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Scott Griepentrog stgnet

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stgnet / build_test_module
Created April 1, 2014 15:17
Build FreePBX module tgz for testing
# build test version of module
set -e
[ ! -f module.xml ] && echo "ERROR: module.xml not found!" && exit 1
MODNAME=$(xmllint --shell module.xml <<<"cat /module/rawname/text()" |grep -v "^/")
VERSION=$(xmllint --shell module.xml <<<"cat /module/version/text()" |grep -v "^/")
[ -z "$MODNAME" -o -z "$VERSION" ] && echo "ERROR: module name and version missing from module.xml" && exit 2
cd ..
[ ! -d "$MODNAME" ] && echo "ERROR: directory $PWD/$MODNAME not found!" && exit 3
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am stgnet on github.
* I am stgnet ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDMynWjv295We0-ykm7GfkIBzrq9Fp48TbFjBv_9A5XEQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
@echo off
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
@echo on
mountvol X: /s
copy %WINDIR%\System32\SecConfig.efi X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi /Y
bcdedit /create {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} /d "DebugTool" /application osloader
bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} path "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi"
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} bootsequence {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215}
bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} loadoptions DISABLE-LSA-ISO,DISABLE-VBS