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# Uses newton's method and DeMoivre's Theorem to find all n roots of a given
# number.
from cmath import *
y = 27+0j # Value to find the nth root of
n = 3 # Which root to find
theta = (2 * pi) / n
THRESHHOLD = .00000000001
def f(x):
return x**n - y
>>> from GPG import GPG
>>> gpg = GPG()
>>> key = "/home/nick/Desktop/joelkey.txt"
>>> result = gpg.import_key(key,is_file=True)
>>> gpg.list_keys()[2]
{'dummy': '', 'keyid': '7EA878DD4B83D0DE', 'expires': '1250998404', 'length': '1024', 'ownertrust': '-', 'algo': '17', 'fingerprint': 'B082991111D8165938164F4A7EA878DD4B83D0DE', 'date': '1250393604', 'trust': '-', 'type': 'pub', 'uids': ['', 'Testing (This is just a test!) <>']}
>>> print1 = gpg.list_keys()[2]['fingerprint']
>>> print1
>>> result = gpg.encrypt("Hello!", print1,always_trust=True)
DEBUG = False
def partial_digest(L):
width = L[-1] # Last Element
del L[-1]
X = [0, width]
def place(L,X):
# Thought of this simple technique for differentiating polynomial functions
# while not paying attention in my Differential Equations class
def differentiate(f):
f = f[0:-1] # Remove last value since it's a constant
for i in range(0, len(f)):
f[i] = f[i] * (len(f) - i)
return f
f = [1, 2, 1] # Represents x^2+2x+1
print differentiate(f) == [2,2] # 2x + x
def gcd(a, b):
# Make sure a is greater than b
if(a < b):
a, b = b, a
if a % b == 0:
print b
gcd(b, a % b)
gcd(3,5) # Prints 1
gcd(2,6) # Prints 2
# Determines whether or not n is of the form a**b
from math import ceil
from math import log
from math import pow
def is_power(n):
a = 2
b = ceil(log(n) / log(2))
while b > 1:
from math import floor
from math import pow
def is_power(n):
b, l, u = 2, 1, n
a = floor((l + u) / 2)
if a == l or a == u:
b = b + 1
l = 1
replacements = { 'a': ['@', '4'], 'e': ['3'], 'i': ['!', '1'], 'o': ['0'] }
word = list('I am an awesome person')
for index, letter in enumerate(word):
if letter.lower() in replacements:
n = len(replacements[letter.lower()])
word[index] = replacements[letter.lower()][index % n]
print newWord # Prints '! @m 4n @w3s0m3 p3rs0n'
strategicpause / gist:750988
Created December 22, 2010 02:27
Converts decimal to binary using bit operations
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n = 32;
int exp = (int)ceil(log(n)/log(2));
int x = (int)pow(2, exp);
strategicpause / life.html
Created February 15, 2011 06:43
Conway's Game of Life in HTML5 Canvas
<script type="text/javascript">
// Author: Nick Peters
// Date: 02/14/11
// Based on
// Demo at
var WIDTH = 100;
var HEIGHT = 100;
var state = new Array(WIDTH);