhat)^2)/sum((y - mean(y))^2)
> # first, fit a stepwise model and test it on new data
> totfat1.intonly <- lm(CRC_FAT_TOT~1, data=totfat1)
> totfat1.full <- lm(CRC_FAT_TOT~., data=totfat1)
> totfat1.step <- step(totfat1.intonly, scope=list(upper=totfat1.full), trace=0)
> rsq(predict(totfat1.step,totfat2), totfat2$CRC_FAT_TOT)
[1] 0.6991431
stephenturner /
Created March 10, 2011 21:41
# Thursday, March 10, 2011
# Stephen D. Turner
chomp(my $pwd = `pwd`);
my $help = "\nUsage: $0 <file to split> <# columns in each split>\n\n";
die $help if @ARGV!=2;
#sub trim($);
stephenturner / gwas_in_r.R
Created March 14, 2011 20:20
############################ Documentation ###############################
# There are essentially two functions in this code.
# (1)lm_wrapper/glm_wrapper: these functions take an outcome vector y, a
# data frame containing only SNPs, and optionally a data frame of
# covariates. lm_wrapper runs linear regression while glm_wrapper will run
# logistic regression, on every SNP in the SNP data frame.
stephenturner / forlani.r
Created March 18, 2011 22:02
# Calculate PCs when the number of SNPs (m>4000) is large
# From G with SNPs on the columns, keep the first 20 PCs
# X = normed G, we want PCs (=Xv) where v is eigenvector of X'X (the covariance matrix)
# X'X can't be handled directly.
# If XX'v= lv, X'XX'v = lX'v => if find eigenv for XX' then X'v is eigenv for X'X
# SIMILARLY, if X'Xv = lv, then XX'(Xv) = l(Xv) => the eigenv of XX' must be PCs that we want
# OF COURSE, the final result of the matrix with Xv must be orthonormal up to some constant
stephenturner / pickSNPs.r
Created March 24, 2011 03:14
# Select a set of SNPs > dist bp (default 100kb) apart
# Map is a matrix with colnames "chrom" and "position".
# Matrix MUST BE sorted by chrom,position
# Can have more columns but the colnames "chrom" and "position" can't be changed
# The function returns a vector of row indices corresponding
# to the rows you should pick for your subset.
pickSNPs<-function(map, dist = 100000) {$chrom))
stephenturner / 2011-03-30 igf1 stufy maf vs 1000g maf.r
Created March 31, 2011 03:22
2011-03-30 igf1 stufy maf vs 1000g maf.r
select distinct *, CASE WHEN refvar_study!=refvar_1000g and maf1000g IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as mismatch from
(SELECT a.chr, a.pos18, c.pos19, a.major||a.minor AS refvar_study, a.maxpoolmaf, c.major||c.minor AS refvar_1000g, c.maf as maf1000g
FROM igf1_pooledmaf a
LEFT JOIN igf1_map1819 b ON a.pos18=b.hg18
LEFT JOIN igf1_1000g_freq c ON b.hg19=c.pos19);")
stephenturner / 2011-04-01 igf1 how many snps.sql
Created April 2, 2011 02:18
2011-04-01 igf1 how many snps.sql
-- ARGH.. SQLite doesn't implement a full outer join, OR a right join.
-- For this reason it might be a good idea to transition over to MySQL.
-- Here's a goofy workaround using two left-joins, taken from Wikipedia:
CREATE VIEW igf1_union AS
WHEN meanmaf IS NULL THEN maf1000g
WHEN maf1000g IS NULL THEN meanmaf
WHEN (meanmaf IS NOT NULL and maf1000g IS NOT NULL) THEN max(meanmaf, maf1000g)
END AS bestmaf
stephenturner / igf1-db-ex.txt
Created April 4, 2011 20:07
sqlite> select * from igf1_studydata limit 10;
chr pos18 pos19 ref var refvar novel offtarget thresh maxmaf meanmaf highqual superhighqual
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------
12 101266026 102741896 C A C/A 0 0 0.05 0.362 0.252 1 1
12 101266373 102742243 C A C/A 0 0 0.05 0.0805 0.0131 1 1
12 101267346 102743216 T G T/G 0 0 0.05 0.6937 0.4321 1 1
12 101267684 102743554 C T C/T 0 0 0.05 0.0772 0.0353 1 1
12 101268423 102744293 A G A/G 0
stephenturner / snp distribution histograms.r
Created April 4, 2011 21:58
snp distribution histograms.r
myquery="SELECT * FROM igf1_union_nomismatch WHERE highqual=1 OR (highqual IS NULL AND maf1000g>0.01);"
main <- paste(nrow(d),"SNPs")
p=qplot(d$pos18, binw=2000, xlab="Chromosome 12 position (hg18)", ylab="SNP Density", main=main)
ggsave("2011-04-04 SNP Density 728 SNPs.png", p, w=6, h=6, dpi=100)
myquery="SELECT * FROM igf1_union_nomismatch WHERE maxmaf>=0.05 OR (meanmaf IS NULL AND maf1000g>0.01);"
main <- paste(nrow(d),"SNPs")
stephenturner / getflank.r
Created April 12, 2011 02:07
# Load the BSgenome package and download the hg19 reference sequence
# For documentation see
biocLite("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19") #installs the human genome (~850 MB download).
# Function to pull flanking sequence. Defaults to +/- 10 bp
getflank <- function(position, alleles="[N/N]", chr="chr12", offset=10) {