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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am stiltr on github.
  • I am stiltr ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 6724 1AF9 4441 9E2E 75E0 DA6F 4103 4B20 BE91 76A6

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# Moves the mouse to the next monitor (R or L)
# If xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell `xdotool getactivewindow` reports
# a value other than 0,0 when your window is in the top left corner, use
# the values it shows for the offsets. Some tweaking may be required.
// Cobbled together from code found at:
// Don't forget to set the hostname in setup_socket()! (line 70)
// Build with:
// gcc simple_print.c -l cairo -o simple_print
// Can be tested with:
stiltr /
Last active April 6, 2021 05:39
Streaming to the new YouTube Studio with ffmpeg and nginx-rtmp

Streaming to the new YouTube Studio with ffmpeg and nginx-rtmp

I've been successfully streaming to YouTube from a Teradek Vidiu Pro hardware encoder, but wanted to play with streaming to both YouTube and Facebook at the same time. I also wanted to be able to stream pre-recorded videos as if they were live. To accomplish this, I turned to nginx-rtmp and ffmpeg. The only problem was, it didn't work. There are plenty of tutorials out there for setting up nginx-rtmp and for using ffmpeg to send rtmp streams, but no matter what I tried I couldn't get the stream to start on YouTube. I'd start streaming to YouTube, and I could see in the Live Dashboard it would change from No data to Excellent connection, but that was it. The Go Live button was disabled and there was nothing I could do about it. I suspect this is also why I was unable to get to stream to YouTube as well.

However, after much trial and error, I found that if I switched from Live Control Room to Stream Now Classic, I was

stiltr / mender.pi3.diff
Created May 19, 2021 19:52
Mender patches applied to mainline u-boot for Pi3 USB boot.
diff --git a/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c b/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c
index 45caa4d49e..99d34e8a49 100644
--- a/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c
+++ b/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c
@@ -389,9 +389,31 @@ static void set_serial_number(void)
env_set("serial#", serial_string);
+static void set_bootargs_orig(void)
stiltr / !
Last active February 4, 2022 03:35
EspressoBin v5 Router

EspressoBin v5 Router

I use my EspressoBin as a router and it does a great job of it. It handles DHCP, DNS and firewalling for my network across multiple VLANs. Initially I tried using Arch Linux and Armbian, which had support for the board at the time, but I had various issues with those and eventually whipped up my own Devuan image. It has been quite stable for me across several releases (ascii->beowulf->chimaera). I do however, still use the kernel package from Armbian's repo.

My plan is to leave some notes here on some various things I've done with the EspressoBin since setting it up as my router here at work.

stiltr / dmesg.txt
Created December 20, 2023 02:01
dmesg for mata touch issues on lineageos-20
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[24728.339970] cache: parent cpu1 should not be sleeping
[24728.340980] cache: parent cpu2 should not be sleeping
[24728.341982] cache: parent cpu3 should not be sleeping
[24728.343830] cache: parent cpu4 should not be sleeping
[24728.344978] cache: parent cpu5 should not be sleeping
[24728.346176] cache: parent cpu6 should not be sleeping
[24728.348041] cache: parent cpu7 should not be sleeping
[24728.350378] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 1.699 msecs
[24728.351496] CPU2: update max cpu_capacity 419
[24728.351509] CPU4: update max cpu_capacity 1024