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cdmwebs / template.rb
Created November 20, 2010 05:22
Rails 3 with options for devise, jquery, cucumber, capybara, rspec and mongoid
generators = []
puts 'Spinning up a new app, captain!'
devise = yes?('Use Devise? (yes/no)')
jquery = yes?('Use jQuery? (yes/no)')
jquery_ui = yes?('Use jQuery UI? (yes/no)') if jquery
mongoid = yes?('Use mongoid? (yes/no)')
haml = yes?('Use haml? (yes/no)')
rspec = yes?('Use Rspec? (yes/no)')
beathyate / Gemfile
Created December 24, 2010 07:12
Cloudmailin Rails 3 Mongoid CarrierWave GridFS
source :rubygems
gem 'rails', '3.0.3'
gem 'mongo', '1.1.5'
gem 'bson', '1.1.5'
gem 'bson_ext', '1.1.5'
gem 'mongoid', '2.0.0.beta.20'
gem 'carrierwave'
ryanb /
Created May 6, 2011 01:10
The Changelogs for Rails 3.1 Beta 1

Railties 3.1 RC4

  • The new rake task assets:clean removes precompiled assets. [fxn]

  • Application and plugin generation run bundle install unless --skip-gemfile or --skip-bundle. [fxn]

  • Fixed database tasks for jdbc* adapters #jruby [Rashmi Yadav]

  • Template generation for jdbcpostgresql #jruby [Vishnu Atrai]

moneill / gist:1005105
Created June 2, 2011 19:28
Sample mongoid.yml generated from rails g mongoid:config (app name is 'appy')
defaults: &defaults
host: localhost
# slaves:
# - host: slave1.local
# port: 27018
# - host: slave2.local
# port: 27019
<<: *defaults
chrisbloom7 /
Created June 6, 2011 07:16
A cheap knock off of the default validates_length_of validator, but checks the filesize of a Carrierwave attachment

Note that this validation runs both after the file is uploaded and after CarrierWave has processed the image. If your base uploader includes a filter to resize the image then the validation will be run against the resized image, not the original one that was uploaded. If this causes a problem for you, then you should avoid using a resizing filter on the base uploader and put any specific size requirements in a version instead.

So instead of this:

require 'carrierwave/processing/mini_magick'

mattyoho / error_messages_for.rb
Created July 29, 2011 13:44
Rails 3 #error_messages_for, via @j3 => @RyanBates
def error_messages_for(*objects)
options = objects.extract_options!
options[:header_message] ||= I18n.t(:"activerecord.errors.header", :default => "Invalid Fields")
options[:message] ||= I18n.t(:"activerecord.errors.message", :default => "Correct the following errors and try again.")
messages = { |o| o.errors.full_messages }.flatten
unless messages.empty?
content_tag(:div, :class => "error_messages") do
list_items = { |msg| content_tag(:li, msg) }
content_tag(:h2, options[:header_message]) + content_tag(:p, options[:message]) + content_tag(:ul, list_items.join.html_safe)
Paxa / attachment.rb
Created September 8, 2011 03:12
video encoder snippet
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
mount_uploader :filename, PostAttachmentUploader
VIDEO_FORMATS = %W{ogv mp4 webm}
before_save :set_metas
after_create :start_encoding!, :if => :video?
agnellvj / friendly_urls.markdown
Created September 11, 2011 15:52 — forked from jcasimir/friendly_urls.markdown
Friendly URLs in Rails

Friendly URLs

By default, Rails applications build URLs based on the primary key -- the id column from the database. Imagine we have a Person model and associated controller. We have a person record for Bob Martin that has id number 6. The URL for his show page would be:


But, for aesthetic or SEO purposes, we want Bob's name in the URL. The last segment, the 6 here, is called the "slug". Let's look at a few ways to implement better slugs.

kirs / avatar_uploader.rb
Created September 24, 2011 07:33
Validation of image dimensions with CarrierWave
# encoding: utf-8
class AvatarUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
# Choose what kind of storage to use for this uploader:
storage :file
# Override the directory where uploaded files will be stored.
shapeshed / nginx_rails_3_1
Created October 10, 2011 19:13
Nginx Config for Rails 3.1 with Unicorn and Asset Pipeline
upstream app {
server unix:/srv/app/current/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock fail_timeout=0;
server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;
server {